Published Aug 30, 2016
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Okay I'll start and in no particular order:
Jules A - have learned a lot about psych from this poster. Never considered touching or not touching a psych patient - found that to be an interesting thread.
Juan de la cruz - another APRN who sounds like they have a very cool job - would love to shadow them for a day, week, month. One of my favorite articles (and where I learned a lot too) was about PTSD in ICU Survivors
BostonFNP, Siri, Guttercat, and host of others.
So - share with us - which AN poster would you like to shadow because you think they have an interesting job?
2,107 Posts
MunoRN. But that's mostly because of the ginormous knowledge base and elevated snark factor.
Farawyn, 'cause she's Farawyn.
AcuteHD, he seems to know scads and have a good sense of humor.
I guess I would rather shadow the person rather than the job!
12,646 Posts
ICUMan, 'cause he's a new nurse and I think his enthusiasm would be great to watch.
toomuchbaloney, 'cause he's awesome, and Alaska.
DaveyDo, just to see how many people he pisses off.
meanmaryjean, COB!!!
Jensmom7, 'cause she loves her job so much, and I think she's an amazing woman.
MunoRN. But that's mostly because of the ginormous knowledge base and elevated snark factor.Farawyn, 'cause she's Farawyn.AcuteHD, he seems to know scads and have a good sense of humor.I guess I would rather shadow the person rather than the job!
I like your list, too. Is Acute still around?
I'm bumping this because I think it is a great topic.
Anyone else?
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
Can't remember her name, but the one who's always saying she makes six figures and works from home in her pajamas. :)
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Thanks, traumaRUs. I've never had the opportunity to work with a CNS and would love to follow you as well. Not only are you very intelligent, you are amazingly energetic and see so many patients in a day's time. And, agree with you about JulesA, Juan de la cruz and BostonFNP.
I find wtbcrna, a CRNA, to be a wealth of knowledge and would enjoy picking his brain.
zenman, a PMHNP, is very talented with a sharp wit. Psych is definitely not my forte and I think he could teach me so much in a short period time. And, a very polite and down-to-earth poster is core0. I really enjoy reading his valuable input regarding the PA. I am certain we do much of the same type of work and would love to shadow him.
Like traumaRUs, there are others I, too, find interesting and I think I know that how they conduct themselves at AN are how they are in real life. I could learn so much just listening to them ...
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I want to do prehospital nursing with traumaRUs! :)
486 Posts
Ruby because at one time I wanted to do ICU but other things came up and I went a different direction. I just think we'd get along if I shadowed her.
DaveyDo. He does psych. if I'm not mistaken and that interests me. I like how he comes off. He seems to "shot from the hip" in a genuine way. He says whats on his mind, his responses don't seem pre-fab to me.
Beentheredonethat as well just because I'm so interested in what she does. I recall her explaining that she triages in a way. I want to know more.
Anyone who has done camp nursing, IDK any off the top of my head. I'd love to shadow someone and see what it's really like.
AN Mods/admin. I often wonder how frustrating us AN members can become. I want to track how many times per hour they roll their eyes lol. Then I'll compare notes on who does it most.
262 Posts
Me Gavin513 obviously. Because my day job is actually as asecretly rich dark streaked complex with a bat fetish. I spend my days catching criminals with new interesting non-lethal technology, but I always make sure to pummel the bad guys with my fists for good measure despite going to incredible lengths not to actually ever kill them. After all my biographies are worth millions to Hollywood, and are far less dramatic without reoccurring antagonists.
Honestly I only moonlight as a CNA, and the line I attend classes in the daylight to obtain my BSN is only a cover story to protect my secret alternate personal.
I really don't think there has ever been some one like me in either truth, or fiction.
Riddle me this says one of my most annoyingly ironic rivals was this to over the top?
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
The Commuter... not because of her job, just because she seems cool. :)
Spidey's Mom, and Viva Las Viejas, have both given me good advice in the past, so
I'd hang out with them. :)
Anyone who does travel nursing and works in Hawaii... I'll hang out with you. :)