What I learned this week (6/27)...

Nurses General Nursing


1. Don't go to the hospital code blue during shift change.

2. Not all shaky benzo-wanting 36-year olds are actually benzo-abusers. (Still, pee in the damn cup.)

3. No all drunk chest pains are alcoholics. (Still, WAS scale.)

4. For now on, if a family member has my extension, I will turn it off and get a new one.

5. I have family members who think HIPAA doesn't count if they ask. (It's okay. I don't need a job.)

6. My coworkers value me!!! (Yearly review this week - not one person said a single negative thing!)

7. Apparently cocaine just isn't that interesting this week.

8. Hi, Davey Do!!!!

9. This place needs Esme.

10. If your vitamin D level is 13, you will be tired.

11. I'm still tired and my "what I learned" list sucks this week.

How about you?

I learned that I need to read A Prayer for Owen Meany again.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Trying to do 2 weeks worth of reading and tests in 3 days is impossible.

I want a magical study guide to passing nursing school. Oh wait, I guess I'm not supposed to call it that.

Check out the NCLEX forum. If you believe it will happen. Or you can post your email and get upset when the spam bots find it and send you emails on how to bail out the prince of cdykvsrjbewschyrfj instead of the secret to passing nursing school and the NCLEX.

No thanks. Me no likey NCLEX forum.

No thanks. Me no likey NCLEX forum.

That place makes me shake. 😳

I no likey it either.

I learned today that people are dumb enough to post a patient's driver's license on FB to try to find family. With DL number, full name, and DOB. Are they trying to make sure this guy's identity is stolen or what?!?

Specializes in CVICU CCRN.
I learned today that people are dumb enough to post a patient's driver's license on FB to try to find family. With DL number, full name, and DOB. Are they trying to make sure this guy's identity is stolen or what?!?

Da ^&*(%?!?!??? ������������

I learned that no matter how terrible the week has been at work, it puts a smile on my face when a chronically grumpy and crochety patient says out of the blue: "you know, you're a really good nurse."

I also learned that I need to transfer off of night shift. I love it, but I feel like the lack of sleep and social interaction are slowly killing me.

Da ^&*(%?!?!??? ������������

It's true! I had to report it to get it taken down. Poor guy is probably having his money stolen while he's laid up in the hospital.

I learned that new nurses just need a preceptor willing to let them fail or succeed on their own to be better than the previous preceptor reported them being. (having a child with the same personality as the new grad helps)

I learned that government waste is alive and well - from a patient who normally changes his urostomy bag and appliance every day because 'VA gives me enough to do that"

I learned that patients will and do really believe nurses won't know they're smoking in the bathroom just because they spray perfume around.

I learned that new nurses can be shocked by a patient's inability to realize their cholelithiasis is not a medical emergency and can become very upset and belligerent when told their surgery is not scheduled but is a work in.

I learned that it is possible to have 4 interviews for the same position and still not know if you're getting the job!

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.

I learned that BettyUK is truly truly nutters!

Hey, Ixchel, you made Facebook!! Way to go!

I've been home a lot this week: I learned my male cat loves my dog. My dog tolerates my male cat, but loves my female cat. My male cat loves my female cat, but not as much as he loves my dog. My female cat loves herself, tolerates the rest.


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