Published Apr 26, 2008
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
Along the lines of the first thread, "Things you would love to say to your nursing instructors" I thought this would be a great thread to start. I've since graduated LVN but there was one main thing I wanted to say to some students in my class.
Will you people in the back row please stop talking! I swear that today I can still hear their motormouths running! :chuckle
When I am in the RN bridge I will come back and post some more. I'm sure some of you have something to get off your chest. Come on and unload here! :)
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
If you are terrified of patients, turn green at the sight of blood or a wound, and label most nursing tasks as disgusting... Why are you becoming a nurse?
239 Posts
Wanting to be a nurse just for the money will only end up giving you a nasty shock.
Foleys and NG tubes CANNOT be used interchangably.
Just because you'll have RN after your name doesn't mean you won't have to wipe butts.
Mooching is bad!
No, you don't use a coffee filter when drawing meds from a vial.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Would you kindly refrain from being a knowitall and let the profressor to whom I addressed the question answer it?
Wrong button!
207 Posts
I know that being anal rententive is a good quality in a nurse and that all of us nursing students are to one extent or ather. But there is such a thing as being TOO anal!
Don't over think the question.
547 Posts
Why don't some of you just take the NCLEX right now?
You didn't wait for me.
I always waited for you.
271 Posts
Do we have to compare every question/answer after an exam? And how do you remember verbatim the ENTIRE exam?
How I am doing in this class is my business, and yes there is a good chance you did better than me, is that a nice self-esteem boost?
Just because a quiz/assignment is offered online does not mean that it is a group assignment.
shoegalRN, RN
1,338 Posts
Would you please SHUT UP about how you are sooooo upset because you *only* got a 90 on the test when you usually get a 95? Especially when there are students who are STRUGGLING to just pass the class. (doesnt apply to me personally, but there is a student who was one point away from passing and it made her feel really bad that folks were upset about getting such a high score, I can only imagined how that made her feel)
Also, please stop talking during lecture about your wedding plans. (Good for you that he FINALLY proposed, but can you please talk about that on your own time?)
And while you are at it, no, not everything they teach us in class can be applied to a clinical situation verbatiam. So, please don't tell me that "they told us in class not to say such and such to a patient" when you were NOT involved in the patient's care, nor was in the situation where I had to tell a patient's family member her mother is dying. (Response I got from a couple of students during post conference while discussing death and dying issues based on my patient and the family dynamics)
Just because you can "pass a test" with flying colors don't mean you will be a good nurse. Just like a person who struggles with test taking skills don't mean they are gonna be a bad nurse. There is such a thing as book smart and plain ole common sense.
259 Posts
I spend hours doing my assignments...quit asking if you can "borrow" them! I do not appreciate being asked to help you cheat your way through school.
Nursing school sucks. Some instructors are rude, disorganized, and moody. Put a smile on your face and get through it; ask the "good" instructors for help. Most of this is just a small bump in the road; get used to it! Life is not easy and neither is nursing school. Complaining constantly and feeling sorry for yourself will get you nowhere.
Not every classmate is going to like you (or me for that matter). Please don't get all butt-hurt if you are not asked to participate in personal activities. If you are a member of the students referred to in my first point, nobody is going to involve you.
While we are talking about invitations, refer again to my first point. If you are the "mooch" always waiting for others to do your work, you WILL NOT be asked to participate in group studies or projects. You hinder our ability to make progress because we are constantly babysitting what you are doing. Don't come to class crying over a poor teste grade and make snotty comments such as "if you had invited me to your study group I could have passed too". Are you nuts? We are not responsible for you!
On a more positive note, I want to thank those classmates who are patient and positive. I have met some wonderful people who will be life long friends. Lesson learned, you get what you give!:redbeathe:bowingpur
44 Posts
This topic is very therapeutic...thanks!
Quit tooting your own horn! You are not the shiznit, you just think you are!
Stop asking question after question on a subject that has been beat to death...if you have further questions see the instructor after class, you are holding everybody up and possibly keeping us from having more time to cover more difficult content.