THANK YOU, to the staff, mods, and admins....

Nurses General Nursing


I just wanted to start a thread to show some support for our hard-working mods.

Your job is never easy, but today, it's especially difficult.

I can't speak for everyone, but I know I speak for many when I say that what you all do is appreciated.

Keep your heads up.

I'd also like to say thank you to everyone... up front, behind the scenes, and all the members, too. I have learned so much, gotten SO many laughs, and gained great respect for the profession we are all in. Please take care of yourselves too. It just doesn't seem real at all, no matter how many comments you read.

I'm so thankful for the support and wisdom that I've gained through the people on this site. I lurked as a student and joined as a GN about ten years ago. AN has been a convenient source for nursing information, but it has also been part of the process of my mellowing out as a nurse, often teaching me how much there is that I don't know. A brief time as a moderator helped me to better communicate with people and you guys showed me that sometimes it's okay to just go to bed, even if someone is wrong on the Internet.

I'm sending lots of love to the staff here. I've enjoyed getting to know you over the years in friendships that have sometimes blended over into social media and even real life. I appreciate what you do to make the site everything that it is.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Thank you to our members, former moderators + guides who have come to support the staff, offer remembrance and condolences to Brian and Karen's family. The outpouring of love and affection helps to ease the pain of our grieving hearts.

Karen served as the sounding board for AN in the early years with many ideas bounced off her regarding content, design and overall feel of the site. She helped guide Brian's decision in what direction to take the website along with booth give away items at AACN 's NTI education sessions in early years. It was a privilege to have met her and the children at "AN World Headquarters" in 2004 and speak with the family over the years. They will be forever fondly etched in my memory and heart.

Specializes in allergy and asthma, urgent care.

I want to add my thanks and condolences to the admins, mods, and staff of AN. Thank you for always being here for us, especially through this difficult time. Allnurses has been my go-to place for advice, laughs, and just to vent since I was a pre-nursing student. Brian's vision of a gathering place for nurses will continue thanks to all of you.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Thank you allnurses moderators, guides, and admins. Things will never be the same but I know you will continue to do a great job.

Specializes in Registered Nurse.

Thanks, Mods, Guides, Admins! You do an excellent job...and appreciate the site going on...

Specializes in my patients.

Yes. None of us have the right words to say but know we're all thinking of you.


Such a horrible, tragic thing. My condolences to you all.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There are no words that will make this difficult and confusing time any easier other than knowing you have a world full of colleagues standing behind you in support and solidarity. The tragic loss of this entire family has impacted many.

I would like to offer my condolences to all of those who work for AN -- mods, admins, office workers, everyone. I also laud their commitment and professionalism during what must be an extraordinarily difficult time. I'm not a frequent visitor to this site (I'm not a nurse). Nonetheless, I have appreciated the opportunity to ask a few questions, and to read about topics that interest me. It is very apparent that AN is important to the nursing community.

You are all a class act, and I wish I could give you a big hug.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Thanks everyone!

Thank you, and you all are in my thoughts during this tragic moment.

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