This week, I have learned..... (8/1)

Nurses General Nursing


This week, I have learned:

(Vacation edition!)

1. Absolutely nothing specifically related to nursing

2. It's hard to not judge unhealthy habits of people on vacation

3. I'm reaching a point in my nursing practice where I can frequently size up a person for their health issues

4. It sucks being handicapped with an unseen condition at an amusement park

5. I am NOT afraid to write a scathing hot review of a terrible hotel

6. Simply being within viewing distance of my kids' joy is the best part of a vacation, ever

7. If you have the option of "quick queue" at an amusement park when it's 100 degrees outside, just do it

8. If you touch me when it's this hot outside, I will want to punch you in the face (reread that with the properly deserved expletives)

9. I have a new favorite motto

That's all from me! What have you learned this week?

I thought the exact thing.

I thought the exact thing.

Dood. Who are you talking to?

Ood, the bus situation, Is there a Plan B?

I learned that burnt picnic pork shoulder really does smell like rotting human flesh....Still can't get the bottom of my big pot clean....

Oh.....:yuck: FYI, someone once told me to try a product called "Bar Keeper's Friend" (the regular cleanser, not the soft cleanser) on a pot which I thought was beyond saving. It worked great!

Dood. Who are you talking to?

I quoted, not sure why it didn't work.

App issues *shrugs*

Ood, the bus situation, Is there a Plan B?

Big kids get on the bus at 0755, I can get them on the bus, drive toddler to pre-k, and still get to school before lab starts on Wednesdays at 1030. Mondays I don't have to be at school until 1400 so it doesn't matter.

On the way home his bus gets here about 20 minutes after big brothers, so I think he will be fine then. We'll see. We have 2 weeks before I start class again to get the kinks worked out.

Big kids get on the bus at 0755, I can get them on the bus, drive toddler to pre-k, and still get to school before lab starts on Wednesdays at 1030. Mondays I don't have to be at school until 1400 so it doesn't matter.

On the way home his bus gets here about 20 minutes after big brothers, so I think he will be fine then. We'll see. We have 2 weeks before I start class again to get the kinks worked out.

And you will. *hugs*

(I'm using the phone app and it keeps correcting hugs to jugs :/ )

Specializes in Hospice.
I learned that burnt picnic pork shoulder really does smell like rotting human flesh....Still can't get the bottom of my big pot clean....

Brings back memories of working in a Peds ER as a student nurse. Four year old girl, house fire victim, third degree burns. Couldn't get the smell out of my nose for days, and couldn't eat pork for a long time.

Specializes in Aged mental health.

Jensmom, Baker is my number one as well. But holey hell Capaldi does something to me haha.

Specializes in ED.

1: Learned that my travel trailer had a furnace in it.

2: Found that out when the tire blew half way on a 250 mile leg to the beach. Said tire also took out the fridge, stove and oven.

3: Learned how to make some mean barbeque on the campfire (seriously best ever).

4: I like air conditioning, dislike bugs.

5: sun block doesn't really work well after going in the ocean. My skin hated me.

6: I didn't really know how old a burn made me look *yikes*!

7: I have found a love for the vacation after a vacation. Sleeping in my own bed and some nookie from the hubby was well deserved.

Specializes in Hospice.
1: Learned that my travel trailer had a furnace in it.

2: Found that out when the tire blew half way on a 250 mile leg to the beach. Said tire also took out the fridge, stove and oven.

3: Learned how to make some mean barbeque on the campfire (seriously best ever).

4: I like air conditioning, dislike bugs.

5: sun block doesn't really work well after going in the ocean. My skin hated me.

6: I didn't really know how old a burn made me look *yikes*!

7: I have found a love for the vacation after a vacation. Sleeping in my own bed and some nookie from the hubby was well deserved.

And this is why I've always heeded my mother's advice regarding vacations: "My idea of roughing it is a hotel with no room service."

One overnight at a new, interesting, fun location can seem like a real vacation.

3 years is enough in my current job.

I'm not as frugal as I would like to be.

Today was Subway Customer Appreciation day and I got a free sub.

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