This week, I have learned..... (8/1)

Nurses General Nursing


This week, I have learned:

(Vacation edition!)

1. Absolutely nothing specifically related to nursing

2. It's hard to not judge unhealthy habits of people on vacation

3. I'm reaching a point in my nursing practice where I can frequently size up a person for their health issues

4. It sucks being handicapped with an unseen condition at an amusement park

5. I am NOT afraid to write a scathing hot review of a terrible hotel

6. Simply being within viewing distance of my kids' joy is the best part of a vacation, ever

7. If you have the option of "quick queue" at an amusement park when it's 100 degrees outside, just do it

8. If you touch me when it's this hot outside, I will want to punch you in the face (reread that with the properly deserved expletives)

9. I have a new favorite motto

That's all from me! What have you learned this week?

Specializes in Hospital medicine; NP precepting; staff education.

Ah mah gah!!!!!!!

Where's the flail button!!!

I had not become a whovian when I registered 3 years ago else my user name would be nurse_who. As it is I do identify with variations of that in my online life.

Specializes in Hospice.
Alright people. Just watched a video with Jenna and Peter and (SPOILERS) they're revisiting the Pompeii plot line this season and explaining why the 12th Doctor has THAT face. We need an AN watch party.

I second that motion!! I can't wait for the new episodes to start.

Specializes in Aged mental health.

I have such a crush on Capaldi. He is dark, humourous, scary, dapper and EVERYTHING the Doctor should be.

He's brought old school back.

*sighs dreamily*

Specializes in Hospice.
I have such a crush on Capaldi. He is dark, humourous, scary, dapper and EVERYTHING the Doctor should be.

He's brought old school back.

*sighs dreamily*

I'm an old school Whovian, and Capaldi is the best Doctor since Tom Baker, in my opinion. Actually, there's a bit of Baker in Capaldi's Doctor, so it's a win-win for me.

Specializes in critical care.
I have such a crush on Capaldi. He is dark, humourous, scary, dapper and EVERYTHING the Doctor should be.

He's brought old school back.

*sighs dreamily*

Agree agree agree!!!!!

Specializes in critical care.

As soon as Capaldi did his alley rant, going off about eyebrows and being Scottish, I was hooked. Completely!

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

I learned that burnt picnic pork shoulder really does smell like rotting human flesh....Still can't get the bottom of my big pot clean....

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I learned that when you watch a loved one pass away at home in hospice you have already grieved their loss before they pass away. I feel kind of lost to not have to worry about caring for my grandma. I miss her and the random things she would say due to her Alzheimers.

I am glad she was pleasent inlike her sister who turned aggressive.

I learned that when you watch a loved one pass away at home in hospice you have already grieved their loss before they pass away. I feel kind of lost to not have to worry about caring for my grandma. I miss her and the random things she would say due to her Alzheimers.

I am glad she was pleasent inlike her sister who turned aggressive.

Aw, I'm so sorry. Alzheimer's is so rough to watch. My only consolation with my family member who has it, is that SHE doesn't know what's going on. She says random funny things like your Grandma did.

My condolences.

This morning I learned my son's bus picks him up at 0655, he'll be on the bus for over an hour.

I don't think that will work for him. 😓

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I'm on break, too! So I've learned....nothing r/t nsg!

I did learn:

My fall term books are very expensive!

That 89.3 in summer school does not equal an A.

That my puppy can be taught not to jump on me!

That the birds above by patio will be hunted by my dog if they dare fly into his area!

That cleaning up dead birds is grosser than any nursing task!

That I can survive my tv being broken!

That is all! I think!

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