Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home" due Covid-19 spike

Nurses COVID

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Heard on broadcast news + CNN:

6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching virus himself

Texas governor to residents: "The safest place for you is at your home"


As Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home.



"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."


Hope my Texas colleagues have enough PPE!

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
42 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Ah, classic "move the goalposts". Governor Abbott, and most other Southern governors, did right in reopening their respective states because the cases were ridiculously low when they were reopened.

Oh, you mean the same people who use hospital services disproportionately anyway?

And last I checked, it would take an act of Congress to increase Medicare payroll tax rates to offset budget deficits. Given how well Congress works, I anticipate that happening... probably never.

Those costs would be spread out for an even longer period of time with lengthening life-spans. By your logic, if Coronavirus wipes out a significant proportion of elderly folks, we'd end up saving money in the long run!

But like I said before, the healthcare organizations should be pushing more and more people out with rapid discharges and to stadiums, where care will be far less expensive than in hospitals. I bet many of these people would benefit from an O2 tank and a nasal cannula put in the backseat of their cars, a packet of discharge papers, and a wave home goodbye.

That is both disgusting and not accurate.

You are, again, giving bad/dangerous medical advice that has zero basis in evidence. You are actively endangering others.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.
Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
1 hour ago, BostonFNP said:


How is Texas doing this week? Getting nervous yet?

A significant percentage of hospitalized and severe illness COVID patients are over 65 and on Medicare, I don’t know if you’ve ever looked at your paystub, but you can go ahead and do that and let us know what you see.

Lets play a little game: current there are 10,500 hospitalized cases in TX, more than 50% of those are over 65 and the avg cost per day is $38,000. That’s 20million a day in Medicare cost.

That article indicates that Texas had the shortest lockdown and is now breaking records with new cases that can't be explained away as artifact from increased testing. You can't reach the emotional partisan with exercises in logic.

Specializes in Psych.

Well said @herring_RN! Those leftists can keep wishing that we'd all just stay at home all the time, let the U.S. go back to the Stone Age, and entertain a massive spike in suicides, mental health problems, social upheaval, etc. just to vainly hope that a "super-flu" with a >97% survival rate disappears!

Specializes in Psych.
33 minutes ago, BostonFNP said:

You are, again, giving bad/dangerous medical advice that has zero basis in evidence. You are actively endangering others.

Oh no, I'm just like Anthony Fauci. I can make any baseless assertion I choose, and then ever-so-conveniently do a 180 and say the exact opposite two months later, because "we just didn't have the science at the time" ?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
3 hours ago, BostonFNP said:

That is both disgusting and not accurate.

You are, again, giving bad/dangerous medical advice that has zero basis in evidence. You are actively endangering others.

The cavalier disregard for American life, represented in the post you quoted, is very unbecoming thinking for a health professional.

3 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Oh, you mean the same people who use hospital services disproportionately anyway?

3 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

I bet many of these people would benefit from an O2 tank and a nasal cannula put in the backseat of their cars, a packet of discharge papers, and a wave home goodbye.

These are gross, disgusting statements that do not belong on any nursing forum anywhere.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

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Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
3 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Oh no, I'm just like Anthony Fauci. I can make any baseless assertion I choose, and then ever-so-conveniently do a 180 and say the exact opposite two months later, because "we just didn't have the science at the time" ?

There is a big difference between the consensus of intelligent, educated, experienced, career experts in viral Infectious Disease using a evidence to make recommendations and you and what you are posting, which is dangerous drivel. Please don’t kid yourself.

Specializes in Critical Care.
7 minutes ago, BostonFNP said:

There is a big difference between the consensus of intelligent, educated, experienced, career experts in viral Infectious Disease using a evidence to make recommendations and you and what you are posting, which is dangerous drivel. Please don’t kid yourself.

Agreed. Healthcare should be rooted in science and facts. And what is being spread here and other places is dangerous and irresponsible.

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