Topics About 'Healthcare Decisions'.

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  1. FNP2writer

    Misinformation and Medicine

    I have a patient I am confident has bladder cancer. They first came to me when their urine turned dark red, and they could not urinate without self-catheterizing. I have explained my concerns to this patient multiple times. Unfortunately, their respo...
  2. Remember back in nursing school when our pathophysiology teacher told us all: "At the end of this class, you will all have convinced yourself you have at least one of the diseases we have talked about." It felt like just yesterday that I was sitting ...
  3. I will never forget reading a message sent to my husband (a PA) from a family member during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The family member was asking him to listen to a video and wanted to know his opinion. The video was about microchips being embedded in ...
  4. Making informed healthcare decisions in the 2020's has changed drastically compared to 100 years ago. Let's look at healthcare during the 1920's. This decade brought us insurance, insulin, penicillin, vitamins, heart valve surgery, and the FDA d...
  5. Social Media Social Media has shifted the way health-related information is created and consumed. This shift has many advantages in educating and reaching a broad audience. Freedom of speech and the age of social media has produced quite the cont...
  6. Whether we want to recognize it or not, social media influence is responsible for healthcare beliefs and decisions about one’s health care. There are many platforms to choose from, but the most prominent I see and hear about is TikTok. This very well...
  7. There is no question that in today's digital age, the sheer quantity of health information available online can be confusing to sift through. With ever-increasing rates of obesity in the West, having trustworthy information on how to not only lose we...
  8. When the Tube Gets Stuck When my sister-in-law video-called me on a Wednesday night because my niece decided to shove her finger into a tube, I answered. Being one of the only medically trained members of the family, I get a lot of these calls. A...
  9. Simpler Times Have you ever heard that old song “Video Killed the Radio Star” by the Buggles? It came out in 1979. An oldie, but a goodie. The lyrics of this poppy song deal with how new technology has put to rest an old way of life as TV and mus...
  10. Social Media Healthcare Support Groups

    Americans spend an average of 2 hours 14 minutes daily on social media sites1. Smartphones make it easier for all to access popular social media sites such as facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Social media sites allow one to connect with ot...
  11. In today’s changing health care climate, media plays a significant role in the dissemination of health information. This has proved not only challenging for nurses but also helpful in some instances. Valid sources serve as adjuncts to education giv...
  12. Media reaches the general public in a variety of ways. Market Business News describes media as “the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages, and other data. It includes physical and onl...
  13. YouTube is one of the most convenient online methods of obtaining health information for the public. According to a study featured in Forbes, both older and younger generations have been shown to frequent YouTube, “EVERY generation checks YouTube onc...
  14. As media expands and advances, the relationship between digital media and healthcare grows increasingly tumultuous, to say the least. In the world today, it seems easier to acquire quick, diluted, and opinion-laden information while the science-...
  15. In today’s toxic misinformation environment, the old “studies have shown” moniker cannot be used flippantly. Nurses need to have the ability to sift through flawed research studies and find the ones with true merit. The time has come for us to dust o...
  16. How many times did we hear this over the past few years and during the worst of the pandemic? Even though all media resources told us that thousands upon thousands of people of all ages were dying from COVID 19, many decided they could instantaneous...
  17. Lesline Pittman

    Is Tiktok the New Dr. Google?

    Tiktok has taken the world by storm. According to ABC news, 40% of the Gen Z population (ages 7-22) is using Tiktok as their search engine. This makes me wonder, is the GenZ demographic using Tiktok also as their main source to get their medical advi...
  18. In our ever-growing technological world, there is no way to escape digital media in healthcare. Focus on the topic can lean towards digital media's disadvantages rather than evolving with it and using it to its full potential. Digital media touches a...
  19. A Voice of Reason

    The ever-changing doubt of medical decisions to best suit our healthcare needs When COVID first began, we thought we had a handle on being able to get over this little setback in healthcare. The uncertainty felt vaguely like an outbreak of a nor...