What I learned this week (6/27)...

Nurses General Nursing


1. Don't go to the hospital code blue during shift change.

2. Not all shaky benzo-wanting 36-year olds are actually benzo-abusers. (Still, pee in the damn cup.)

3. No all drunk chest pains are alcoholics. (Still, WAS scale.)

4. For now on, if a family member has my extension, I will turn it off and get a new one.

5. I have family members who think HIPAA doesn't count if they ask. (It's okay. I don't need a job.)

6. My coworkers value me!!! (Yearly review this week - not one person said a single negative thing!)

7. Apparently cocaine just isn't that interesting this week.

8. Hi, Davey Do!!!!

9. This place needs Esme.

10. If your vitamin D level is 13, you will be tired.

11. I'm still tired and my "what I learned" list sucks this week.

How about you?

Hey, Ixchel, you made Facebook!! Way to go!

Ummm, this post is useless without a link.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Just look for AN on Facebook. It's one of the recent posts and the associated pic looks like a chalkboard.

I've been home a lot this week: I learned my male cat loves my dog. My dog tolerates my male cat, but loves my female cat. My male cat loves my female cat, but not as much as he loves my dog. My female cat loves herself, tolerates the rest.


You definitely have too much free time and need to get out more! 😉

Specializes in critical care.

Squeeeee!!!! They like me! They really like me!

I went to check but then I saw a bunch of drama so I just closed it. And these people keep trying to drag me in to it.

"Did you know so and so only gets her kids on the weekends and she doesn't care. You need to talk to her because as a mother..... yadda yadda." No, I don't need to talk to anyone. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Just look for AN on Facebook. It's one of the recent posts and the associated pic looks like a chalkboard.

I'm not on FB. I have too many fans.

ETA: I see it! Yay, ixchel! I keep forgetting this is a public site, lol.

2/3 of the "must read topics" are from you-know-who. I don't like it.

2/3 of the "must read topics" are from you-know-who. I don't like it.


Haha, sorry couldn't help it.

I learned to continue to be grateful. Amazing what an open heart and mind can do in the midst of adversity.

I learned that if a unicorn is constipated and farts, the rainbow armageddon will begin.

Specializes in my patients.

1. I recently became aware of this weekly thread and am mostly loving it so thank you OP.

2. Every once in a great while...you can steal 5 or 10 precious minutes and spoon feed ice cold frozen raspberry sherbet to a post-op patient with a sore throat who is perfectly capable of feeding himself yet he loves the 1:1 attention and you (as the nurse) remember the greater good and the human side of the sometimes cold, harsh medical world...it kind of reminded me of rocking a baby to sleep...some things just seem to stop time and make you forget the outside world...even if it's a just for a few short minutes. Genuine nursing at the bedside with a dash of caring conversation thrown in...I wish those moments were more frequent :) .


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Dropping a vial of methylene blue when taking it out of the Pyxis means the floor will be sporting blue spots until housekeeping strips and rewaxes it.

Using a slip tip syringe instead of a luer-lock syringe to draw up the second vial of methylene blue isn't a wise thing either. 3 days later, I'm still showing blue freckles on my hands.

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