
Specialties School


No man or woman is an island. It takes a village.

Bla bla bla.

That being said, who do you trust?

My personality is loud in RL, like it is here. I have 1 or 2 teachers and guidance that I am friends with, but outside of them I really feel like I don't trust school personnel the way I trusted other nurses, or even docs.

At home the dear hubs gets to listen to every little gripe from my day...for 15 minutes then no more work talk. At school, the secretary and one teacher are all I trust to speak my mind, and even then I limit what I will say.

There is one secretary that I feel I can share a small gripe with. I feel like every concern I've brought to my administrators and higher up is dismissed with zero fanfare. And my office is very close to the principal's office and I've heard many, MNAY times the principal and asst. principal bad mouthing other staff. Doesn't make me want to bring anything up.... Also, with no possibility of tenure, I feel like the squeaky wheel might get replaced.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Thank you for the RL explanation. I truly had no idea. I am 'computerily challenged' so some words are like a real life foreign language'. And I am gadget deprived. My cell phone is a candidate for the Smithsonian.

Learn something everyday!

Specializes in School Nursing.

Omg! We are twins, I love my head Custodian. I totally trust him cause he talks to me about everything/everyone. He works late in the evening, so who is he gonna talk to! Admin has way left the building

Specializes in DD, PD/Agency Peds, School Sites.

My husband's eyes glaze over easily when I attempt to discuss work. Daughter is a police/911 dispatcher, so she gets it. I like having autonomy and being the only medical person on site more than I dislike it, but wow, it gets really lonely sometimes. Did you all know you are keeping me company? :-)

My husband's eyes glaze over easily when I attempt to discuss work. Daughter is a police/911 dispatcher, so she gets it. I like having autonomy and being the only medical person on site more than I dislike it, but wow, it gets really lonely sometimes. Did you all know you are keeping me company? :-)

Yes, we did. You all do the same for me.

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

My "BFF" is a teacher at the school in which I work. She teaches in a different building than me, so I can go weeks without seeing her at work. But we both know the same cast of characters, so when we get together it turns into a vent session sometimes (well, most of the time!). I also help out with the show choir at my school, so I am close with and trust the chorus director as well.

My janitor is a sweetheart, but he likes to keep me informed of all of his health issues (and he has a lot!).

You people here definitely keep me entertained. :D

Specializes in kids.

I have a BFF (friends since college) who teaches Special Ed in another state and we always fg=get sought up weekly on Sat AM. Rare is the time we don't. We vent, byotch and whine to each other and then get caught up on everything else in our crazy lives. She is my lifesaver!

I have 11 campuses (two high schools, two elementary school, etc.).

I don't trust most of the folks where I work but do have three people that I do trust. The school psychologist and the new school psychologist who is training right now and the head of maintenance.

There is one principal who does NOT have my back and I'm very careful around this person. I've vented about it before.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, School Nursing, OB.

For the most part I vent by text or phone call to other nurses in my district (or get on here). In the past there's usually been only about one or two people per building I'd trust and that's usually a secretary, aide, or special Ed teacher. I've also had a custodian I could trust. It's usually the people who get dumped on or have to put up with the most that understand. A regular classroom teacher-never. Even though I have a principal that vents to me and I'm pretty sure I could trust, I'm not willing to risk venting back more than occasionally because I don't want her to think I complain a lot, not happy, or put her in an awkward position with teachers she must work with unless there's a true issue. A lot teachers think our job is so easy and that we would have nothing to do if they didn't send us kids all day!

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