Things you would love to say to your fellow nursing students!

Nursing Students General Students


Along the lines of the first thread, "Things you would love to say to your nursing instructors" I thought this would be a great thread to start. I've since graduated LVN but there was one main thing I wanted to say to some students in my class.

Will you people in the back row please stop talking! I swear that today I can still hear their motormouths running! :chuckle

When I am in the RN bridge I will come back and post some more. I'm sure some of you have something to get off your chest. Come on and unload here! :)

(to one person in particular) why is it that whenever i ask you for some help when bathing or other ADLs i cant complete on my own.. you always say sure then somehow NEVER actually help me.. (and thanks to the others that always did help... changing a 65 yr old 200 lb mans diaper is not easy!)

When we got out tests back and the teacher had not graded some of the essay questions.. did you really add more information to your answer?? where is your integrity!!? ehh...

Do you really think that choosing mobile pts with the exact same diagnosis ALL semester long is really helping you become a better nurse!? Ya its easier for right now.. but lets see how long you last in your externship or new grad program!

I got a good grade, because i studied my ass off and i deserve it!!! You can do it to if you TRULY apply yourself, you got into the program didnt you?

Are you really asking WHY water follows sodium? This is why we took physiology..

And stop asking so many dang questions, especially when shes already answered them and you can get all the information from the text!

ahhhhhh! that was a nice release! :D

SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!!!! If you would of not been doing God know's what then you could of heard the answer. It is not like I didn't hear it and I sat behind you.

When you ask a fellow students questions during lecture they miss out on information. It is a downhill slope from there for everyone else. You are doing just fine so leave me alone so I can hear.

1.Please turn off your cell phone during lecture or put it on vibrate at least. When I sit right next to you it becomes a distraction especially during an exam!:nono:

2.If you worried more about what your doing and less about the girl across the room maybe you would hear the instructor when she has called on YOU!:banghead:

3.Shut up! during lecture and listen more in lab

4.dont ask me questions during lecture and then just stare at me when the instructor calls you out.

5.Grow up this is not grade school

6. For the love of pete quit complaining about the instructors and just do the work! It is only 2 years of your life.:bugeyes:

You must have misunderstood me completely!!!

Those are things I want to say to other students in my class. I am venting too, lol :nuke:

That's what I thought you were doing!:lol2:

Specializes in 5th Semester - Graduation Dec '09!.

Will you people in the back row please stop talking! I swear that today I can still hear their motormouths running! :chuckle

Hey.. thats me.. if you only knew all the interesting things we discuss in the back..:lol2:

Will you please stop asking questions and give some else a chance to ask a question! and yes, children get shots too! Yes a senior nursing student wanted to know if children get shots!!!

Will you please stop asking questions and give some else a chance to ask a question! and yes, children get shots too! Yes a senior nursing student wanted to know if children get shots!!!


Specializes in ED.

Please stop talking/whispering in class for just 5 minutes. It will not kill you to NOT talk for a few minutes. It is very annoying and louder than you think. We can all hear you. If i was the instructor I would ask you to be quiet.

Is there a reason you have to open and eat a bag of the most crunchy chips in class every single day? Why can't you open it before class? Why can't you eat dinner before class? And do you have to crunch your chips so extemely loud. During a test? Do you not hear it??? Why can't you have a quiet snack some days like a granola bar or a muffin???

Not everyone is interested in all your medical conditions.

This is a really good thread -- it seems every nursing school gets the same cross-section of the population, and certain personality types pop up every where. On the other hand, I know from experience (because I work weekends in a hospital where most of the techs who are in NS go to a different nursing school than I do because of the location of the hospital) that some schools have more backstabbing than others. That other school seems to have a lot more unhealthy competition and junior high antics than the one I go to, and I have to think that somehow the administration and teachers there must facilitate that environment. While my school certainly does have almost all the personality types mentioned, and am so thankful for the students in my class and feel a sisterhood with them, even some that used to drive me crazy the first two or three semesters.

To the students at my school, I want to say thank you that we encouraged eachother to get through this boot camp called nursing school. Yes, there are some personalities that grated on others, but when it came down to some really difficult situations it was so nice to see the caring and encouragement that went on. You guys rock!

That said, to you students who whisper extended conversations during lecture or lead the classroom discussion down rabbit trails because your uncle's neighbor's third cousin had a certain experience in a hospital or you need to argue a test question into the ground to prove you are right, please remember that respect for other people's time and tuition money is a big sign of maturity (NO, you are NOT the center of the universe!). Also, developing respect for others will serve you well in your career as a nurse and make you shine in this profession.

Specializes in hospice.
Will you please stop asking questions and give some else a chance to ask a question! and yes, children get shots too! Yes a senior nursing student wanted to know if children get shots!!!

Someone obviously doesn't have children...:uhoh3:

Maybe they should ask my kids. I'm sure they'd get an earful from them about all of the shots they've gotten! :chuckle

Specializes in Cardiac Care.
Ooh, I'm gonna like this thread...!

1. Shut up now! I am paying tuition to learn from the instructors. I don't care who is doing how and what to whom. I want to listen to the lecture, thanks.

2. My scores are my scores and are none of your business.

3. I know this material because it was in the lecture or in the reading. You know that big book we had to buy last year? It's in there.

4. No, the instructor is not picking on you. She's asked you four times why you're giving that medicine to your patient. She probably thinks you should know this.

5. Lab values, math calculations and difficult people are going to be a part of your career. It's probably best to learn to deal with them now.

6. Loudly saying "Eww, what stinks?" when you walk into a patient's room is generally not a good thing.

7. Neither is chewing gum in the clinical area.

8. Being on time, in uniform and ready to hear report will go a long way towards developing a professional appearance. Yawning at your nurse will ruin it.

9. You are (or someone is) paying for your education. You truly will get out of it what you put into it. The opportunity to study is a gift a lot of people do not receive. Please make the most of every learning situation offered to you, even if it is not what you think you want to do. Education is never wasted.

And now, the flip side!

1. Thank you so much for saying "Hi" to me on that first day. There were so many people who seemed to know each other, and then there was me, undoubtedly looking out of place. Your friendly gesture showed me that I wasn't there alone.

2. I'm very grateful that you let me sit and study with you in the library. It was fun to banter back and forth, and to ask and answer questions.

3. You're going to be an awesome nurse; I can tell by the way you talk to your patients in clinical, the way you look at them and touch them, and the way you know more about their illness than anybody there.

4. Thanks for quizzing me on the medications! And thanks for letting me quiz you on math!

5. Thanks for sharing your home life with me, and for letting me share mine with you.

6. Thanks for the encouragement during quizzes and exams. I hope I've returned the favor, but having you cheering me on and lifting my spirits means more to me than you'll know.

7. Finally, we've met a lot of awesome nurses in clinical that we both agreed that we'd like to work with after graduation, but I want you to know that for me, you're on that list, too. It would be an honor and privelege to work with you as an RN. Thanks for everything!

Specializes in NICU.

i have to say after reading all of these posts, I have not had so many issues with other nursing students. Most of the students I know are very supportive and take responsibility for themselves--so to them, I say, "thank you."

On that note-- if you haven't read your assignments, don't blame the teacher for writing a bad and unfair exam! (That happened a couple times first semester.)

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