Published Oct 1, 2009
Good morning! May I ask you all a question?
If you had it to do over again, would you still be a nurse?
jessiern, BSN, RN
611 Posts
Pharm seems popular. I was thinking OT or PT myself. Some days I think Park Ranger
My husband is a PT director at a small hospital. Both PT and OT are very much in demand now. The OT he worked with moved over a year ago, and he is still trying to fill the position.
Through him, I have known quite a few PT and PTA's, and never met one that didn't love their job. PTA is my next career choice, I believe.
551 Posts
Yes - but I'd also have had more money so I could go straight for RN
cardiacmadeline, RN
262 Posts
I probably would have still gone into nursing, I really do like what I do (most days anyways). But if I was able to start all over, I would probably give pharmacy school a little more thought.
14 Posts
I will be starting nursing school next year. This will be my second career. I was all excited about it. But reading at all the negative posts on this website and looking at how nurses are paid, I am having second thoughts. Maybe it is not the best career move...
Lacie, BSN, RN
1,037 Posts
Sorry to say but after 30 years - NO! Nope! Nadda! Employers for nursing has gone to the dogs and if I had it to do over No way!
Spritenurse1210, BSN, RN
777 Posts
Good morning! May I ask you all a question?If you had it to do over again, would you still be a nurse?
Yes. Even though the job is extremely demanding, I am definitely not the desk jockey type and wouldn't be happy in any other line of work.
mustlovepoodles, RN
1,041 Posts
Some days I think Park Ranger
No kidding, my dream is to be a Park Ranger. In my perfect world, I would be stationed at Yellowstone or Grand Tetons National Park. Or Olympic National Park. when my 16yo daughter graduates HS, we may move out to West Yellowstone for the summer. Lots of retirees work there part time in the little town doing retail, tours, nails(a hot commodity, believe it or not!), waiting tables, working in the grocery or hotels. They move in around the end of May and move out the middle to end of September.
My motto is, have RV will travel--to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, the Alamo, Zion, Bryce....ahhhh....:loveya:
37 Posts
I think the pharm is funny. I have a few friends with the PharmD and they are miserable. Tired of being screamed at all day by angry people over insurance issues. Tired of making no difference. All a matter of perspective I guess....they all swear when their loans are paid off they will do something -- anything -- else....
120 Posts
What a downer of a thread (for the most part)...I came here for inspiration as a first semester student and should not have read that! With all due respect, I'm wondering why you all congregate on this site if you dislike the field so much? Wouldn't you want to talk about something else?
40 Posts
This is what I am good at and I want to do it the rest of my life. I truely feel like it is my gift. Some people can draw, some people can create beautiful music, Me? I am a nurse.
Well said! I never thought my "gift" was nursing but I think this describes me as well. I used to describe myself as a caring and compassiate person without any talets or gifts. But now I will say my gift is being a nurse.
I :redbeathe my job. There are of course days that I am exhausted and wonder did I do this right, or I should have done this instead and wonder if its worth it all . But yes I can it is. It is who I am. I know its worth it all when I can hold my patients hand while they are crying and comfort them to let them know I care and they are not alone. And when my patients thank me and tell me I am a good nurse, well that just reaffirms I am in the right place doing the right job. I just pray that God uses me and I can be a blessing for someone else even if its for a moment.
Thanks to all the nurses.
Please don't let this thread discourage you. Many nurses do love their job. But no its not for everyone. Real nursing is so different from school. And to add my 2 cents about why do people come to this and talk about nursing. Well just like in my last reply I do love nursing. But I personally come here to read about what its like for other nurses. It lets me know that on those hard and tough days when I feel stupid or why do I do this that there are other people who feel the same way. Then I read stories or threads that inspire me and remind again that there are good nurses that care and they make you want to be a better nurse. And sometimes this is a good place to vent or get feedback from other nurses. I have found this site to be a wonderful tool. It answers questions that Ive had or it brings attention to things I haven't thought off. But again please don't get discouraged about nursing. It is such a wonderful field to work in and there are SO MANY facets that you work in. Good Luck in nursing school.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
I would still be a nurse.
I would, however, probably just stick with neonates and kids. I have finally realized that the adult population really, really, really grosses me out.