Weed and work.

Nurses General Nursing


A classmate of mine is a heavy cannabis user. To the point where he has not even applied for any positions yet because he is certain that his pre-screening drug test will come back positive. He says that he just has to stay clean long enough to pass the drug screening because "hospitals hardly ever drug tests to nurses."

How true is this? How often are nurses screened at YOUR facility? I was going to ask my preceptor, but I think me asking will look weird..

I was in management for a while and had to drug test two employees. People who are tested usually don't announce that they are. One floor I worked on had some narc diversion going on by two employees. Our director tested the whole floor. Just saying! Recreational drugs and nursing don't mix.


Never random only pre employment but I've only been a nurse 3 years. My current job did not even require a pre employment screen ( not acute care)

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I'm surprised by how often this topic comes up. It boils down to if one values their nursing license, one must maintain a lifestyle that meets the requirements of the license and the policies of the employer. Those who utilize recreational drugs or engage in other activities incongruent with the nurse practice acts and licensure requirements are living on borrowed time until they are found out.

Im not on drugs.

Never said you were :-)

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
He needs to just move to an area where its legal. For now in our state, they randomnly test, even for nicotine (for insurance users.)

Doesn't matter if it's legal. It's still against all hospitals' policies to use marijuana, and the person can be fired if they test positive.

Specializes in Critical care.

i have been a nurse for 43 years and have never ever been tested. They didnt test back in the old days when everyone smoked pot.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

Just like nicotine, which is not illegal, it's against conditions of employment. You play by our rules or you play someplace else.

The BoN is far more concerned with the safety of the public than your "need" to impair yourself. Healthcare is not the career for you.

Specializes in Cardio-Pulmonary; Med-Surg; Private Duty.

I am just amazed that people can go through nursing school in this day and age without drug screens every year, if not every semester.

All of my school's clinical sites required it.

Specializes in Critical care.

That would be awful. I would quit.

There has never been an era when "everyone smoked pot."

Specializes in Critical care.

ok. MOST people including MOST of the nurses and doctors that I worked with in school and after.

That would be awful. I would quit.

The job?

Or the pot?

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