What are the worst call in excuses you've heard?

Nurses General Nursing


I've heard some doozies for call INS to work. 1. Dog having puppies 2. I'm having a miscarriage when I could hear a party in the background 3. I'm tired 4. I worked yesterday 5. Out of gas 6. I'm going out of town

just to name a few

what excuses have you heard for someone to use to not come to work

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTAC, Critical Care.

I used to work with some people who would call in a lot. I myself only worked 1 or 2 nights a week at the time (nursing school).One night, I was on my way to work when all of a sudden, a non-English speaking teenager who didn't realize that stop signs in Texas say "STOP" instead of "ALTO" pulled out in front of me, resulting in the total destruction of my 1st car:crying2:. Everyone was ok though. I called in at 1800 (I was supposed to take report at 1830). When I came to work the next week my co-workers didn't believe me until I showed pics of my totaled car.:lol2:

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i feel a migraine coming on - this was a call at 3 pm for a 7 am shift... cripes... take some Imitrex and get on with it!

I had a co-worker who had called in due to the amount of snow. I would have felt sympathy until I discovered she lived across the street from the nursing home and always walked. Not to mention the folks from "out in the woods" making it in that morning.

Call me a chauvinist but I just snicker madly when these newly pregnant moms call in with morning sickness within a week of finding out they are pregnant, but I'll give you ladies a laugh at my expense, an ER doc took me out of work for a few days for a case of epididymitis. Only thing I came up with that could have brought it on was urine reflux related to lifting while my bladder was full.

I had a co-worker who had called in due to the amount of snow. I would have felt sympathy until I discovered she lived across the street from the nursing home and always walked. Not to mention the folks from "out in the woods" making it in that morning.

Call me a chauvinist but I just snicker madly when these newly pregnant moms call in with morning sickness within a week of finding out they are pregnant, but I'll give you ladies a laugh at my expense, an ER doc took me out of work for a few days for a case of epididymitis. Only thing I came up with that could have brought it on was urine reflux related to lifting while my bladder was full.

Actually, the nausea thing isn't that unusual. When I was pregnant with my first one, I found out when I was about 5 weeks or so. I remember saying very excitedly that this was so cool because I had no morning sickness at all. About one week later - bam! It hit and it hit hard.

Specializes in MDS/ UR.

I always keep them simple and to the point. If it is not an illness, I will say it's a personal issue I must address. If they want to argue, I don't engage.

i feel a migraine coming on - this was a call at 3 pm for a 7 am shift... cripes... take some Imitrex and get on with it!

I gotta support the migraine excuse. I know its early to call in, but mine would last for at least 24 hours. And not everyone can take imitrex. :) Of course 99% I still went to work. :twocents:

Worse case I heard...I have homework.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
i feel a migraine coming on - this was a call at 3 pm for a 7 am shift... cripes... take some Imitrex and get on with it!

Actually, this would be valid for some. My migraines actually mimic strokes- I've been put on stroke protocol in the ER before they were able to definitively rule it out (at only 18! the first time). I'm then out of commission for 5 days to a full week. Believe me, if I feel one of those coming on, I'm calling off. Imitrex does not work for me. Neither do any other drugs available in PO form as they usually come right back up.

I can't find my shoes.

While I despise people who fake a family death as an excuse, I lost 6 close family members in a year when I was 17. Two grandparents, 3 aunts, 1 uncle. It happens. But I had to show proof my school; why wouldn't an employer require the same?

I can't find my shoes.

One time I called and said I was going to be late because I couldn't find my keys. Turns out I left them hanging in the door when I came home from a particularly grueling shift in the morning.

Luckily I found them and made it on time. :)

I always keep them simple and to the point. If it is not an illness, I will say it's a personal issue I must address. If they want to argue, I don't engage.

It has been my understanding, and I'm sure this varies from state to state, that an employer cannot legally ask you why you are calling out.

I have no source to back that up with, though. Just something I've always heard.

Specializes in Psych.

"I would love to call out with "anal glaucoma" That's when you just can't see your behind going to work.However-I believe in Karma and I have found that if I call in sick and really am not then I soon get that way...."

:rotfl: That was funny!!!!

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