Published Nov 29, 2012
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Who loves to work the holidays? Why? Is it for the extra money? Time away from the family? You love helping others? Share your story.
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xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
They extra cash is nice and so is escaping the family. Plus I don't have any children yet, so I don't mind working so those with can spend time with their kiddos.
Psychtrish39, BSN, RN
290 Posts
I enjoy working the holidays for the extra money of course but when I was a new nurse I had just went through a divorce and my ex had my kids that year at Christmas. I would have had a miserable day if I had been home alone so I worked it and I found that we had a little Christmas dinner in the break room on the unit and it made a sad day for me that year more bearable. My children at the time were almost 18 and now they are all out on their own and sometimes I take it off but sometimes I work it so other coworkers can have time with their little ones... and that cartoon is also true if you arent with your family of origin hehe there can not be any drama.
470 Posts
Over many decades, i have many stories. One of my favorite stories, which very well might make professional nurses here just cringe,
one time, the first christmas after their father was gone (always hard time for kids)
i had to work dayshift christmas. I had no family in the area at all, and my best pals were all going out of town that day, or, working on my unit with me. (telemetry unit)
I brought my kids with me. they were aged 8 and 12 years old.
I know, i know, it sounds dreadful, but, that floor had lovely and large sunroom down at end of hall, with a tree in it, and my kids really hadn't been to my unit much, and were very mature, polite, well behaved kids.
I got there early, set them up in the sunroom, with some arts and crafts projects, some treats, etc. The census was way way down that day, too, not a hectic shift at all, luckily for us all.
The patients loved having some kids there in the sunroom,
and the staff of all types, from hsousekkeping to the doctors,
were all very very kind to my kids, and my kids got fawned over all day long, and had a good time, as boring as it sounds. They made cards for many of the patients that wandered in to feel some christmas holiday feel in that room,
and on request, sang a carol for a lonely old guy who had zero visitors that day. He asked them to sing "Silent Night ". Their soft, sweet lil voices sounded really lovely and very christmas-y.
At lunch break, the cafeteria did what they could to make the room festive, served everyone dinner free, and had some decor and tablecloths and music, etc. Seemed very nice to us.
This would not work for every unit, nor every supervisor, but, it worked that one time. (long time ago, too) It was an odd holiday, yes it was, but, i did the best i could, and it was very memorable, my now adult kids still remember the christmas they spent in a hospital.
gonzo1, ASN, RN
1,739 Posts
That is so sweet Jean Marie. I bet you are a great mom and a great nurse
96 Posts
I am not a fan of huge crowds (which are everywhere this time of year) so I have no problem telling the family I "have" to work when they plan to go out to the mall or downtown [seattle] anywhere. Also I have noticed the crowds are either getting more hostile or I am getting more sensistive(?) so for my sanity it's better I work :) For some reason I don't mind business and crazy at work.
I have a 3 year old boy so everyday I come to work to "relax". He is the reason that the word tornado exists!
imintrouble, BSN, RN
2,406 Posts
As my mind sometimes does, I've wondered a bit off topic while reading the posts.
I'm The days when I awakened at 0400 on christmas morning to whispers and gigles from my children are long gone. I miss those days more than I can say. I cannot imagine not having those memories in my head.
Having said that, just because I don't have little ones in my house does not mean I should be expected to give up my Christman morning, Halloween, or any other holiday that centers around children. The nurses with little children, expect those of us without, to give up those days as if what we may have planned is secondary to what they have planned. I'm sure it is to them.
I'm expected to give up my New Years Eve, because God knows I'm too old to party.
Does anybody but me resent the unspoken assumption that youth trumps age in matters of family?
BrandonLPN, LPN
3,358 Posts
I play the "nurse with crazy hours" card to get out of tedious family functions all the time.
"What? Cousin Alice's wedding is *next* weekend? Sorry I'm doing two doubles...." I say to my mom, even though it's my weekend off and I'm going to the casino with the guys. Nobody can possibly predict your work schedule. One of the perks of being a nurse :)
58 Posts
It's hard to make some people realize that you might not be able to spend Christmas with them, but you are more than willing to have an early or later Christmas. After all, it's not the DAY that you celebrate it on that's important, it's WHO you celebrate with that matters, right?
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
This was me when I was a hospital nurse. I always worked Thanksgiving and some part of Christmas that way I only had to spend 1 of the 3 days with my family. The best was the time I worked Christmas Eve night so I could sneak out of Christmas early because I was "tired". Now I work a normal schedule that involves no holidays. 10 minutes into Thanksgiving, I was thinking "now I remember why I always signed up to work today..."
3,445 Posts
I worked Thanksgiving, had no problem whatsoever doing so. It was a good way to get out of any gatherings that day. Then people ask me after the weekend how my Thanksgiving was, and my response was "Thanksgiving did not exist for me this year" and I tell them why, and then they look at me all pained-faced feeling sorry for me and I am like "What? I'm not bummed about that at all."
I'd be happy to work Thanksgiving every year if I could, it's one of those holidays I could take or leave. I don't have to be thankful for what I have in front of a huge turkey (which I admit I don't even like that much). Perhaps I can celebrate Thanksgiving in Oct like the Canadians do, because it'd be a hell of a lot easier to get that day off (which is incidentally Columbus Day here in the USA).
I do however have Christmas and New Years Eve off, but I am looking forward to those more than I did Thanksgiving.
55 Posts
Yes!!! If a co-worker wants to work a Holiday they can trade, but to have a schedule "fit" the single childless nurses in to give time off for "family" is just wrong. I had a "family" when I was single and still have one now that my child is grown. The schedule should be equal over time for Holidays.
I see the humor in the cartoon, but having lost so many love ones (some on Holidays, such as Christmas) I cherish those special moments of stress and can now take comfort in them.