What does your username mean?

Nurses Humor


Let's do something fun! Everybody on allnurses.com has a very interesting and unique username. What is the back story of your username? Mine is just like it states, "Life's a Journey!"

Specializes in PACU, OR.

GH indicates where I live, Good Hope, as in Cape of Good Hope. Goonette refers to a bunch of nutcases who had perhaps a bit too much influence on my developing mind....

The Goon Show Site - Goons Downloads, Pictures, Episodes, Scripts and More

And if you need any more proof that they were certifiable...


I'm a veterinary technician. Not only am I covered in hair all the time, I'm "Fuzzy" in other areas also. Like when the client was picking the nipples off of her male dogs thinking that they were ticks.



How on Earth....:confused:

Mine comes from a line in a poem by the Irish poet WB Yeats.

Specializes in Med-Surg., home health, PACU, ICU, etc..

In Home Health, I was often described as "frantic", because I was also doing case management. Also, although I have a high level of compassion, my tolerance for 'stupid human tricks' sometimes is limited; this is especially the case when it affects my family and my patients.

The adjective stuck, and because my friends and family frequently ask for advice on a variety of topics, I'm always going in many different directions in a short period of time. The care-giving is an ongoing aspect of my life.

mine is the first 4 letters of my first and last name. my friends like to tease me and say that it's my gangsta name:)

[color=sienna]my name is quite simple, it's what i see when i look around our computer room!

Specializes in Psychiatric, Home Health, Geriatrics.

I chose mine because I am owned by a potbellied pig. Since I never had any children, he IS my son. ;-)

renge====cause and effect

just added the #1 as extra

Specializes in med/surg and dialysis.

I've carried my screen name ChattyLill for many years, this is pretty self explanatory as I am Chatty and my name is Lillie. It was not until this past May that I was able to add the RN. :yeah::nurse:

My name is is for my son. His name is Major and he is my only child, so therefore my name is Major1. This is a password I use quite often also, so it was chosen because of the ease of remembrance.

I start first semester of RN school in 2 weeks so I need to save my brain cells for remembering everything else instead of a complicated user name!

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Mine is most unimaginative...

My name is Don, but I'm called Donster. And I'm an RN.

Pathetic, yes?

Specializes in MS, LTC, Post Op.

My previous allnurses username was Shannon77 meaning well...my name is Shannon and I was born in 1977.

But I changed it when I got my board results...so ShannonRN2010 means I became an RN in 2010! lol

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