What offends you (nursing related)?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. What offends you the most?

    • Anti-vaxxers
    • This post
    • My face
    • 0
      Nursing students
    • 0
      Nursing professors
    • Exam cheaters
    • People who get offended easily

81 members have participated

Discuss what offends you the most and why it offends you.

Here's a quick poll;

I am soooo not trendy. Still can't wrap my head around "craft beer".

I didn't understand beer until I had chocolate stout. Egad.

What offends me is the patient who answered his phone while I was trying to assess & give meds, then apologized to the person on the line when I "interrupted" him.

This happened to me during clinical last week! I mean, I know I'm a student, but come on.

Specializes in Hospice.
Yes, they should definitely change the way they work to cope with the needs of severely disabled people, I don't find that at all unreasonable. I wasn't suggesting doing it for everyone, maybe reserve the tough love for the irresponsible and tardy able-bodied and minded?

And you can cry me a whole ocean about how hard it is to cope with one late person. I'd still prefer to stay a bit late than to expect severely disabled people to attend bang on time with no quarter given. Or to be that disabled person. My primary priority would be to try to organise a system which doesn't collapse when one person is 10 minutes late.

I also wasn't saying everyone should take no responsibility. I just think there should be a little flexibility. Compassion. Humanity. I don't think many severely disabled people take "no responsibility" for getting to appointments on time. Maybe some do, you could always have a sharp word with those people if you felt that was an appropriate response.

And to be fair you can usually bump someone ahead so that work flow stays on task. Most people with true "severe disabilities " are coded for extended office visits..... But if we know them well it helps . I honestly stay after work more often for the healthy 20 year old that shows up even later than 10 minutes.... It's life.

Edit: I take it multiquote keeps items highlighed for all eternity unless you go back and uncheck them? I'm still learning site logistics.

You said "I don't know whether to be concerned or not, since I haven't done any research on how grades correlate on how good a nurse you're going to be. What do you think?" on "Why can't we all just get along?" That's not a comment disparaging competition, that's a dare for someone to say you can stratify nursing competence based on grades. Regarding that title question, it's because you are posing questions that have been beaten to death and are entirely non-constructive. People are criticizing your actual topics.

I will repeat once more that your business is only an idea at this point. My purpose in saying that is that you do not have any practical, hands-on experience with the reality of making a business work. I hope you learn and succeed, but at this point if you paint yourself as a successful business owner when it's not even off the ground, you're misrepresenting. Your knowledge of adult life and nursing seem to be entirely theoretical at this point.

I hope you grow into it. I hope you succeed. But I'm really tired of reading your tart, divisive, feigned-innocence posts and as I expected, I don't think you're truly receptive to constructive criticism right now.

Over & out.


It was absolutely not a dare. It was a legitimate question, and I haven't found any studies on it so I wanted to hear opinions. Did you really take the time to find that quote and interpret in that way? Why does that upset you so much?

First of all, I have my business license, I have the grant, I have my business plan, I have my office, I am already managing and starting my marketing, accounting, payroll, insurance, etc. You know that starting up a business is HARDER than running the actual business once it is established? You can say it's just an idea all you want, but at this point, the government and my potential employees don't think so. I don't think I need your advice, considering you have less experience in this division than me.

Do you really care that much about me not receiving constructive criticism and do you care about my well-being? Or are you just upset that I'm not listening to you? Probably the latter, and that's why I choose not to listen.

Over and out.

:::curtsies::: :sarcastic:

Just because I backed you into a corner on another post, you're going to follow my posts and back others up who disagree with me? That's kind of sad.

We have corners here? Are they mitered?

I feel like I should now make it my mission to take you on a microbrew pub crawl. í*¼í½»

We WILL find at least one that you like!

Love the beer. Hate the name. I'm old school. Prefer "local beer".

We have corners here? Are they mitered?

I would certainly hope so. Otherwise, that would just be poor craftsmanship.

Love the beer. Hate the name. I'm old school. Prefer "local beer".

Oh. Well that's perfectly acceptable I suppose.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

AH nah too lazy here. My corners are, shall we say, fluid.

We have corners here? Are they mitered?

Nurses who think they are superior just because they can perform certain skills.

Case in point-I work Pdn.

Many of the clients have an IV,and my agency prohibits us from touching them.

Why? I do not know. We just deal with the vents,trachs,and feeding tubes.

In any event,nurses from another home care company(not Pdn) usually change the IV dressing and order supplies.

She thinks that the Pdn nurses should be changing the dressings,becuase she always says when i am there"I do not understand why the agency is wasting my time when there are nurses here already".

Yall must be lazy,its only a dressing.

Specializes in long term care Alzheimers Patients.
Where has NOADLS been?

I was wondering the same thing lol

Specializes in ICU.
Sounds as bad as "murse."

I also came up with "male tail" on my own one day in reference to a man with a ponytail. Probably not the first person to think of that but I was pretty amused with myself at the time lol.

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