Things you'd like to say to your fellow classmates

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I stole this from the general nursing student board. I know we are all in pre-reqs right now, but the cattiness has already begun as I have noticed in one of my classes (A&P). So if you have a few Bitter Betties in your classes because you are doing well and they are not, or you have more free time than they do or whatever, come and say it here. I'll start:

1. Stop coming in to class the day of the test and looking to me to be your personal brain box. You know this class is hard as heck and you need top grades, so why on Earth would you be lazy and dumb enough to wait until the last minute asking me what diagrams we need to know....why don't YOU know this already? You say you work full-time...and? So do a lot of others that are busting their butts to do what they have to do. Stop making me feel like my achievements are any less because I have a bit more free time. Without studying properly, I'd being doing as badly as you!

2. I don't care if you graduated in the 80's. Stop acting like my grades in a bio class in which there is material I have NEVER seen before is reflective of the fact that I graduated in 2006. And yes, I HEARD you talking behind my back, which was really right in front of my face, because I was two feet away, but I guess your butt didn't notice! And yes, last Wednesday I walked away while you were suggesting a study group. *-YOU. I'm gonna let you fail on your own.


Specializes in ER.

I'd like to take every cell phone I see used for texting during class and toss it out the window. I'd also like a roll of duct tape to use on those that cannot seem to keep their trap shut for the duration of class. I find it very distracting to hear lecture in one ear, and discussion of guys, bars, etc. in the other.

I must be getting old.

The professor handed out a handy item called a syllabus on the first day of class. It lists all of the assignments and due dates, so use it and stop asking me when things are due and complaining that you didn't do the assignment because you didn't know about it.

oh yeah to the guy who wants to be a marine biologist but gets out of lab when we are looking at mitosis because he is against abortion (he feels that the fish blastula cells we were looking at were abortions and he feels that everything has a soul and every life is sacred), if you really feel that way and aren't just trying to get out of lab you are screwed next year in A&P when we really use fetal pigs and cats. But I don't have the heart to tell you that because I think you might just be mentaly under developed.

oh yeah to the guy who wants to be a marine biologist but gets out of lab when we are looking at mitosis because he is against abortion (he feels that the fish blastula cells we were looking at were abortions and he feels that everything has a soul and every life is sacred), if you really feel that way and aren't just trying to get out of lab you are screwed next year in A&P when we really use fetal pigs and cats. But I don't have the heart to tell you that because I think you might just be mentaly under developed.

Hahhaaaaaaa...this just made me fall on the floor...lmao:yeah:

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

The syllabus thing.

You are legally considered an adult. You might want to let your brain in on that. I hear "ohmygod that paper was due TODAY???" more often than I can count. Also, the 16-point bolded font that reads, "You are expected to have read the chapter before discussion group." evidently slipped right by you.

Also, to the girls in my Poli-Sci class. Although I may have lost half my hearing, I can still pick up on your whispering. I don't care "like, how wasted" you were the night before. Responsibility. Look it up in the dictionary.

To the girl who sleeps through every Forensics lecture... Why do you sit in the front row only to fall asleep? I wish you could see the expression on the professor's face every time she looks at you. Your dozing only serves to greatly distract (and amuse) the other 300 students who are actually paying attention.

To the loud typists in my psychology class: It's very distracting to hear clickclickclickclickclick when the professor is lecturing. I know some keyboards don't encourage quiet typing, but there is a way to teach yourself to type quietly. I know... I've done it.

Specializes in Maternity.

ohh can i join? lol..

to the know-it-all in lecture, it's not all about you!!!!!


1. To the pregnant girl in my anatomy class who wants to be a nurse - stop drinking energy're hurting the baby! :cry:

2. To the girl that is trying to sabatoge everyone - I'm smarter than you so you're little comments don't freak me out. Now go eat something and lay off the adderall!

3. To the hot guy - you are hot. :heartbeat

To the loud girl in lab! We don't want to hear you stating everything that you are doing! A) We don't care and B) It's distracting and almost impossible to study when you're loud mouth is blabbing everything and anything! Just SHUT UP! You are being so RUDE! We all paid good money to take this class too, so be respectful and pipe down!

And to the annoying people in my Chem class! READ THE DIRECTIONS! Instructors hand out lab manuals, directions, and syllabi so we don't have to ask! Come to class prepared...I do, along with others, why should we spend an extra 10 minutes going over things you should have read before class. GRR!!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

One more: To the people who are so kind to share their annoying music with everyone in the study room... do you even realize how loud it is that we can hear your music through your headphones??

This is aweessooomeeee.

To the girl in both my lecture and lab class, we do NOT want to listen to you badmouth the teacher TO HER FACE about how "bad" her study guides are and accuse her of purposely failing you. Seriously. You're 24, yet act like you're 12. GROW UP. Ugh. And stop shoving your flashcards in my face - I hate them.

To the guy in my lab class, welcome to real life - I'm glad you learned not studying was a bad thing.

I'm sure I'll have more next quarter!

Crap I guess I am the know it all in my class, I didn't mean to be but when the professor asks the class a question and they all just sit there and stare because they didn't do the reading what am I to do???

Anyways I have alot of people that bug me in class. That said here is to you girl in the lab group across from mine that always tries to tell me that I am doing something wrong with my lab, only to realize 10 minutes later that I am just farther ahead then you; why do you continue to call me out when you know I am just faster then you, its not a race I know but it just annoys me and makes you look like a fool when you call me out like that.

PS we all think it is very very sad that you do not know how to use a microscope or spectrometer.

Specializes in Psych.

To the girls who sit in the back in micro lecture: Seriously SHUT THE HELL UP! If you guys want to play Gossiping Gabby, PLEASE do it on your own time and not through the entire lecture EVERY SINGLE class period. OMG its all I can do to go back there and smack the hell out of you. Do you REALIZE how distracting you are? Oh, and please dont show up to lecture EVERY TIME 5 minutes late because you had to get your snack on. K thanks bye.

To a certain girl in my micro lab: Its called reading the instructions for the lab and/or LISTENING to our teacher explain the procedure, instead of having to ask everyone at our table 10 million times what we are supposed to be doing. OH-and to my entire lab class....................please stop cattily referring to me as "102" Just because I got the highest grade on the first test does not mean y'all have to be so ****** about it. If you want to ask me something, call me by my name, you know what it is.

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