What offends you (nursing related)?

Nurses General Nursing


  1. What offends you the most?

    • Anti-vaxxers
    • This post
    • My face
    • 0
      Nursing students
    • 0
      Nursing professors
    • Exam cheaters
    • People who get offended easily

81 members have participated

Discuss what offends you the most and why it offends you.

Here's a quick poll;

When you talk about yourself, you talk up your business - which could be great, but right now is little more than a twinkle in your eye. You say everyone in real life is petty and jealous and skeptical of you, yet is begging you to hire them.

You make inflammatory statements and false dichotomies (old nurse vs new nurse, faculty vs students) and act surprised when people get irked. You've been wondering if grades correlate to success in nursing? Really? For the love of all that is holy, please don't start another thread on that.

You think the nurses on this forum are rude, and disregard everything they say that suggests maybe you have a lot to learn about life. I suspect they are members of a silent majority... I am commenting only because you believe they are the exception; I have seen the flippant way you respond to comments and usually prefer not to engage.

Other people are not responsible for "making you" feel defensive. If you run a business, you will have to deal with all types of people and all kinds of attitude. If you are only willing to deal respectfully with people who play along with what you want, you will find yourself without employees or clients.

Thank you for your insights. But I have to say, I definitely do not expect the people on AN to play along with my attitude, and would rather stay on topic and dismiss their nonconstructive criticisms. I dismiss them because I know they do not have good intentions for me, so I'd rather not waste my time.

And I believe it's a little more than a twinkle after receiving a grant worth thousands. I've learned that by "bragging" about what I am going to do, I find that I stick to it because I have the social obligation at this point.

You are right, they are not responsible for making me feel defensive. It really is a waste of time feeling this way.. I will definitely watch myself next time :) Thank you again!

**Also, what are you talking about with grades correlating with success?... Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying bad grades, because I get straight As.To sum that thread up, in case you misunderstood, I just said that unhealthy competition is a waste of time in nursing.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

this 1000%. ON point.

When you talk about yourself, you talk up your business - which could be great, but right now is little more than a twinkle in your eye. You say everyone in real life is petty and jealous and skeptical of you, yet is begging you to hire them.

You make inflammatory statements and false dichotomies (old nurse vs new nurse, faculty vs students) and act surprised when people get irked. You've been wondering if grades correlate to success in nursing? Really? For the love of all that is holy, please don't start another thread on that.

You think the nurses on this forum are rude, and disregard everything they say that suggests maybe you have a lot to learn about life. I suspect they are members of a silent majority... I am commenting only because you believe they are the exception; I have seen the flippant way you respond to comments and usually prefer not to engage.

Other people are not responsible for "making you" feel defensive. If you run a business, you will have to deal with all types of people and all kinds of attitude. If you are only willing to deal respectfully with people who play along with what you want, you will find yourself without employees or clients.

this 1000%. ON point.

Just because I backed you into a corner on another post, you're going to follow my posts and back others up who disagree with me? That's kind of sad.

Just because I backed you into a corner on another post, you're going to follow my posts and back others up who disagree with me? That's kind of sad.

Again, the same group of members reads the same threads that pop up on the new news feed. I promise we have better things to do than follow one specific member around all day. You're constantly creating new threads, and thus we will constantly be reading those new threads.

This post that I am currently typing has no relation to topics previously discussed in this thread. I'm just revealing why it may seem that members are stalking you when they really aren't.

Again, the same group of members reads the same threads that pop up on the new news feed. I promise we have better things to do than follow one specific member around all day. You're constantly creating new threads, and thus we will constantly be reading those new threads.

This post that I am currently typing has no relation to topics previously discussed in this thread. I'm just revealing why it may seem that members are stalking you when they really aren't.

That's alright with me. If you want to comment on my posts and expect me to not get offended, I will graciously reply and not get offended. However, I would not expect hypocrisy out of you or SmilingBluEyes when I reply back. Since these threads are "free for alls," as you like to put it.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Milesims, nobody backs me in a corner. I know when I am in an argument that can't be won. Especially when one is woefully unarmed. I was not backed into a corner. I moved on. I have been on this site, debating with many better than I.....since you were well, in preschool.

And now I am done answering you in any thread.

Good luck and godspeed.

Edit: I take it multiquote keeps items highlighed for all eternity unless you go back and uncheck them? I'm still learning site logistics.

Thank you for your insights. But I have to say, I definitely do not expect the people on AN to play along with my attitude, and would rather stay on topic and dismiss their nonconstructive criticisms. I dismiss them because I know they do not have good intentions for me, so I'd rather not waste my time.

And I believe it's a little more than a twinkle after receiving a grant worth thousands. I've learned that by "bragging" about what I am going to do, I find that I stick to it because I have the social obligation at this point.

You are right, they are not responsible for making me feel defensive. It really is a waste of time feeling this way.. I will definitely watch myself next time :) Thank you again!

**Also, what are you talking about with grades correlating with success?... Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying bad grades, because I get straight As.To sum that thread up, in case you misunderstood, I just said that unhealthy competition is a waste of time in nursing.

You said "I don't know whether to be concerned or not, since I haven't done any research on how grades correlate on how good a nurse you're going to be. What do you think?" on "Why can't we all just get along?" That's not a comment disparaging competition, that's a dare for someone to say you can stratify nursing competence based on grades. Regarding that title question, it's because you are posing questions that have been beaten to death and are entirely non-constructive. People are criticizing your actual topics.

I will repeat once more that your business is only an idea at this point. My purpose in saying that is that you do not have any practical, hands-on experience with the reality of making a business work. I hope you learn and succeed, but at this point if you paint yourself as a successful business owner when it's not even off the ground, you're misrepresenting. Your knowledge of adult life and nursing seem to be entirely theoretical at this point.

I hope you grow into it. I hope you succeed. But I'm really tired of reading your tart, divisive, feigned-innocence posts and as I expected, I don't think you're truly receptive to constructive criticism right now.

Over & out.


I am soooo not trendy. Still can't wrap my head around "craft beer".

I feel like I should now make it my mission to take you on a microbrew pub crawl. í ¼í½»

We WILL find at least one that you like!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

How about those who HAVE to tell you they "vape"?

Another trend I am seeing all the time.

How about those who HAVE to tell you they "vape"?

Another trend I am seeing all the time.

And who knows what's in that stuff! Although raspberry vape smells a heck of a lot better than menthol cigs!

But, but, according to this speaker my hospital dragged in from the Studor group, focusing on how nursing is a calling is one of the cures to burnout! (I'm so glad he pointed out that burnout is a problem with the individual and not a result of the system. I'm also not bitter.)


What offends me is the patient who answered his phone while I was trying to assess & give meds, then apologized to the person on the line when I "interrupted" him.

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