Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this: Nurses Relations Video Nurse Life


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

Specializes in rehab.

~Look you are what....800 pounds. I do not think you are going to starve to death just because you missed your 3 pm snack (which is an orange). If you do start to starve your body has about 600 pounds of fat to survive on.

~Ok so you want the "good stuff" I get it. Sorry we don't do that here. And you think the pain meds we have for you are "nothing more then candy." But when I ask 'are you feeling ok' when your blood pressure plummets and your heart increases it is NOT the time to give me a lecture about how I am getting rich off of meds. I want to make sure you are going to survive me calling 911.

~You can stop calling me a ************ (because first of all I have never ****** your mother). I'm sorry we cannot live to your outrageous expectations. But I cannot magically make a doctor appear. I explained that non-emergencies will mean that the doctor will come tomorrow. And wanting an order to state that only males can shower you does not constitute as an emergency. Despite how much you think it is one.

~Ok. Stop screaming. Really. You make my ears bleed and make my pulse race. Especially screaming over stupid stuff. I told you before we are not your personal taxi service. You got feet, you got a wheelchair, you got hands. Get moving.

~....why do you think I want to touch the leg that you state is "weeping"? Really do I look like I wanna touch it with my bare hands?!

~It's not the dumping syndrome you say you have. It's that you are FREAKIN anorexic! Ok! You are. Let's just admit it. I know you are. The doctors know you are. The entire staff knows you are. You only are the only one who believes you aren't.

~Look get out of that damned bed. I'm tired of arguing with you. The doctor himself said that you need to get out of bed.

~STOP WITH THE STUPID COMPETITION ON WHO CAN BE THE MOST NEEDIEST. If you or your roommate turn this call light on one more time I will walk in with scissors and cut the stupid cord so you can no longer ring it.

~Alright. Again with the screaming. Why? Look I explained to you that people have scopes of practice. A resident that cannot breath is not the CNAs job. It's my job so shut up with the screaming on how no one cares for anyone. while we are at it, don't scream at me when I'm trying to calm someone down who's turning blue. Really it defeats the whole purpose.

Specializes in rehab.

Ah I forgot the most important one!

Look if you really feel we are that incompetent that you have to tell me how to do my job then perhaps you should take your son home. Really. He is at the best he's going to get. Take him home. You call every hour wanting to know if he is ok, if we are doing our job right, if he is covered up.

Why no we have decided it would be fun to leave him uncovered in the middle of winter. Fun isn't it!

Oh and gee I wonder how I know that he's doing ok. I mean his bed is out in the hallway because you don't "want him to be alone." So gee I wonder why I would know when I'm staring at him...

OH It's because I'm psychic!

No I am not going to massage your inner thighs.....You ******* Pervert! And would you please, for the hundredth time, keep your gown down. Trust me...your little sausage does nothing for me or the other nurses.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

I had a patient years ago who was absolutely obsessed with his bowels. He must have used laxatives at home every few hours, and actually had panic and anxiety attacks if he didn't open his bowels 2-3 times a day. He was ALWAYS talking about his bowels. Tried explaining this was not normal and he would ruin his natural bowel action. I can't remember if he had a psych consult or not, but boy, was he a REALLY strange guy! He couldn't work or anything cos he was in the toilet most of the day -definitely one for Dr Freud with his anal fixation theories!

I often wonder how people get like that? And they have no quality of life either.

Specializes in Medical.

I once looked after a bowel-obsessed guy who drank a bottle of lactulose a day. His colon had all the tone of a sock.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

Did you marinate in that cologne/perfume all night?

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.
Did you marinate in that cologne/perfume all night?

Yeah, I hate the strong, cheap perfume/deodorant that some people wear - I think they get it from the $2 shop!

It sets off my sinuses something shocking :mad:

You are not going to die if you don't have a BM every day. Remember last night, when you overflowed the bedpan? That means you're fine. I'm not giving you a suppository, an enema, or 'a little help up in there'. I know you're 'not supposed to strain' with your abdominal incision, so here's a helpful hint. STOP TRYING TO POOP. You can't push out what's not there. Next time you demand to speak with the doctor, I'm going to recommend that you have your orifice and rectum removed so you'll quit bugging us about them.

The reason you are waiting 3 hours to be seen by a dr in the ed is because the Dr's are spread thin. They don't want more Dr's on board because , it would mean less money for them. I 'm sick of making excuses of why a pt hasn't been seen yet. I would also like to say, you will be getting a survey , take that survey and shuv it up your,, ^**** !!!!!!!! Now get out !!!!!!! Or I have to keep you alive , but I don't have to smile or fluff your pillow id you are going to be nasty to e.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I appreciate the apology but don't really care about how weepy you are. I'm not dropping the complaint to the police made after you bit me. It is still tender and lumpy 2 full weeks later.

Specializes in Telemetry.

In the ER: "Well you are having to wait 6+ hours to be seen because we are taking care of the EMERGENCIES first. We see people according to acuity, which means that your cold symptoms are at the bottom of the list." :p

On the floor with over protective family staying with a pt 24/7:

"You know your mom might start feeling better if you actually left the hospital and let her rest instead of worrying about how often YOU feel we should be in here to check on her."

Pain med junkie:

You walk into the room, pt is sleeping and due to noise wakes up for a second and starts crying because they are in so much 'pain', respirations are low and saturation is in the upper 80s, yet they claim they still need meds. "Assisted suicide is not yet legal, but when it becomes so I'd be happy to comply with your demands." :p

Needy pt:

Pt. is on call light approx. twice every hour. You go into the room they request a grahmcracker. You say sure and ask if there is anything else that you can get. They say no. You come back with crackers and then pt asks for soda and some ice. "I'm sorry, you said you didn't need anything else when I asked before I left to get your crackers. You'll have to deal with what you've got. Also I will be disconnecting your call light due to your misuse of the device." :p

Specializes in L&D.

Your noncompliant with your diet and your blood sugar is always high. It's obvious you don't care about your health. This isn't a shelter, please leave so we can give this room to a patient who wants to live. Thanks bye.

Do you realize you are not my only patient? Do you realize it is impossible for every one of my patients to receive their medication at 6? Someone will have to be 6:05, 6:10, 30, etc. And don't forget there are the unforeseen events that may occur in between. Oh you don't care about any of that you just want your meds when it's scheduled. Ok.

I hate how irrational some of my patients are. No one wants to listen they just want to blow a fuse. Good grief!