Things you'd like to say to your fellow classmates

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I stole this from the general nursing student board. I know we are all in pre-reqs right now, but the cattiness has already begun as I have noticed in one of my classes (A&P). So if you have a few Bitter Betties in your classes because you are doing well and they are not, or you have more free time than they do or whatever, come and say it here. I'll start:

1. Stop coming in to class the day of the test and looking to me to be your personal brain box. You know this class is hard as heck and you need top grades, so why on Earth would you be lazy and dumb enough to wait until the last minute asking me what diagrams we need to know....why don't YOU know this already? You say you work full-time...and? So do a lot of others that are busting their butts to do what they have to do. Stop making me feel like my achievements are any less because I have a bit more free time. Without studying properly, I'd being doing as badly as you!

2. I don't care if you graduated in the 80's. Stop acting like my grades in a bio class in which there is material I have NEVER seen before is reflective of the fact that I graduated in 2006. And yes, I HEARD you talking behind my back, which was really right in front of my face, because I was two feet away, but I guess your butt didn't notice! And yes, last Wednesday I walked away while you were suggesting a study group. *-YOU. I'm gonna let you fail on your own.


OH-and to my entire lab class....................please stop cattily referring to me as "102" Just because I got the highest grade on the first test does not mean y'all have to be so ****** about it. If you want to ask me something, call me by my name, you know what it is.

Haha...u should totally call them 60 or 20 if they do

To a certain girl in my micro lab: Its called reading the instructions for the lab and/or LISTENING to our teacher explain the procedure, instead of having to ask everyone at our table 10 million times what we are supposed to be doing. OH-and to my entire lab class....................please stop cattily referring to me as "102" Just because I got the highest grade on the first test does not mean y'all have to be so ****** about it. If you want to ask me something, call me by my name, you know what it is.

OMG, this is my biggest pet peeve too! In my A&P class, the professor posts the grades online and everyone is assigned a secret number so the grades are anonymous. On the top of the first test, before we turned it in, we were supposed to write what we wanted for our number and write it next to our name. The girl that sits next to me found out my secret code when she turned her test in and saw my number next to my name. People were talking about grades one day and asked who the genius was that had 102% in the class. She announced to the whole class that it was me so now everyone refers to me as "the genius" and some people are so snotty to me because of it. When do people have to be so mean just because you get good grades?

Some people just make others feel inadequate because they're suffering from a damaged self esteem. Of course, the ones that do this to other people are the ones that seem to rarely study then wonder why their grades suck. (I have one of these in my human biology class - she even went as far to accuse the teacher to her face that her study guides suck).

...and I thought high school was bad. Ah, well.

To people in my micro class...

Don't give me crap for being the only person to get an A on the test. I even missed most of the review our professor kindly gave us because I had to deal with work things, but I studied the slides, read the chapters, and made flashcards. No excuses for you if you ignored/skipped the review where our professor told you exactally what slides you would need to study!

But thank you for not giving me dirty looks during the review when I had to keep leaving the room because my job kept calling...and calling...and calling.

To that one guy in sociology...

I don't care what lies you spew to prove how important you are. I'm not even calling you out on how inconsistent your lies are. But, seriously, how are you going to act like I am lazy and an idiot for being unhappy that a "mini" assignment we had a week to complete ended up being 32 pages long? Just because you got the assignment done in 3 days with your full time job and travel for work and taking care of the kids and going to T-ball practice while I took the whole week to complete the assignment doesn't mean I am a bad student. Maybe it means I took more care in completing my assignment. Maybe I was prioritizing my work from other classes. Maybe it's because I'm on call this month so I had to spend 5 hours after work on Tuesday on my phone and laptop trying to fix a huge major issue that required nationwide notification of managers to avoid major security breeches and financial losses. (See, I can sound important too!)

separator.gifTo the 2 or 3 girls on the row I sit next to (or use to, at least) shut the **** up. A&P lecture is NOT the time for you all to gossip, giggle, whisper (loudly), etc, while other people around you are trying to learn and comprehend. You're not as cool as you think you are.

To the little skank bag and dude that sits next to her in Algebra-KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF EACH OTHER DURING CLASS. I do NOT want to bear witness to your flirting/foreplay all class period, EVERY class period. There is a time and a place for you two to do whatever the hell it is you're doing and it is most definitely NOT in the classroom. Take it to your car if you freaking need to. Just STOP practically making out in front of me while I'm trying to focus.


to the three girls in my summer a & P class. Shut Up!!!! All of your whining, gossip and asking each other what the professor just said is annoying. The rest of us can't hear with your constant yacking. And....if you shut up and listened to the prof, you would actually understand what is going on and not always be a step behind needing to ask each other what he just said. shut up and listen.

To half of the summer a & p class and 1 guy in micro......stop complaining that you don't want to be in class. The rest of us are here to learn. This isn't prison....if you don't want to be in us all a favor and leave!!! And FYI if you don't like the topic and hate to study......I think you picked the wrong career....nursing school is hard...harder than micro....this is practice for the big time, which is nursing school, so if you don't like it now, you are never gonna make it buddy.

wow! that sure felt good to get it out.

I love this thread!! LOL!!! I am normally not a cranky individual...BUT.......

There are two women in my Microbiology class who is the most annoying people I've ever met! The one woman comments on EVERY SINGLE THING the professor says! Whether is is just verbally agreeing with him or whispering to her neighbor, she says something every 30 seconds...literally!...I timed her last night!! LOL...

The other comes into lab atleast 20 minutes late each class and the instruction for what we are going to be doing that class is almost over by then..and she expects us to explain everything to her and has messed up our group experiments several times!

Grrrr! That made me feel better :)

Another girl I forgot about...she asks ALL the time questions like.."Do we have to know how to spell this word for the test??" or " "Is this powerpoint slide going to on the test?"....OMG! You are in college..your professor shouldn't have to tell you what to know...figure it out for yourself and just learn it all!!!! We are not in high school anymore people!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

Does this apply to people who aren't in your class? :D

If you're going to come into the lecture hall before our class is over, have the courtesy to shut your d**n mouth. We can hear every word you and your little cohort are talking about, and the professor doesn't appreciate the distraction.

Specializes in thinking about being a PA instead, now.

"Stop cheating, you grade-grabbers!" :down::down::down::down::down:

Yeah good one! Stop Cheating. However, those of us who choose to get our grades by hard work and not cheating will win in the end. Those lazy ***** students who cheat their way thru pre reqs and nursing school will not pass the NCLEX (where they will never get away with cheating) and be out on their rear ends, unliscenced and unable to get a job, essentially time wasted. So ha ha ha cheaters, karma got you in the end.:yeah:

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