Things you would love to say to your fellow nursing students!

Nursing Students General Students


Along the lines of the first thread, "Things you would love to say to your nursing instructors" I thought this would be a great thread to start. I've since graduated LVN but there was one main thing I wanted to say to some students in my class.

Will you people in the back row please stop talking! I swear that today I can still hear their motormouths running! :chuckle

When I am in the RN bridge I will come back and post some more. I'm sure some of you have something to get off your chest. Come on and unload here! :)

Specializes in Dialysis.
I love this thread, I have been LMAO reading all these!!!

But of course I have a few of my own. . .

1. Please can you not argue with the teacher about this one question on the exam, test review is test review, if you want one on one, make an appointment, I'm ready to go home.

2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop coming early to class on exam day and then you and your friend quiz each other outloud all the notes for the exam. Its extremely annoying and all I want to do is slap the s*** out of you.

3. Just because you were an EMT, or tech, or something similar does not make you an RN. . .if it did, I would be glad, because your annoying behind wouldn't be in my class!!! So stop correcting the teacher during lecture or adding your two cents, I don't care.

4. To the same individuals above, please don't add your two cents when the its 3:30 in the afternoon and we've been sitting in lecuture since 8am. . .I'm tired and want to go home, shut up!!!

5. Please stop bugging me about some little tidbit of information that was in the notes that she spent a total of half a millisecond on. Its not that serious.

are we in the same class? ha!

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

To my two classmates from clinical who are barely passing...stop waiting for me outside the classroom after lecture exams and interrogating me in a panic..."How many questions did you miss...what was your score!!!"

Because when I tell you my score, you don't say a thing to me and just throw your hands in the air, and run away having fits with each other.

Then I get the jealous stink eye for the next week.

1. I'm not stupid, but neither are most of you. Our exams aren't that hard if you study right.

2. Don't look at me like I'm crazy when I tell you that I have 14 NCLEX books. You don't want to work questions, and then you're surprised you're not getting As?

3. If you never come to class, please don't ask me for my notes. It's rude, since there will never be anything you can give me in return.

4. If you come 99% of the time, like I do, please ask me for my notes, I want you to pass as well, and I may ask for yours if there is the rare day that I miss.

5. Look like you're making an effort. If you don't, noone wants to help you to pass. If you study hard and still make low Cs, we'll all try to help you pass. If you won't stop talking about your kid, your new boyfriend, his band, and whatever bar you spent the weekend at, then I don't have any reason to help you out.

6. We're all late occasionally for whatever reason. However, if you're going to have an excuse to be late every single day (if you bother to show at all), yet you always waltz in with the coffee you had time to stop and purchase, it just doesn't look like you give a crap.

7. Please ask the instructors intelligent questions, or clarify what needs to be clarified. Please don't start your questions off with, "So, I had this pt last wk with (rare form of whatever disease), could you explain why,..." because the rest of the class doesn't care.

8. Please don't be blatantly nasty to my face just because I'm in the accelerated program and you're not. I already spent 4 years in college and earned a degree. That's why I get to jump ahead and graduate "before" you. I started in 1997, you started in 2004. And if you don't feel I deserve to be "ahead" of you, why don't any of you do as well as we do on exams? You take fewer courses. I certainly wish it was taking me only 4 years to get a BSN, but I didn't know what I wanted to do at your age. Hopefully you do.

I love this thread, I have been LMAO reading all these!!!

But of course I have a few of my own. . .

2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop coming early to class on exam day and then you and your friend quiz each other outloud all the notes for the exam. Its extremely annoying and all I want to do is slap the s*** out of you.

That is my favorite. Hahahah. Makes my hand twitch with desire to slap a few people just thinking about it. (but I would not)

I can't add anything you guys covered it all.

Specializes in OR/PACU/ENDO/ICU.

To the members of my clinical group:

Thank you for your cooperation, encouragement, solidarity, and sense of humor. You made the 0400 carpool trips tolerable (even enjoyable at times). You praised my achievements and lamented my failures, never judged me, and were always quick with a kind word when needed. I am a better person having shared this experience with you. Your knowledge, compassion and work-ethic will serve you all well in the future.

Specializes in neurotrauma ICU.

please feel free to ask question that will clarify the material...but please please please for the love of all that is not ask questions for your own personal benefit about your condition or a condition of a family member. I am trying to learn here! Ask your personal questions after class!

Would you please SHUT UP about how you are sooooo upset because you *only* got a 90 on the test when you usually get a 95? Especially when there are students who are STRUGGLING to just pass the class. (doesnt apply to me personally, but there is a student who was one point away from passing and it made her feel really bad that folks were upset about getting such a high score, I can only imagined how that made her feel)

Also, please stop talking during lecture about your wedding plans. (Good for you that he FINALLY proposed, but can you please talk about that on your own time?)

And while you are at it, no, not everything they teach us in class can be applied to a clinical situation verbatiam. So, please don't tell me that "they told us in class not to say such and such to a patient" when you were NOT involved in the patient's care, nor was in the situation where I had to tell a patient's family member her mother is dying. (Response I got from a couple of students during post conference while discussing death and dying issues based on my patient and the family dynamics)

Just because you can "pass a test" with flying colors don't mean you will be a good nurse. Just like a person who struggles with test taking skills don't mean they are gonna be a bad nurse. There is such a thing as book smart and plain ole common sense.



Do you HAVE to comment on every single bloody thing the instructor talks about? Nobody cares that your cousin's brother's sister's uncles, son's father had PUD, PVD, Asthma AND Parkinson's Disease all at the same time!

Do you mind with the sudden outburst, we are grown men and women here who don't have time for your high school nonsense.

Shut up with the squawking already, i actually wanna hear what the professor is saying.

Do you need to question every single bloody question on the exam at review??


To the people ive grown a bond with, I love you guys, i don't think i would have survived this far without your encouragement and support.

To those who didn't make it to move forward: I am so very very sorry. It hurts to see you not move with me. I know you worked just as hard as me or harder, and if anyone deserves to move forward its you. Don't ever give up, don't ever let this defeat you. Its just a set back thats all. You worked hard to be here, and they wouldn't have given you a second chance if they didn't think you deserved to here to. Keep your chin up.


To the nursing assistants that are my coworkers....

I took this job so i can improve on my basic fundamental skills, I'm not here to step on anyone's toes.

okay, if all nurses are just "good with the paper work" just because i'm not learning how to do phlebotomy in nursing school. I'd like to see you do a complete or focus assessment on a patient complaining of pain in their abdomen. Or tell me the reason why you are drawing that cbc. You may know HOW to do something but do you know WHY you are doing it? That, is the difference between my education and yours so shove it!

Oh you don't believe nursing school is hard eh? I'd like to see you try. Oh wait your astounding lack of common sense will have you running and crying in a corner before you can barely begin.

Sigh, i feel so much better, especially about the last part.

6. Loudly saying "Eww, what stinks?" when you walk into a patient's room is generally not a good thing.

I'm going to hijack for a minute. I'm not a nursing student but regularly work with them. This is the ONE thing that frosts my crack. After hearing it from multiple students one day I gathered them around and said " Guess what? All poop stinks and I bet that your poop doesn't smell like roses. Plus, it's incredibly rude and demeaning to speak like that about a naturally occurring body function. Yes, it stinks but so do you."

Never again did I hear "eww, that stinks".

Specializes in LTC, Psych.

1. OMG, just shut up! You ask the dumbest questions and make yourself look stupid.

2. I'm glad that you are proud of your heritage, but there is such a thing as overkill.

3. No, it is not acceptable to toss poopy wipes in hopes of hitting the trash can.

4. You knew you were dropping out of the program. Why did you waste hours of my life tutoring you?

5. Would kindly remove your head from the instructors butt, the rest of us need help as well.

6. Yes, I have the only A. No, I will not join your study group. What do you have to offer me? Obviously, that would be a one way street.

7. I hope I never have to work with some of you in real life. You suck, plain and simple.

I won't even waste my time addressing fellow students individually; we'd be here all day!

1. Just beacuse you don't know something and I try to help by explaining it to you; don't look at me like I'm stupid and argue the fact. Remember, you are the one asking me for help, and if I didn't know what I was talking about I would'nt waste your time trying to help you out.

2. I don't care to pitty you or give you ego strokes because you are failing. You have no children, no job, and NO excuse to preform poorly, other than your lack of motivation. I have two kids under the age of 6, work, and don't have a man around. Guess what I've got a 3.5! Get over it.

3. For the brown nosers out there, you know who you are. Just because your in the instuctors face doesn't mean she's not gonna "call you out" someday. Don'y be surprised if you find out your inadequate.

4. REALX. . . . Just beacause someone is more competant than you at a particular skill doesn't mean you suck. We all learn at a differant rate- you'll get it eventually.

That's all I can muster up for now. It helps to get it off my chest. Although I am a big mouth and have already voiced my opinions to said people mentioned above.. LOL

On to the " what you'd like to tell you instructor thread." YIPPEE

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