Topics About 'Social Media'.

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  1. It's hard to believe nurses would record themselves mocking their own patients and then post it on Tik Tok. It's not hard to believe the video went viral, receiving 100,000 views before it was taken down. Four L&D nurses at Emory Hospital th...
  2. Secured a job on LinkedIn

    As a NP, is it worth the time? Do NP’s normally secure employment via this route or is it more of a place for humble bragging; ideal for non healthcare industries?
  3. According to the Money section of Time magazine, it is reported that 93% of hiring managers will review their candidates' social media accounts before making a hiring decision1. At the click of a button, a momentary lapse in judgment, could destroy y...
  4. With the ability to search for anything on the internet, how many times per day do people seek information about a disease process, medication, lab results, etc? Countless! With one search and a click, one may have content in the form of news, forums...
  5. k1p1ssk

    Social Media Worry

    So, MA DPH announced that all students K-12 + college are required to have a flu vaccine by 12/31/20. I posted a snarky FB status about how many people will suddenly have religious exemptions this year and a former friend (and VEHEMENT anti-vaxxer) h...
  6. Unprofessional Conduct Online

    I am unsure how to handle something I came across on social media and I'm hoping that someone with more wisdom and experience can help guide me. Today I saw a post on social media where a fellow nurse posted something cruel, racist and embarrassing t...
  7. AN recently attended the 2017 Magnet Conference and were able to attend the session, Join Them: Leveraging Social Media as an Innovative Nursing Leadership Communication Tool presented by Amelia K Little, MSN, RN, Medical University of South Carolina...
  8. "Nurse fired over social media post" seems to be a daily headline these days. Whether it's TikTok, Instagram, or another platform, posting some images and videos while on the job could have you in hot water. Not only might your job be in jeopardy, bu...
  9. New Mexico Nursie

    Social Media Versus Your Degree

    Professional healthcare entities are faced with false depictions of their expertise in the media. Social media is flooded with self-proclaimed medical experts advising remedies for weight loss, infections, and even childbirth. Nurses, doctors, and ot...
  10. Social Media Social Media has shifted the way health-related information is created and consumed. This shift has many advantages in educating and reaching a broad audience. Freedom of speech and the age of social media has produced quite the cont...
  11. Whether we want to recognize it or not, social media influence is responsible for healthcare beliefs and decisions about one’s health care. There are many platforms to choose from, but the most prominent I see and hear about is TikTok. This very well...
  12. I have an interview Monday with a potential employer and am hoping that they extend an offer. In anticipation of a background investigation, I am considering suspending my AN and social media accounts. I try to maintain a degree of anonymity and ha...
  13. allnurses

    NTI - Nurse Nacole Interview

    AllNurses recently interviewed Nurse Nacole, a well-known blogger and YouTuber. She is a critical care nurse who makes an impact via social media. She uses Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Google and other platforms to get her message across. Her informa...
  14. Thinking about the role nurses might play in turning the tide on the pandemic has made me reflect on my relationship with my community as a public health nurse, and the unexpected role social media has taken in my professional life in the past year. ...
  15. A Nevada non-profit organization that promotes vaccination canceled two scheduled events after anti-vaccinators posted harassing comments to social media. The two December fundraising events were organized by Immunize Nevada to honor healthcare work...
  16. I have friends who are Nurses and friends who are Student Nurses. Student Nurses: I see them always posting on their story either IG or SC, about the medications they learned that day, them being able do a health assessment showing off thei...
  17. When the Tube Gets Stuck When my sister-in-law video-called me on a Wednesday night because my niece decided to shove her finger into a tube, I answered. Being one of the only medically trained members of the family, I get a lot of these calls. A...
  18. Simpler Times Have you ever heard that old song “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles? It came out in 1979. An oldie, but a goodie. The lyrics of this poppy song deal with how new technology has put to rest an old way of life as TV and mus...
  19. Social Media Healthcare Support Groups

    Americans spend an average of 2 hours 14 minutes daily on social media sites1. Smartphones make it easier for all to access popular social media sites such as facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Social media sites allow one to connect with ot...
  20. Posting on Social Media

    A coworker posted the following comment to me on her facebook page: "--------- the next time you throw my printed papers don’t be sorry when you did it intentionally! My reply: "Oh....the ones you printed. Sorry, I'm half asleep. I am sorry...
  21. TheCommuter

    Be Careful When Posting

    As many of you are already aware, is the largest online nursing community on the world wide web and one of the most commonly visited professional social networks in existence today. The variety of forums, sheer number of wonderful membe...
  22. As media expands and advances, the relationship between digital media and healthcare grows increasingly tumultuous, to say the least. In the world today, it seems easier to acquire quick, diluted, and opinion-laden information while the science-...
  23. How many times did we hear this over the past few years and during the worst of the pandemic? Even though all media resources told us that thousands upon thousands of people of all ages were dying from COVID 19, many decided they could instantaneous...
  24. I understand that private entities can control what speech is put on their media. But is that a wise idea not to air alternative points of view on huge powerhouses such as Youtube, facebook, Twitter Etc? I'm thinking specifically of this Plandem...
  25. You might think that social media is only for personal use. If you've heard about social media from a professional perspective, it may have been in a negative context. There are stories about employers looking at social media to make decisions concer...