What do you hate about nursing and why?


I'm curious to see why other nurses may hate nursing or what they hate about it? AND GO!

One thing I hate about nursing is how mean some nurses can be.. The work is stressful enough...

I hate that people with no experience in patient care wearing suits with business degrees make decisions about how we do our job.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Except for the fact that I too

hate that people with no experience in patient care wearing suits with business degrees make decisions about how we do our job,
the only thing I don't like about working as a nurse is the way it breaks up my days off.

So many things. ESP about hospital nursing. Luckily I'm out of that.

Probably #1 is the desk jockeys dictating how we should do our jobs , including nursing/ medical aspects of it

#2- fellow nurses.

Specializes in ER.

Click, click, click. Learn a new system. Mandatory prompts. Bean count, tidy the chart, click, click, click.

I hate charting, period.

The only thing I truly hated about nursing is the accepted and ingrained practice of understaffing. It truly is where all the other problems in the field stem from...

Right now, it's the middle man mentality that comes with new residents. "Can you call the lab and get them to do.... Can you call respiratory and get them to do.... Can you follow up with the XYZ consult..... "

I have enough to do without having to do your job too, friends.

1) Corporate Healthcare-'Profits Over Patients'-obvious reasons, 2) Veiled, but ever-present age discrimination-the sad truth is that many employers (especially medical sales) value youth and attractiveness much more than clinical experience, patience, wisdom, 3) Chronic understaffing-obvious reasons, see #1 above

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
1) Corporate Healthcare-'Profits Over Patients'-obvious reasons, 2) Veiled, but ever-present age discrimination-the sad truth is that many employers (especially medical sales) value youth and attractiveness much more than clinical experience, patience, wisdom, 3) Chronic understaffing-obvious reasons, see #1 above

This.^^ Also, I strongly disliked how management would stay in their offices and not help out when we were slammed, then complain when we didn't get out on time.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

If I were to write a pro/con list I really wonder some days which side would win. The primary gripes are probably the same as most other nurses complaints. Chronic short staffing, the ridiculous amount of often redundant charting, having zero input about policy changes that affect our work especially when those changes are dictated by somebody with a business degree instead of a nursing degree.

But by far my biggest hate right now is the near constant national news reports about how the economy is "booming." Unemployment is at a level that hasn't been so low in many years. So - called tax cuts are spurring economic growth etc. etc. etc. Yet I sure haven't seen any benefit from this booming economy at all. While big cooperation's got massive tax cuts with the expectation of passing along some of their savings to staff very few companies actually did this. Sure, Walmart and McDonald's raised their wages. Has anybody in health care received a big jump in pay? I know I sure haven't, but I bet the CEO of our parent company got a whopping huge bonus out of the deal. The whole situation truly angers me.

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