Published Nov 15, 2016
tining, BSN, RN
1,071 Posts
Just irritated that teachers parade into my office announcing there is a "stomach bug" going around - makes me cringe. I want to send an informative email telling them that vomiting could be from any number of things and not just a "stomach bug". I just Dr. Googled causes for vomiting - here is the list that may prove my point:
Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include:
Other possible causes of nausea and vomiting include:
1,250 Posts
Add to that list
-ate lunch to fast
-didn't eat breakfast
-at crap for breakfast
-didn't do homework
-my friend's stomach hurts
-It's Monday
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
My answer to "is a stomach bug going around?" is: This is a school, something is always going around. But unless I truly see a notable uptick in gastric symptoms, no -no stomach bug going around.
Kids come in convinced they have diarrhea because they had a soft stool. I am always so tempted to bring up the bristol stool scale for them and tell them unless it's a 7, i'm not too concerned. I've seen these kid's dietary choices and am not surprised that their stomachs are in a constant state of flux.
1,263 Posts
-it's time for a math test
-mixed gross stuff together at lunch
-friend mixed gross stuff together at lunch
-took meds on an empty stomach
-someone is being mean to me
701 Posts
Well, and even if there IS a "bug" going around, what do they expect you to do about it?
send each and every kid that moans just a bit home until they have perfectly small classes of children that never complain about anything.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,703 Posts
Just irritated that teachers parade into my office announcing there is a "stomach bug" going around - makes me cringe. I want to send an informative email telling them that vomiting could be from any number of things and not just a "stomach bug". I just Dr. Googled causes for vomiting - here is the list that may prove my point:Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include: ChemotherapyGastroparesis (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don't function properly, interfering with digestion)General anesthesiaIntestinal obstructionMotion sickness: First aidMorning sicknessMigraineRotavirusViral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)Vestibular neuritisOther possible causes of nausea and vomiting include: Alcohol use disorderAnaphylaxis (in children)Anorexia nervosaAppendicitisBenign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)Brain Tumor (both cancerous and noncancerous)Bulimia nervosaConcussionCholecystitisCholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation)Cyclic vomiting syndromeDepression (major depressive disorder)DizzinessDiabetic ketoacidosisEar infection (middle ear)Food poisoningGeneralized anxiety disorderGERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)Hiatal herniaHeart failureGallstonesFever (in children)Hydrocephalus (a congenital brain abnormality)Hyperparathyroidism (overactive parathyroid)Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)Hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid)Intestinal ischemiaEnlarged spleen (splenomegaly)Intracranial hematomaIntussusception (in children)Duodenitis (inflammation of the initial portion of the small intestine)Liver cancerLiver failureMedications (including aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, oral contraceptives, digitalis, narcotics and antibiotics)Meniere's diseaseMeningitisMilk allergy (in infants and children)Pancreatic cancerPancreatitisPeptic ulcerPseudotumor cerebriPyloric stenosis (in infants)Radiation therapySevere painTraumatic brain injury
At least they are not calling it the stomach flu!
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
And anxiety. Anxiety puking is a thing and one I see a lot more often than not.
My teachers know the word stomach bug is banned from usage around students. And I hate the "is something going around?"
Yes. It is. Something is always going around. It is a school. Kids and staff touch things and cough on things and don't clean things. No, I am not superwoman. Wash. Your. Hands.
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
And anxiety. Anxiety puking is a thing and one I see a lot more often than not..
This is how I made it through middle school.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Now this is funny . . . I had a dream last night about Thanksgiving and a whole bunch of people who were not invited showed up and one couple were sick with nausea and vomiting and my oldest son, who is immuno-compromised said, "you guys came to Thanksgiving sick last year and got us all sick! Why don't you stay home??".
Of course, the dream isn't true. But still . . .
I think they want the school closed