This week, I have learned... (5/30/15)

Nurses General Nursing


This week I have learned.....

1. Cocaine is still a hell of a drug.

2. No matter how nice you are to everyone, there will be an "us vs. them" vibe between hospital divisions when you're a nurse. It makes me sad because I've gone out of my way to be nice to the workers of the rest of my facility. Can't win them all. :(

3. Making sure your nurse knows you have breast implants can prevent an embarrassing ICU transfer when a dislodged boob looks like a hematoma.

4. I miss night shift.

5. I'm allergic to Vicks vapo rub.

6. On a related note, I met my match in a colostomy bag and it was horrible.

7. Giving the caregiver the hand written prescriptions for the dementia lady STILL doesn't prevent an angry call from her the next day when she can't figure out which pharmacy has her meds.

8. I effing love the ED, but holy monkeys it makes me sore.

9. There really is no polite way to say, "Welcome to our hospital, new overly cocky (but strangely beautiful) 12-year old surgeon. By the way, if you don't want to get paged for the inpatient management of your surgical patients, then do us ALL a favor and transfer them to the hospitalist."

10. I feel a schadenfreude-like joy when I see the PVT is wrong, especially when people lose money and post about it on a 700-page thread that tells them what NOT to do. (Okay, that's really more of a confession than something I "learned".)

Bonus one - I've only been at this gig for a year and my already dark sense of humor has become sick to the point of disturbing.

What have you learned?

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

That luck not systems has me setting up a meeting and not starting a root cause analysis.

That 1 mistake copied the whole way through has my intranet page look like it came from 1998.

That I have an awesome colleague who recognized the error and showed me how to fix it.

That working with those open for change is much more enjoyable than dragging the disinterested along.

That my documentation of their disintrest will be another nail in their professional coffin.

That 2 people can make changes even if it appears only small, they are effective, and reduces our other problem. Encourage our colleagues to eat in the break room has increased fun and cross conversation and is reducing our mouse problem.

Specializes in hospice.
My face also defaults to angry/hostile when I am not actively thinking about how my face looks.

Ah, you've got resting b****-face? Let me give you a positive for that. Smiling makes lines. Resting b****-face stays nice and smooth. :up:

I have learned that ya'll are funny, sarcastically humor filled, and wise.

And that hot flashes will make one soaking wet.

And that your 30+ "mosquito bites" is a poor but interesting description relating to your IV drug habit and subsequent needle marks, and no we do not offer pain medication for that "chicken gumbo" disease you are sure that you have now contracted. And it is causing you pain.

And YES, you do have to actually TAKE your blood pressure medication from now on until a doctor tells you otherwise. You are not cured when the bottle is empty.

And agreed--LOVE the ED, but I think I need my hips replaced, and my feet feel like burnt Vienna sausages....

And speaking of sausages, I get hungry a LOT with all the energy I am using.....

Great post!! Made me laugh out loud....keep up your humor OP, it is awesome!!

I learned that blood splatters when a patient coughs after having some teeth extracted.

Pepper, I'm sorry for your loss.

In terms of nursing I haven't learned anything first hand (I can't wait for January) but as usual I'm lurking AN and learning tons from many people here.

I just got back from a 2 day camping/hiking trip with my boys' Scout troop. I taught 15 boys emergency first aid, that was interesting.

Specializes in Oncology, Rehab, Public Health, Med Surg.

I learned that...

--Doctors feel the patient satisfaction frustration/push as much as we do. Maybe even more-

--Not to discount heroin addict's pain when detoxing in hospital. ( gave a b-12 injection and pt had a meltdown. I was skeptical until i was gently reminded that bodys nerves are " on edge"and pain is magnified. It helped me remember to be compassionate and more humble)

--- not to minimize ulginess of heroin addiction-- when i found used needles, heroin and my pt in an altered state in her hospital room. :( And that addiction affects so many other than the addict- this pt's young son, parents , siblings...

----that I could not face this job day after day without my coworkers

I actually learned that too this week. I just forgot I learned it. (Not to draw blood from the same line an IV is running in period.) Although not sure what you do if both arms have something running.

Pause one for 20ish mins if possible.

I learned it is nosebleed season. I learned I can no longer ride 10 roller coasters in a row without feeling like crap. I learned my salary for the SN job is really not cutting it. I learned that I need to order bigger band aids. I learned that I really like the older teenagers because I miss working with the adult population and I am not crazy about working with "peds".

Specializes in ICU.

I learned some hospital systems really do have a heart as the one I just got a PRN at had us do a community service project during new hire orientation! I have never felt so good about getting a job. Tempted to quit my full time one now and just go full time at this place instead. I feel like some of my faith in humanity has been restored.

Specializes in LTC.

I learned what the hype about Alegria shoes is all about. I've been wearing the Kayla shoe and I feel like I am walking on pillows. My feet are so comfy and bye bye lower back and knee pain.

Specializes in critical care.
I learned what the hype about Alegria shoes is all about. I've been wearing the Kayla shoe and I feel like I am walking on pillows. My feet are so comfy and bye bye lower back and knee pain.

I've been wearing compression socks and I swear they work magic for my legs and back. I warn you, though, once you start wearing them, your body gets adjusted and if you miss a day wearing them to work, it's excruciating.

Specializes in critical care.
I learned it is nosebleed season. I learned I can no longer ride 10 roller coasters in a row without feeling like crap. I learned my salary for the SN job is really not cutting it. I learned that I need to order bigger band aids. I learned that I really like the older teenagers because I miss working with the adult population and I am not crazy about working with "peds".

Are you off for the summer? I hope so. Maybe take a little while to recharge your batteries and keep an eye on the want ads. I'm sorry SN has been a bit of a bust for you.

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