Published Dec 24, 2005
11 Posts
HeHeHe, I got my "present" early this year. Yesterday, Hubby hands me a 25.00 gift card for Target and gives me the "It's not much but I don't have much time or money" speech. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it's the same gift card that his boss handed him (not much time or effort involved.) A fitting gift for a marriage in trouble, I guess.
I decided to make the best of it and bought myself a black tote bag for my schoolbooks and a black dayplanner to match.
2,327 Posts
HeHeHe, I got my "present" early this year. Yesterday, Hubby hands me a 25.00 gift card for Target and gives me the "It's not much but I don't have much time or money" speech. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it's the same gift card that his boss handed him (not much time or effort involved.) A fitting gift for a marriage in trouble, I guess. I decided to make the best of it and bought myself a black tote bag for my schoolbooks and a black dayplanner to match.
I am so sorry to hear this. Don't know what I'll get. My husband is always so thoughtful....
I swear if my husband would do the giftcard thing to me he'd get the "Honey, I have a headache" for the entire year 2006!!!!! No sex.....whatsoever t'ill next X-mas until he buys me a decent gift!!!!!!!!
23 Posts
I got the gift of school... I was able to quite my full time really well paying job to go to we are living off of my husband's really good job and I took a part time job just to put 500 or 600 hundred bucks a month back into the house so I wouldn't feel like I was "using" for Christmas, i got my tution and my books all paid for, and the chance to go to school...It was my wonderful husband's idea for me to go back anyways, beings he knows I've been wanting to for a couple of years now....we've done a lot for me to be able to do this...sold a house, moved into a 1 bedroom apartment, paid off a car, will have the other paid off in Dec 2006. Sold a lot of our furniture...but it's all for the betterment of "US" ...God how blessed I am to have such a wonderful man that I can call "husband.....
80 Posts
I got an unusually expensive present this year: I got a combination pocket computer /GPS system for my car and my school. Since we will need things like PDAs and programs for them later, and since I frequently get lost in Houston, my Hubby splurged for a Pocket Computer (handheld) with GPS for the car. The lady comes on the speaker and tells you: in 400 feet turn left. Now I just need to learn to approximate 400 feet a little better. As far as I can tell, 400 feet is about the length it takes to passa large grocery store (about 1/2 a block). I just need to get used to programming the destinations and getting used to that woman's voice telling me to turn in 400 feet.
I asked my husband,"Couldn't you get me a man?" He responded playfully, "when was the last time you listened to anything a man said to you?" :)
Hope y'all score well too.
Merry Christmas to all,
85 Posts
nothing cuz im not married or have a gf, but i bought myself a 500 pda for school and pretty much buy whatever i want cuz i can lol. working does pay off. last yr it was a 1000 watch. :chuckle
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
We haven't opened gifts yet, but I know I got knew silverware. We've been together over 26 years and we have about 5 different patterns of silverware.
171 Posts
my bf and i buy one big gift each year for both of us to enjoy. we are pretty practical people and usually get something for the house that we have wanted for awhile but couldn't justify spending money on throughout the year. this year we decided on a persian rug for our office.
177 Posts
Well we left church and I asked him "so are we opening gifts now" He says "Is it too late to go to the store?" This is at 12:30am Christmas Day. He always likes to play this game like he didn't get me anything. I sort of already wrapped him into getting me a Y membership and cleaning out my car which I have neglected for six months. Its pretty nasty with the dog nose prints on the windows....We are getting our family room and kitchen painted next month so I usually rarely ask for anything. I got him an Apple Ipod 30GB Video player- Worked a couple extra shifts to swing that. I know he's gonna ask me where I got the money - I usually just say " Well your Discover Card Honey!!!" :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle HB
898 Posts
, and since I frequently get lost in Houston, my Hubby splurged for a Pocket Computer (handheld) with GPS for the car. Laura
Lol..I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets lost in Houston.
I've lived here since September and have no clue where I'm driving through most of the time. At least I can get to work, walmart, and the food stores :)
marilynmom, LPN, NP
2,155 Posts
I got a really nice portable insulated big coffee mug and some really cool workout/yoga pants....both things I have desperatly been needing so I was thrilled (it's funny when you get older you are happy with just the simple things). We spent most of our money on the kids and our inlaws since that is what makes us happiest.
bluesky, BSN, RN
864 Posts
I got the camera lens that I wanted ( read $1300) and was even feeling a little neglected.. . shame on me! He got super spoiled though... I got him the $2500 watch he wanted, cologne, and a massage for his birthday. GOsh, it just sounds so materialistic, doesn't it!
NurseyBaby'05, BSN, RN
1,110 Posts
I got a sleep mask with memory foam that plays white noise, babbling brook and other "soothing" sounds from Brookstone. I work at night and our room gets all the daytime sun and is closest to the noisy neighbors. If I'm lucky, I get 3 hours sleep. I hope this works.
We also went to Build a Bear and he sneaked a purchase while my back was turned. It was the Border Collie puppy like the real one I had when I was growing up. :1luvu: :heartbeat :redpinkhe I was so surprised. He's usually reluctant to surprise me since our first anniversary when I got a blender.
He did real good.:kiss