Worst potential employer experience ever!!!! Was it ok to call HR and say no thanks?

Nurses General Nursing


I have been on the market for a few jobs. Interesting enough I have managed to nail a few interviews with a couple of reputible sources. One I never heard of. I was encouraged to go for the interview at the unheard one. A local IPA.

I was sent and very long application by a harsh sounding young lady on the phone. I filled out the application and went today to a rather nice looking building. I arrived on time. Went to a door that was a "security door" meaning you had to be buzzed in, weird, unsettling, it's a nice area!!

I arrived to the front desk, asked for the gal who was harsh on the phone. Well, she walked up and said to me. "I don't have time to help her, I am busy doing something else for Suzie.. I will take her back to start her typing and 10 keypunch test... she can sit there until they are ready forher! I piped in excuse me? I hope I won't have to wait too long.

I was taken back to a shoddy room, full of 10+ year old computers, holes in the carpet, boxes of files everywhere, and unhappy, rude people who stared at me as I walked by.

I was set up at a computer that was dirty and older than anything i have ever seen. I logged on and was tested on a 10 key punch test. After my second entry, I took my things and walked OUT!

I called HR and explained I was not wishing to meet with them or the medical director of this IPA. They asked why and I told them. I explained I wad treated rudly by "Ivy" at the front door, walked through a room of miserable looking staff, no smiles. or hellos. I stated I am not interested if this is the impression you wish your IPA to portray to new hires.

I was so mad.... grant it, I know how hard it is to find a case manager, an RN with many years experience. You think they'd try better. Horrible.

Was it ok to let HR know why I was cancelling my appt and why I walked OUT?

Absolutely. A key punch test? For realz? Nah, get gone and let them know why.

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.

Good for you. Go with your gut. And kudos for letting them know what put you off.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

Sure, it is a good impression of how they will treat you.

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

I actually had to google "10 key punch test" - had NO idea what it was! :o

- R

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele/SNF-LTC/Supervisory.

Absolutely not.. You're probably the first person who's had the guts to tell them. Let's just hope the act on that bit of feedback and change things around there.. or it's gonna continue to be a miserable environment.

why was there a 10 key anything? I'm in big trouble if I get that test, for nursing?

Am I the only one that thinks that was unnecessary? You didn't have to be rude. You could have excused yourself politely if you felt it was a waste of your time.

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.
Am I the only one that thinks that was unnecessary? You didn't have to be rude. You could have excused yourself politely if you felt it was a waste of your time.

No; I quite agree with you. Hopefully the OP never has a bad day and is always golden.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Your reaction seems pretty over the top to me. They were rude and you didn't like it, yet you met them on their level. It is hard to point out someone else's flaws when you make the same ones. The condition and age of their equipment may have been a disappointment, but making it a deal breaker and something to get indignant about baffles me. And I have never once been to an interview where the employees greeted me as I walked through the facility. Once I started the position, then they were interested in me. Too many people get interviewed, especially in today's job climate, for them to start working on welcoming and bonding with every one of them who comes through. Not to mention it sounds like they were having a pretty busy day.

The 10 key thing is weird and I would have been wondering if they thought I was interviewing for a clerical position. It may be a basic aptitude test, it may have been a way to keep you busy while they tried to find time to deal with you.

Sorry it didn't work out how you liked. I think it was perfectly fine to leave and to decline the position. I think you were over the top in your indignance. A professional "This just isn't a good fit for me, but thank you for the opportunity" would suffice.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

I don't think you over-reacted at all. It would have been a waste of your time and theirs to proceed with the interview. And HR should know what's going on in the interview processs.

I might have handled it differently, in that I would have finished the "test'. But I do not think you were over reacting in reporting the rude behavior.

I do not expect to have eveyone greet me when I am on an interview but I also do not expect frowns and a general over all uneasy feeling of rudeness.

I have been on a few interviews and on a few of them was greeted by the staff with smiles and many who asked me questions. Granted this was in a doctors office so I am not sure if that was the difference.

The equipment being out dated would not have bothered me but the rude greeting and over all indifference to you having a meeting is what would have gotten under my skin.

I think you did the correct thing in reporting this. I am not sure what happened to customer service and why it seems acceptable to not treat each other with the decency of at least a smile.

Good luck on your job search I hope you find the correct fit.

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