Published Oct 1, 2009
I love the OR
19 Posts
Good morning! May I ask you all a question?
If you had it to do over again, would you still be a nurse?
383 Posts
Yes, but, I would go straight for the BSN.
JB2007, ASN, RN
554 Posts
Most days yes I would still become a nurse. I would have gone to school when I was younger and I would have made some different decisions regarding my career.
251 Posts
Honestly? Probably not. I would've gone to pharmacy school and would be finishing about now.
wonderbee, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,212 Posts
Yes but as stated by an earlier poster, I would have done it earlier with more education and higher credentials... possibly nurse practitioner or CRNA.
Or a cop. Anyone watch Police Women of Broward County? I REALLY want to chase someone and tase them... =D
marilynmom, LPN, NP
2,155 Posts
Probably not.
BUT, I so have a good, laid back, stress free (for the most part) job that I am VERY lucky to have. So for those reason, yes I'm glad I'm an RN. I am REALLY glad I went straight for my BSN (wouldn't have this job without it!) and the next job I'm planning requires a BSN as well.
Most nursing jobs are horrible (btdt, wont go back). I would have gone to pharmacy school probably if I had to do it over again. But I'm very thankful for the wonderful job I have now.
My husband is a public school teacher, he has a GREAT schedule and his pay isn't too bad (about the same as what new grad RNs make here). That is another career I wish I would have considered.
I don't think that most nursing jobs are horrible. I feel, there is just too much piled upon on that does not have to do with our "primary responsibility", patient care and advocacy. I feel disrespected most days and not valued for my education, experience and expertise.
And the great thing about our profession, IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU ARE DOING TODAY...YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ELSE TOMORROW! well, sort of.
Thank you for your input.
171 Posts
Well Im not a nurse, I don't have any medical education, I was reading this post, I found a little helpful. I'm considering nursing-starting out as a CNA and move up to LPN. Before this decision I was always changing my mind about what I should go for- But the health care system will always be around so I think its a great profession to get into. I thought about Elementary Teaching, but some schools in my area have shut down, and now there's teachers out of work...
Go for it lina.561 WE NEED YOU.
113 Posts
I work in LTC with a mix of Rehab and Hospice.
I love what I do, but I could not imagine doing this full time. Even though I gripe about the heavy med pass and paperwork, it's never about the resident but often times their families that makes the job difficult.
I can best describe a bad day as feeling like a piece of meat being thrown to a room crowded with a bunch of hungry dogs.
There is always the end of the tunnel, and I remind myself with a sticky note: "This too, will pass." This job can sometimes make you feel alone
and kudos to this site where we all can read many shared experiences- " hey, I'm not alone afterall!"