Updated: Jun 25, 2020 Published Jun 24, 2020
10 Articles; 19,051 Posts
Heard on broadcast news + CNN:
6/23/20 -Texas Reports All-Time Daily High: 5,489 New COVID-19 Cases. Houston hospital ICU's full.. Texas Chrildrens hospital will now admit adults. Change in tone from Governor Abbott --who's high risk for catching virus himself
QuoteAs Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home. https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/coronavirus-pandemic-06-23-20-intl/index.html
As Texas sees its highest numbers of positive tests and hospitalizations, Gov. Greg Abbott advised residents of the state to stay at home.
Quote"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/23/882504575/5-489-new-covid-19-cases-texas-reports-new-all-time-daily-high
"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."
Hope my Texas colleagues have enough PPE!
A Hit With The Ladies, BSN, RN
408 Posts
I voted straight ticket Democrat in 2018 so I didn't vote for Governor Abbott. But I'll vote for him in 2022. He has proven himself to be our last line of defense against tyranny. I am beyond grateful he keeps superseding local Democrats' orders to mask up or pay fines, or to stay home or face legal issues. Thanks to him we Texans don't live in some dystopian nightmare where the leftist politicians have used Coronavirus as an excuse for totalitarian social control.
1,476 Posts
1 hour ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:I voted straight ticket Democrat in 2018 so I didn't vote for Governor Abbott. But I'll vote for him in 2022. He has proven himself to be our last line of defense against tyranny. I am beyond grateful he keeps superseding local Democrats' orders to mask up or pay fines, or to stay home or face legal issues. Thanks to him we Texans don't live in some dystopian nightmare where the leftist politicians have used Coronavirus as an excuse for totalitarian social control.
Thanks to him the pediatric hospitals in the state are now being forced to accept adult patients because the number of cases are so high from NOT enforcing masking and social distancing.
We have heaps and heaps of hospital beds, including ICU beds, available. I work in the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and nowhere do you see lines of cars blocking the streets trying to get patients into the hospitals. I think all these COVID-positive cases are because they're just ramping up testing in the nursing homes. These people probably already had the Coronavirus but only now it's showing up positive. I'm not terribly concerned.
12 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:We have heaps and heaps of hospital beds, including ICU beds, available. I work in the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and nowhere do you see lines of cars blocking the streets trying to get patients into the hospitals. I think all these COVID-positive cases are because they're just ramping up testing in the nursing homes. These people probably already had the Coronavirus but only now it's showing up positive. I'm not terribly concerned.
TMC is diverting some adult patients, both ICU and non-ICU, to the pediatric hospitals as of today.
QuoteAt this rate, Texas Medical Center group hospitals throughout the nine-county Greater Houston area will run out of regular capacity ICU beds in two weeks, according to TMC data.
At this rate, Texas Medical Center group hospitals throughout the nine-county Greater Houston area will run out of regular capacity ICU beds in two weeks, according to TMC data.
It really won't be that bad over here. Texas is a very large state, with lots of sprawl. We are 'social distancers' by the nature of our geography. The population density here is nothing like NYC, for example.
Even if the 60,000+ George Floyd protesters caused a Coronavirus resurgence locally here in the Greater Houston area, it'll end up blowing over. Plus, a lot of it is media-driven hysteria. Someone coughs, and *boom!* their entire family wants them to go to the hospital right away lest they have Coronavirus. Hopefully many will be promptly discharged home rather than admitted.
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
Our hospital cases have tripled over the last three weeks and single rooms are having to be turned to doubles. Leadership where I work let us know yesterday that several hospitals in DFW have had to go on divert in the last 48 hours due to being full and the screening process is changing due to the beginnings of supply shortages. HCA themselves have had to change COVID designated hospitals from Plano to Dallas and now to Lewisville due to filling up with cases in each instance. There is a critical shortage of ICU/Trauma beds in DFW. We are at the tipping point. "Plenty of beds"? Where? Lubbock? Staff is falling ill and we have so many out on furlough that we are now facing shortages and being on call.
Anyone who thinks this is just a result of increased testing absolutely defies logic. The percentage of people needing hospitalization is going up exponentially, as has the percentage of positives in the testing being done. This isn't a result of increased testing. This is heavily indicative of community spread. This is a result of extremely lax leadership, cronyism and the desire to put an election before human lives. Texas is big, so we won't have a crisis here? Sorry but...no. Texas IS big and has BIG cities with huge metropolis areas, where you cannot tell where the border of one city ends and the next starts. People are not masking, not social distancing, not staying home. Most of the people in Texas are not out in the country. Most are in DFW, Austin, Houston and Corpus Christie with tons of only slightly smaller cities all over the place and vast oceans of healthcare deserts in the less occupied areas.
I find the pollyanna head-in-the-sand approach to be pretty much outrageous at this point. The stuff the GOP is touting on the news in no way matches the reality of where I and my colleagues across DFW work.
59 minutes ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2020/06/23/texas-childrens-hospital-now-admitting-adults-as-other-area-hospitals-prepare-to-activate-surge-plans/It really won't be that bad over here. Texas is a very large state, with lots of sprawl. We are 'social distancers' by the nature of our geography. The population density here is nothing like NYC, for example.Even if the 60,000+ George Floyd protesters caused a Coronavirus resurgence locally here in the Greater Houston area, it'll end up blowing over. Plus, a lot of it is media-driven hysteria. Someone coughs, and *boom!* their entire family wants them to go to the hospital right away lest they have Coronavirus. Hopefully many will be promptly discharged home rather than admitted.
You just can't help but to get your jabs in, can you. First came all of the Memorial Day partying that happened thanks to Gov Abbott, then came the protests for racial justice and equality. Regardless of the reason of the surge though, as it is completely irrelevant at this point, there is absolutely a surge in Texas in general and specifically Houston and specifically TMC to the point that pediatricians are admitting and taking care of adult patients in pediatric hospitals. So there's that.
keldorn, BSN, RN
49 Posts
My hospital started off with maybe a few PUI's, very few positive cases for the past months, and if there were positives, they were diverted. Now 25% of our unit is COVID+, and the ER has even more holding for beds. But hey, the hero nurses are provided free cookies, and boxed sandwiches that would make a goat puke.
herring_RN, ASN, BSN
3,651 Posts
June 23, 2020 "Today, Texas will report an all-time high in the number of cases of people testing positive" for the coronavirus, Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday, adding that for the first time, his state would surpass 5,000 new cases in a single day.
Hours later, the Texas Department of State Health Services reported 5,489 new cases.
Governor Abbott initially revealed the daunting new record during an interview with TV station KBTX in which he urged people to take the deadly disease seriously, telling them to wear a mask in public, stay home when possible and take other precautions.
"The hospitalization rate is at an all-time high," he said. "The coronavirus is serious. It's spreading in Brazos County, across the entire state of Texas."...
... "COVID-19 is now spreading at an unacceptable rate in the state of Texas, and it must be corralled," Abbott said Monday.
Calling on people to follow safety rules about washing their hands, social distancing and wearing face coverings, he added, "Texans have shown that we don't have to choose between jobs and health — we can have both. We can protect lives while also restoring livelihoods."...
This is NOT about politics, despite our Presidents rants. It is a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY. Keep denying science and broadcast/cable news reports of this COVID-19 pandemic, health experts reccomendations means to control an extremely contagious virus spread via masking, social distancing and staying at home then you get the mess that southern states are facing. When you have multiple patients coding on one shift and dying day after day, your emotionally overloaded --weeks of this and lives can be shattered.
Philly 5 couinty area is just getting to GREEN this Friday where most businesses permitted to reopen 1/2 occupancy. Northeast US does not want to go back to hell it's been thru.
NY, NJ and CT to require 14-day quarantine for travelers from states with high Covid-19 rates
QuoteQuarantine goes into effect today. Any state that has a 10 people per 100,000 testing positive for coronavirus — or a 10% infection rate — will be subject to the newly imposed quarantine.The numbers, which are on a seven-day rolling average, will be updated daily, so the states impacted could change day-to-day.Today, there are nine states that meet the criteria for the 14-day quarantine. They are:AlabamaArkansasArizonaFloridaNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaWashingtonUtahTexas
Quarantine goes into effect today. Any state that has a 10 people per 100,000 testing positive for coronavirus — or a 10% infection rate — will be subject to the newly imposed quarantine.
The numbers, which are on a seven-day rolling average, will be updated daily, so the states impacted could change day-to-day.
Today, there are nine states that meet the criteria for the 14-day quarantine. They are:
Does this make sense from a public health perspective during a pandemic with 121,000 U.S. deaths???
CNBC 6/24/2020
Sen. Ted Cruz TX is pushing back against the decision by the administration.