COVID-19: I'm Doing My Own Research

When nursing advice was given during the pandemic, often the response was, "I'm doing my own research." What did that mean? What resources could be trusted? What were they reading that made some of them have such a different take on COVID issues than I had? This article may help to decipher some of that, and at the end, I offer up some of my most trusted resources for pandemic medical and preventative information.

COVID-19: I'm Doing My Own Research

How many times did we hear this over the past few years and during the worst of the pandemic?  Even though all media resources told us that thousands upon thousands of people of all ages were dying from COVID 19, many decided they could instantaneously become an expert on infectious diseases.  All they had to do was Google it, facebook it, Twitter it, or whatever.  Every newspaper and TV station covered COVID ad nauseum, and they were also the experts.  Books were written about it, and documentaries were done.  So, how was anyone to know who to trust?

Before the pandemic, I trusted my doctor!  So, when my 74-year-old brother, who self-identifies as a conservative reborn Christian, got sick with COVID, I figured he would trust his doctor and me too!  We had some pretty frustrating discussions about his illness and what to do about it.  After 3 days of long-distance (Maine/SC) nurse lectures with him about his declining condition and his difficulty breathing and weakness, I finally convinced him to call 911. He was at the point where he knew he should go but was too weak to drive himself there.  His doctor had advised him to get a pulse oximeter, and his blood oxygen was around 86% when he decided to go to the hospital.  He was hospitalized and got the same treatment as his guy, President Trump.  And, he did well.  Then several weeks later, I asked if he was going to get the vaccine so that he wouldn't get COVID a second time, or at least he wouldn't get as sick!  He said, "I don't know.  I'm doing my own research".   So there was my new challenge as his sister and a nurse to convince him that immunity from an active case of COVID isn't reliable, and EXPERTS were advising that we get the vaccine.  My final plea to him was, "At least ask your doctor about it."  He did, and after she advised him to, he got the vaccinations and booster.

I actively participated in some very disturbing and angry conversations about COVID, the seriousness of it, and then the need for vaccines in discussion groups and in comments to newspapers and other media comments/conversations. And yes, I know this is a good way to beat yourself up!  The level of distrust and confusion, and downright ignorance was astounding.  And, it got nasty at times.  People would quote and link to articles from known disinformation and misinformation resources and say that was their proof that the vaccine was garbage, or deadly or ineffective, etc.   I got an email from a good friend who is a Maine State Representative.  She asked me if someone had died as a result of getting the vaccine in Maine.  She sent me a link to an obituary that stated that the cause of death was the vaccination!   So, even families of the deceased who were writing obituaries were spreading misinformation.  I would not answer her question until I communicated with my trusted resources at the Maine CDC.  Nobody had died as a result of getting the vaccinations in Maine.

Gossip, politics, hatred, ignorance, divisiveness, and so much more have played into our guidance and actions during the pandemic.  I learned quickly not to listen to garbage. I listened to and took my own medical advice from trusted resources and learned as much as I could.  Also, to get me with the program, there were some courses on Coursera that I completed.  I got two COVID-related certifications that I didn't use professionally, but I did use them when advising friends and family.


As a patient safety advocate and activist, I would never tell people not to question any treatment or other healthcare advice.  However, I warn them to be sure that what they are "researching themselves" should be reliable and accurate information.  No resource is 100% accurate, including the CDC website or other healthcare information resources.  But certainly, the CDC's content is much more reliable than, let's say, a politician's guidance.

And, perhaps the most important resource for health, medical and preventative advice and information for anyone, is their trusted doctor or other healthcare provider. We all took advice from them prior to the pandemic ... and during the pandemic most (but not all) doctors gave solid guidance.

Two sources of information I refused to consider or listen to were politicians and anti-vaxxers.  The advice that came from the President of the United States (politician) during the worst of the pandemic was horrid ... just plain crazy talk.  He fancied himself some sort of scientist or genius, and nothing could be further from the truth.  How many people harmed themselves by cleansing with bleach ... inside or out, or taking unproven/ineffective drugs for COVID?  He had no idea what he was talking about or how powerful words from the POTUS were.  And,  some doctors are politicians, so we must be aware of that.  An example is the guy that Trump brought in at the end of his administration, Scott Atlas.  My colleague actually reported him to the California State Medical Board for his wild harmful advice on COVID and vaccinations. He completely contradicted accepted practices and science on how to control this pandemic.  He was only one of many to beware of.  Even after feeding regular citizens lies and misinformation ... President Trump got the best known (at that time) treatment for his own case of COVID, and he also got the vaccinations when they were available.  His advice came out of both sides of his mouth, but he did the right things for his own health when he got sick.

The media had a heyday with COVID information and misinformation, and for the average person with no medical background or experience, it was overwhelming at times.  It was overwhelming for me, too.  And, it was exhausting.  I listened faithfully to Dr. Nirav Shah, Director of the Maine CDC, on our local TV station almost every time he presented.  He was exceptionally well trained and prepared for this work, and he welcomed questions and comments.  His patient, intelligent demeanor was like a soothing salve during our time of staying away from each other.  He coalesced the citizens of Maine, or at least the ones who were not hell-bent on doing all the wrong things, and he never lost his cool.  His advice was science-based and given in a kind way.  Maine is very lucky to have him.

One may ask, "where can I find the best COVID information and guidance?  I would take it down to about three (3) resources.  Keeping abreast of Statewide COVID information, mandates, data, and guidance is best done at the State level CDC webpages and television updates because it could be different for each State. I'd add that local Public Health experts and departments are an excellent information source. Getting personal medical advice should always come from your personal doctor, the one you trusted prior to the pandemic.  Anything beyond that we can learn from the Federal level CDC.  None of their information is complete or always up to date, but it seems to be the most reliable and true.  These resources are always being updated, particularly when we were learning more and more about the novel virus, COVID 19.  I always found the WHO information to be comparable to the CDC.  I don't think there is any harm in Googling and learning whatever we can about COVID or other health information, but it's important to understand that not all of that information is reliable, and some is even outrageous.

I'm happy to say that now, not every minute of my day is consumed by the pandemic.  However, a recent visit with my sweet sister-in-law gave us pause.  She spent a few days prior to coming to my home with good friends who got sick and tested positive for COVID.  They told her about it her first morning here in my home.  She was devastated, and I was too! this was our first visit in almost three years.   What to do!  I used my trusted resources on the CDC website to get exact and effective information.  We figured out that if we visited outside mostly, and she stayed in our camper hooked up in our driveway, we could still have a fantastic visit. We shared our free COVID tests with her.  When my husband took her to pick up her rental car, they both masked and kept the car windows open.  It was a little weird, but it worked out. And, she never tested positive, thank goodness.

Kathy Day RN is a retired nurse from Maine. She worked in 5 different hospitals, small and large, during her nursing career, mostly in outpatient and ER settings. She has also worked as an Industrial Nurse, an IHS nurse and in various doctors offices. For the past 11 years she has volunteered as a Patient Safety Advocate working with State and Federal level organizations to make healthcare safer and infection free. She is a consumer representative on her Maine State CDC HAI council.

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Specializes in ER.
Specializes in Med-Surg.

I know someone that "did my own research" and declined to get vaccinated and when he got covid took Ivermectin.  This was during the delta variant when a lot of people were getting sick.  Fortunately his overall health is good and he didn't get hospitalized but I don't know how if he did the research he came up with this conclusion.

I'm glad to see that we've moved away from our doctors being demigods that we blindly follow, but the mistrust in science and medical advice in favor of politics, conspiracy theories and "doing my own research" is a bit disturbing. 

Unrelated to covid, I saw a tweet the other day from a mother that was with her daughter during a physical exam and the doctor asked her the last time she menstruated and the daughter replied "I'm menstruating and that's all you need to know".  When she asked her daughter about it she said "doctors are not to be trusted".   

So we're raising a new generation to not trust the doctors.  Fortunately my mid-80 year old conservative parents still trust the medical establishment, got vaccinated, masked and social distanced and never got covid (yet).  During the worst variants early on, given their overall condition they wouldn't have survived covid.


34 minutes ago, Tweety said:

Unrelated to covid, I saw a tweet the other day from a mother that was with her daughter during a physical exam and the doctor asked her the last time she menstruated and the daughter replied "I'm menstruating and that's all you need to know".

What a little snot. ?

Specializes in Patient Safety Advocate; HAI Prevention.

No, the daughter is an educated and pro active young woman.  It is sad that nobody can trust anybody anymore, because of the intrusive "decision making" by the SCOTUS, and other politicians.  Some of the rhetoric surrounding women, their reproductive capabilities, abortion, abortion counseling, and any other sensitive private business of women is based on ignorance and is frightening at best.  We don't know what state this girl lives in, but it could be one with outlandish reporting requirements.  OBS/GYN docs are very very frightened and women and girls are too, if they live in one of those states. 

20 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

No, the daughter is an educated and pro active young woman.  It is sad that nobody can trust anybody anymore, because of the intrusive "decision making" by the SCOTUS, and other politicians.  Some of the rhetoric surrounding women, their reproductive capabilities, abortion, abortion counseling, and any other sensitive private business of women is based on ignorance and is frightening at best.  We don't know what state this girl lives in, but it could be one with outlandish reporting requirements.  OBS/GYN docs are very very frightened and women and girls are too, if they live in one of those states. 

No it's part of a normal patient history with women of childbearing age and her retort was rude. If she doesn't trust this provider she needs to  move on to another. 

Specializes in Patient Safety Advocate; HAI Prevention.

Or, she could not have a provider at all, correct?   We seek care and we hope we can trust our providers. The decisions to share or not share private information is up to the patient, whether they are a kid or adult.  If sharing intimate information could cause her discomfort or harm, she is totally within her rights to not share it.  It's sad that what use to be routine health info can now be scrutinized by people who are not even in the room. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Yep... menstrual cycles are now used by politicians and authoritarians to guess whether or not there may be a fetus to protect. 

I know someone who did their own research... they died from covid. 

31 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

Or, she could not have a provider at all, correct?  

That's not what I'm saying at all and I resent you implying that I am. 


31 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

If sharing intimate information could cause her discomfort or harm, she is totally within her rights to not share it.

I don't disagree but you can be respectful when you communicate this.


32 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

It's sad that what use to be routine health info can now be scrutinized by people who are not even in the room. 

 If you are directing this at me my reaction was to her rude response to a reasonable clinical question not to her decision not to disclose. We ask this question every day before we give teratogenic chemotherapy to our patients of childbearing age. There is nothing political about it at all. We need to know so we can give the patient the best information for her to make the best decision regarding her own health care. 

Specializes in Patient Safety Advocate; HAI Prevention.

I was not being disrespectful at all.  I was simply making a point that any patient, adult or child, has a right to disclose or not disclose information to a provider, and they also have a right to not have a provider at all.  It is a fact. I agree that sensitive menstrual and reproductive information can help a patient to get the safest care, but now with a political and governmental wedge between a doctor and  female patients, I totally understand why a woman or child may not want to disclose their menstrual details.    This was not meant as a personal affront to you....more of a statement about very uncomfortable and unnecessary current affairs. 


20 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

I was not being disrespectful at all.

Noo you weren't...she was.


20 minutes ago, KathyDay said:

I was simply making a point that any patient, adult or child, has a right to disclose or not disclose information to a provider, and they also have a right to not have a provider at all.

I absolutely agree with this but being disrespectful to a healthcare provider for asking a relative question that may be of benefit to her care is not the way to go about it. In fact, behavior like this may actually end up being a barrier to care. We can be empowered without being @$$holes.


FTR: Before anyone piles on I also don't believe we should be shrinking violets.