Published Jul 7, 2004
31 Posts
What does power mean to you?
For some, power is simply the opportunity to be rude, condescending, and without manners to others without the fear of reprocussions. Some just can't wait to get their chance to treat others as if they don't matter. To them, that is power.
I wear nurses scrubs and a stethescope now instead of an aids scrubs and now the housekeepers call me, "sir." I never asked them to, they just started doing it, and it makes me sick. I never wanted to be above anyone; I just got sick and tired of being ignored by everyone.
I want as much power as God, but I refuse to believe that such power is demonstrated by treating others as if they don't matter. If that's all power is, I'd rather not have it.
So what is power? And how do we get it in the full dose?
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
I think you have power confused with respect.
627 Posts
I figure at work it's a team effort...mostly everyone knows what they're supposed to do and if someone doesn't, or their priorities are skewed (or if they are new), then I get to redirect and maybe do a little teaching. Just like there's someone who redirects ME if I mess up...and someone who redirects MY redirector...and so on, all the way up to the Divine Redirector. :)
Power? Nah, that's what I get when I flip the switch and the lights come on (and in this city, even that's a crapshoot if it's been raining a lot).
Mutual respect is a wonderful thing and makes for a tremendous workplace.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Power is found in a good golf swing
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I agree with Gwenith - power is respect. Its important that there is mutual respect in the workplace.
229 Posts
Knowledge is power...How and when you use it is up to you.
"It is not important where you learned it, but rather what you know" -EC 2003
20,964 Posts
Power can easily be taken---sometimes wrongfully--- through arrogance, bullying or dishonesty. Sometimes, power is assumed rightfully, for righteous reasons. Either way, one can TAKE it.
But RESPECT, now that, my friend, is EARNED and never TAKEN. Certainly, what one wears, either as clothing or initials behind his/her name, does not garner true respect for that person. THAT still must be EARNED.
nightingale, RN
2,404 Posts
I figure at work it's a team effort...mostly everyone knows what they're supposed to do and if someone doesn't, or their priorities are skewed (or if they are new), then I get to redirect and maybe do a little teaching. Just like there's someone who redirects ME if I mess up...and someone who redirects MY redirector...and so on, all the way up to the Divine Redirector. :) Power? Nah, that's what I get when I flip the switch and the lights come on (and in this city, even that's a crapshoot if it's been raining a lot).Mutual respect is a wonderful thing and makes for a tremendous workplace.
I totally agree! Also, knowledge is power. I love how knowledge that I gain makes me a better "spoke" in the wheel of healthcare. I am happiest when I work within a team for the greater good of my pt. care.
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
Respect given and respect returned, dear Sir, is the meaning of power.
738 Posts
Real power is the ability to change things and people through personal example. The use of power for personal gain is bullying.
If the housekeepers call you 'sir' then you could address them as "sir" or 'miss' or whatever in return. This shows mutual respect and that is where real power comes from IMO.
Actually, these are the people that show how powerless they really.
257 Posts
What does power mean to you?So what is power? And how do we get it in the full dose?
Power, in human relations, is the ability to make someone follow your will. So if someone makes you feel bad by calling you bad names, they are exerting their power over you because they are exerting their ability to make you feel bad.
Abuse of power, what I learned about in my CNA book, is when person A makes person B follow his own will against person's B's will.
Respect between two people is shared power. Either person can choose to stop respecting the other person and thus take away the other person's power(ie. ability to exert influence).
I don't believe you can get power "in the full dose" because it is impossible to get absolutley everyone to follow you and do as you wish.
Im a power-maniac and would rather have ABSOLUTE POWER! over the whole world but since this is a democracy and a country where people happen to be considered equal, ah, i guess i'll settle for respect from my peers...(kidding... sort of)
I believe in the power of the graphite over the steel shafts