What offends you (nursing related)?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. What offends you the most?

    • Anti-vaxxers
    • This post
    • My face
    • 0
      Nursing students
    • 0
      Nursing professors
    • Exam cheaters
    • People who get offended easily

81 members have participated

Discuss what offends you the most and why it offends you.

Here's a quick poll;

Specializes in ICU.

And because I've posted off-topic, let me contribute on topic content...

People who consistently show up late to report. And THEN piddle paddle around while you're sitting there waiting on them to get it together.

Ok.. when someone runs into you and instead of saying "I'm sorry".. they say "My Bad" and keep on going... :banghead:

Specializes in Emergency.

When a pt or family member says "oh, it's just the nurse". Brings my inner jules winnifield to the surface.

Specializes in CVICU CCRN.

Patients who think they have carte blanche to scream, curse, stomp their feet, throw things,and generally tantrum, as well as threaten to assault staff, when they don't get their way. (Young, alert, oriented....and heinously inappropriate. Likely untreated/undiagnosed psych issues but I flat ran out of empathy.)

Move on already. If you don't want care, why run up a huge hospital bill? Must be great to have a "captive" audience for your histrionics when you have alienated everyone else in your life. There are actual sick people waiting in line downstairs who *want* our help and who would do anything to get well.

People who shriek and wail when having their blood pressure taken. [emoji58]

Handoff reports that are so incredibly incorrect that hours must be spent learning the truth the hard way.

To end on a positive note (even though this is a vent thread) I have the best, most supportive, most genuinely motivating boss in the world... And I love when I've got to call a new surgeon in the middle of the night (6 times, no less) and he is unflappably kind, calm, and helpful. Motivating and inspiring. And we need to clone him.

People who shriek and wail when having their blood pressure taken. [emoji58]

I had a patient recently who literally shrieked in agony when I pulled the tape off her skin while DC'ing her IV. She didn't have hair under the tape either. I wasn't expecting it, so she startled the crap out of me.

Specializes in CVICU CCRN.
I had a patient recently who literally shrieked in agony when I pulled the tape off her skin while DC'ing her IV. She didn't have hair under the tape either. I wasn't expecting it, so she startled the crap out of me.

I got the crap scared out of me recently too - while doing a finger stick blood sugar. 50ish developmentally appropriate man screamed like a banshee *just before* I fired the lancet. I'm sure the 6 ft I jumped 2/2 his scream really helped my technique (and his actual pain level).

Specializes in Pediatrics/Developmental Pediatrics/Research/psych.
We have corners here? Are they mitered?

Far, of course our corners are mitered, which is why we get stuck in them.

Specializes in Palliative, Onc, Med-Surg, Home Hospice.
And because I've posted off-topic, let me contribute on topic content...

People who consistently show up late to report. And THEN piddle paddle around while you're sitting there waiting on them to get it together.

Or how about those same people who always show up late for report but demand you clock in right at 0638/1838 so they can give you report to get out early.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.
People who don't say "thank you" when you hold the door for them.

People who hold the door for me when I'm like 20 feet away, so I have to run up to the door so that they're not waiting for me to take my time. Like, dude. I can open the door. Really. Just go.

Specializes in Emergency.

Being told what's what by folks who haven't done the job.

Being told what's what by folks who haven't done the job.


("This!!!" also annoys me, but here, it fits.)

The poll doesn't really address what is offensive to nursing. There isn't much that offends me after 31 years of nursing, but generally speaking, anything that minimizes the roll of nurses and their importance to health care is offensive to me. Oh yeah, when the girls on Deal Or No Deal are dressed like sexy nurses, with their boobs hanging out of short white dresses, nursing caps perched on their heads, I find that trivializing and offensive.

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