What I learned this week (6/27)...

Nurses General Nursing


1. Don't go to the hospital code blue during shift change.

2. Not all shaky benzo-wanting 36-year olds are actually benzo-abusers. (Still, pee in the damn cup.)

3. No all drunk chest pains are alcoholics. (Still, WAS scale.)

4. For now on, if a family member has my extension, I will turn it off and get a new one.

5. I have family members who think HIPAA doesn't count if they ask. (It's okay. I don't need a job.)

6. My coworkers value me!!! (Yearly review this week - not one person said a single negative thing!)

7. Apparently cocaine just isn't that interesting this week.

8. Hi, Davey Do!!!!

9. This place needs Esme.

10. If your vitamin D level is 13, you will be tired.

11. I'm still tired and my "what I learned" list sucks this week.

How about you?

Metylene blue, isn't that what Walter White used to make his meth?

Specializes in Hospice.

Every once in a great while...you can steal 5 or 10 precious minutes and spoon feed ice cold frozen raspberry sherbet to a post-op patient with a sore throat who is perfectly capable of feeding himself yet he loves the 1:1 attention and you (as the nurse) remember the greater good and the human side of the sometimes cold, harsh medical world...it kind of reminded me of rocking a baby to sleep...some things just seem to stop time and make you forget the outside world...even if it's a just for a few short minutes. Genuine nursing at the bedside with a dash of caring conversation thrown in...I wish those moments were more frequent :) .


I'm pretty sure there's a Media video that starts like this... 😛

I learned, from a patient, that there is a viral shot you can be given to prevent HIV transmission within 48 hours of confirmed exposure.

What I hope to learn by next week is: Why this shot isn't just given to all negative people as an HIV vaccine? Or even to positive people to reverse and cure it? It may also serve me well to know why my hospital's pharmacy doesn't stock it...or has never heard of it. Go figure.

Specializes in Pediatric.

I need to take my allergy medicine every day. (Duh, but still.)

Sneakers don't last me very long.

Scrub pants special ordered in the Tall size are so worth it.

That short coworker of mine didn't mean to grab my butt. She meant to pat my back; but I'm so tall and she's so short, something got lost in translation.

Per diem can turn into a regular hire! Yay!

Picking up a NOC shift- make sure it's not changeover night plus a full moon.

If a patient calls the cops on her roommate and then falls asleep, the police won't come out.

Specializes in Pediatric.
I learned, from a patient, that there is a viral shot you can be given to prevent HIV transmission within 48 hours of confirmed exposure.

What I hope to learn by next week is: Why this shot isn't just given to all negative people as an HIV vaccine? Or even to positive people to reverse and cure it? It may also serve me well to know why my hospital's pharmacy doesn't stock it...or has never heard of it. Go figure.

I did not know this.

Specializes in Pediatric.
I learned that new nurses just need a preceptor willing to let them fail or succeed on their own to be better than the previous preceptor reported them being. (having a child with the same personality as the new grad helps)

I learned that government waste is alive and well - from a patient who normally changes his urostomy bag and appliance every day because 'VA gives me enough to do that"

I learned that patients will and do really believe nurses won't know they're smoking in the bathroom just because they spray perfume around.

I learned that new nurses can be shocked by a patient's inability to realize their cholelithiasis is not a medical emergency and can become very upset and belligerent when told their surgery is not scheduled but is a work in.

I learned that it is possible to have 4 interviews for the same position and still not know if you're getting the job!

So true! And they're always shocked when confronted....

The current state of healthcare is an effing joke. Have you tried to find a PCP lately? The insurance website sent me to a frigging drug rehab. Then to the best frigging PCP that ever lived, who stopped taking new patients six months ago because he is retiring. Then, the stupid website stopped working when I selected English as my first language and listed the nearest PCP as over 1000 miles away. Then, when I deselected English, it gave me a list of PCPs who only serve those over 65. I want to lie and tell them I am 212 at this point. My ears hurt from listening to all the canned music, my fingers are sore from searching on the internet, and my jaw hurts from clenching my teeth. I just want a checkup!!!!

I am so mad it's coming out of my eyes.

I have learned I'm not immune to Mumps, ***** The Employee Health Nurse at my new summer job was gonna let me slide because I had enough MMRs, but I had to go be DILIGENT and get the titres, didn't I?

Now I'm getting another MMR on Monday.

The current state of healthcare is an effing joke. Have you tried to find a PCP lately? The insurance website sent me to a frigging drug rehab. Then to the best frigging PCP that ever lived, who stopped taking new patients six months ago because he is retiring. Then, the stupid website stopped working when I selected English as my first language and listed the nearest PCP as over 1000 miles away. Then, when I deselected English, it gave me a list of PCPs who only serve those over 65. I want to lie and tell them I am 212 at this point. My ears hurt from listening to all the canned music, my fingers are sore from searching on the internet, and my jaw hurts from clenching my teeth. I just want a checkup!!!!

I am so mad it's coming out of my eyes.

"There there...there there..."

-Catch 22, Joseph Heller

I have learned I'm not immune to Mumps, ***** The Employee Health Nurse at my new summer job was gonna let me slide because I had enough MMRs, but I had to go be DILIGENT and get the tires, didn't I?

Now I'm getting another MMR on Monday.

Pouting for you. And LOLing. Ooops.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I learned that there is such a thing as blue ice cream.

Specializes in Pediatric.
I learned that there is such a thing as blue ice cream.

Have I been hallucinating?!?? I swear I have seen it!!!! Lol.

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