THIS is what bugs me


Specializes in School Nurse.

Just irritated that teachers parade into my office announcing there is a "stomach bug" going around - makes me cringe. I want to send an informative email telling them that vomiting could be from any number of things and not just a "stomach bug". I just Dr. Googled causes for vomiting - here is the list that may prove my point:

Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include:

Other possible causes of nausea and vomiting include:

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

Add to that list

-ate lunch to fast

-didn't eat breakfast

-at crap for breakfast

-didn't do homework


-my friend's stomach hurts

-It's Monday

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

My answer to "is a stomach bug going around?" is: This is a school, something is always going around. But unless I truly see a notable uptick in gastric symptoms, no -no stomach bug going around.

Kids come in convinced they have diarrhea because they had a soft stool. I am always so tempted to bring up the bristol stool scale for them and tell them unless it's a 7, i'm not too concerned. I've seen these kid's dietary choices and am not surprised that their stomachs are in a constant state of flux.

-it's time for a math test

-mixed gross stuff together at lunch

-friend mixed gross stuff together at lunch

-took meds on an empty stomach

-someone is being mean to me

Specializes in Pediatrics, Community Health, School Health.

Well, and even if there IS a "bug" going around, what do they expect you to do about it?

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

send each and every kid that moans just a bit home until they have perfectly small classes of children that never complain about anything.

Specializes in kids.
Just irritated that teachers parade into my office announcing there is a "stomach bug" going around - makes me cringe. I want to send an informative email telling them that vomiting could be from any number of things and not just a "stomach bug". I just Dr. Googled causes for vomiting - here is the list that may prove my point:

Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include:

Other possible causes of nausea and vomiting include:


Specializes in kids.

At least they are not calling it the stomach flu!

Specializes in School nursing.

And anxiety. Anxiety puking is a thing and one I see a lot more often than not.

My teachers know the word stomach bug is banned from usage around students. And I hate the "is something going around?"

Yes. It is. Something is always going around. It is a school. Kids and staff touch things and cough on things and don't clean things. No, I am not superwoman. Wash. Your. Hands.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
And anxiety. Anxiety puking is a thing and one I see a lot more often than not.


This is how I made it through middle school.

Now this is funny . . . I had a dream last night about Thanksgiving and a whole bunch of people who were not invited showed up and one couple were sick with nausea and vomiting and my oldest son, who is immuno-compromised said, "you guys came to Thanksgiving sick last year and got us all sick! Why don't you stay home??".

Of course, the dream isn't true. But still . . .:barf02:

Specializes in School Nurse.
Well, and even if there IS a "bug" going around, what do they expect you to do about it?

I think they want the school closed :roflmao:

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