Things you would love to say to your fellow nursing students!

Nursing Students General Students


Along the lines of the first thread, "Things you would love to say to your nursing instructors" I thought this would be a great thread to start. I've since graduated LVN but there was one main thing I wanted to say to some students in my class.

Will you people in the back row please stop talking! I swear that today I can still hear their motormouths running! :chuckle

When I am in the RN bridge I will come back and post some more. I'm sure some of you have something to get off your chest. Come on and unload here! :)

Ok, here goes.

1) I am busting my butt off in this class. I really don't care to share what my grade was on the last test.

2) Ok, so we can't do the retest. It's ONLY 3 pts for heaven's sake. Quit arguing with the teacher so we can take this test I've been stressing out on for the last week!

3) Would you PLEASE stop talking about how so-and-so screwed up? We're supposed to be here supporting each other, not knocking each other down. This school is stressful and hard enough as it is. We've lost ENOUGH people already this semester, it's not helping if you're making snide comments about somebody.

4) Leave all problems, personal conflicts etc OUTSIDE of the floor during clinicals. We only have a certain amount of time on the floor to do what we have to. It's not going to make anyone look good (or earn browine pts with the clinical instructor) if you're refusing to help someone who needs help with a pt just because you have a "personal" problem with them.

Ok, I feel better now.

Hey I have kids, and yes it is going to be really hard to be doing this with littles at home who want as much of me as nursing school does. Will you try not to hold that against me, especially if I am empathetic with you about the challenges in your world that are making things tough for you? It's not a contest to see who has it the worst. Let's BOTH try to help each other succeed, beating whatever odds are against us, OK?!?!

1) Just because you know I dislike you doesn't mean I start nasty rumors about how you and your friends cheated on the test. Actually, the *friend* you talk to every day is the one that started the rumor because she obviously wasn't in on it.

2) I wouldn't be surprised if the rumor was true. Or please explain how students who are all little friends, went from failing miserably to a perfect score.

3) I don't care if you cheat because you'll fail eventually or you'll get caught, and I will be glad you did.

4) How did you get into the program anyway?

5) If you pass...God help us all.

6) I may be young, single, and seemingly without responsibility, but I come from a single parent home, I help to raise 3 kids, I have to work full time to provide for my family and myself, I don't have a single day of the week off, and I still don't complain as much as you. Don't you dare tell me I have it easy when you know nothing about my situation.

8) NS is not high school girls!

9) I'm impressed how you just woke up one day and decided to go to NS without knowing anything about the profession because I have wanted and worked for this all my life. I admire your courage and willingness to stick with it, but I can't understand why you're still here if you have figured out by now you hate it.

10) Thanks for being my friend; I don't know how I would fit in if it wasn't for you.

Specializes in acute care.

To my pre-req classmates:

1. It's bad enough that you cheat, but do you have to be so open about it? Have you no shame?

2. It was your choice to miss the exam because you wanted to take your road test. You're lucky that the prof is still letting you make it up WEEKS later. Don't tell her that it's OK, since she will drop the lowest score anyway. ...Um, no she won't, who the heck told you that?!

3.Let's see, you can barely make it to class, you don't do your own assignments, and you sit there during lab and do nothing. Exactly WHO is going to practice the nursing skills for you?

4. Don't look at me. The reason I don't speak to you AT ALL is because I don't EVER want you to think you can ask me to let you copy my work. Again, DON'T LOOK AT ME.

5.All that effort to cheat and all you could manage was a C....Hmmm, seems to me that studying would have been the easier route to an A.

Specializes in Telemetry.

I love you. You are a great bunch. Together we can make it.

1. You're a cheater, a liar, a slacker, and you lack common sense. I seriously doubt youre going to pass the program. If somehow you do, I seriously doubt you'll pass NCLEX. If you somehow manage that, I'm still pretty sure youre going to kill somebody. Please find another profession!!!

2. Ummm...shut up about the dosage math being "tricky" and pointless or stupid or whatever. t's elementary arithmetic and basic algebra. (But I truly do feel for anyone stuggling with it).

3. Cheat all you want, but that aint gonna help you pass NCLEX.

4. No, no, the reason you failed clinical and your with our class now is because wht you did was a big deal. Stop trying to minimize it and stop trying to turn us against that teacher.

5. How can you be so wrong, so often?

I don't remember if I put A, B, C, or D. You think I memorize test questions?

6. I studied for 20 minutes right before the test, you guys study over 8 hrs a day every day, and I still got the better grade. LOL @ you!!!!!!

7. Huddling up in the hallways during clinicals really makes you look bad.

8. Actually, I dont think the question was unfair. I think you dont have a clue.

Specializes in L&D.

You are so much better and smarter than you think you are. There is a reason you got in.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I love this thread, I have been LMAO reading all these!!!

But of course I have a few of my own. . .

1. Please can you not argue with the teacher about this one question on the exam, test review is test review, if you want one on one, make an appointment, I'm ready to go home.

2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop coming early to class on exam day and then you and your friend quiz each other outloud all the notes for the exam. Its extremely annoying and all I want to do is slap the s*** out of you.

3. Just because you were an EMT, or tech, or something similar does not make you an RN. . .if it did, I would be glad, because your annoying behind wouldn't be in my class!!! So stop correcting the teacher during lecture or adding your two cents, I don't care.

4. To the same individuals above, please don't add your two cents when the its 3:30 in the afternoon and we've been sitting in lecuture since 8am. . .I'm tired and want to go home, shut up!!!

5. Please stop bugging me about some little tidbit of information that was in the notes that she spent a total of half a millisecond on. Its not that serious.

Specializes in acute care.

It's so funny how every time the prof. mentions a disease/illness, you want to share with the class that you, your friend, relative or pet suffered from this illness. Thank you for wasting those precious minutes of my life.

Specializes in ICU, Psych.

It is NOT all about you.

You are NOT funny. You are annoying and innappropriate. We've all been hoping you'd fail since the very first semester.

I really don't care that you need a smoke break SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad. It causes cancer and you smell.

No, it is NOT hilarious that you've come to clinical on hydrocodone.

Senior year and you don't know how to flush an NG tube and you wonder why your CRITICAL CARE preceptor talked to the prof about you??????

No, an 8 year old boy with a closed head injury CAN'T help his behavior problems. And YES I will be telling the clinical instructor that you'd just as soon he be put out of his misery for the benefit of the rest of the world. It's not that I don't like you. It's that I have very little respect for you as a person.

Id love to say

'Switch your phones off in lectures, now is not a good time to be txting someone'

'Shut the heck up'-Its all the little comments and chatting that is driving me nuts. And then when you stick your hand up because you dont understand i really really want to slap you-If you had listened then you would know the answers.

'For crying out loud be on time'-Im so sick of people coming in late to lectures, not just a few minutes but 20-30 minutes late.Yeah fair enough once or twice but every day? Set your alarm earlier!!!

'Shut up moaning and whinging about everything'

But the thing that is really getting to me is this one person who will only work 10-4 monday to friday termtime-Yeah of course patients are only ill between those hours.Yes i know its hard with kids, ive got one of my own yet im not demanding to work 'unrealistic hours' You have to experience all of the shifts, not just the ones that you like the sound of. I mean why are you becoming a nurse?You are rude,nasty,spiteful and arogant, hardly the qualities of a nurse.

Also, go and get some books and self learn. The lecturer hasnt got time to teach us every single tiny thing. If you want to learn that then do it in your own time.We are being taught what is relevant and what is needed-He isnt going to tailor the course to suit you and your first placement-there is 53 other people on the course so get over yourself!!!!

Specializes in Dialysis.

quick complaining about the teacher! study harder!!!

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