I know it's NOT my job to police my friends and family... However,
My aunt just posted a photo of heavily carb-laden Chinese food plates that she (diabetic) and her husband (also diabetic) are about to enjoy. She does this all the time. I have told her this is dangerous and she needs to be careful, but now I'm just biting my tongue and hoping she doesn't get a nasty ulcer.
Also have a friend with a morbidly obese 5yo child that she buys 2 adult sized meals for (have witnessed this when I was in town to visit family... , I wondered what was causing it until I saw it first hand) . It's hard not to cringe when seeing photos, knowing how the parents feed him. Said friend does crossfit and eats healthily herself, but why stuff the child like that? Her other child is obese too. Have not said anything to this one.
Of course, there are the hoards of anti-vax friends... I just bite my tongue and move along.
Just curious what the rest of you encounter on facebook or even on a daily basis. Do you feel compelled to "educate", or are you like me and keep your mouth shut and wish you'd have said something?