Topics About 'School Nurse'.

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Found 27 results

  1. What is a School Nurse? A school nurse is a licensed LPN, LVN, or RN who works in the K-12 school setting, although regulations vary from state to state. A school nurse usually works a regular school day schedule, which correlates with a teacher'...
  2. What does everyone wear?

    Hey everyone! I'm starting as a school nurse for a middle school and high school next Monday. I am the only nurse in the district. I was told the previous nurse (position has been vacant for a year) would wear scrubs sometimes and sometimes business ...
  3. Students Faking Illnesses

    Hi! I’m a new school nurse. I’m currently in a long term substitute position for a K-5 school. I've been at this school for 3 weeks now so I've gotten the feel for everything and have my routine down. I have noticed a large problem with students comi...
  4. School Nurse/Vaccines

    Hello, Can anyone tell me if a school nurse (LVN) has to give vaccines to the students? Ever since the covid vaccine came out, my whole view on vaccines changed. After doing research, I am against the covid vaccine and now other vaccines as well...
  5. The two-way radio in the health office suddenly erupts with a report from a classroom. A student has developed hives and is having difficulty breathing. The school nurse grabs the stock epinephrine injection and responds. Upon assessing the student, ...
  6. Teacher Issue...

    I'm mainly just venting, but I'm also wondering what others would do in this situation. I had a teacher send in a student complaining of arm pain. The student was pointing to a small area in the crease of his elbow saying that it was hurting him. He ...
  7. Medication Error in School

    Please tell me what you think about this: A parent brought in a refill of clonidine for a student that has taken it since the beginning of the year. The bottle stated clonidine 0.1mg take one tablet at 1100. Correct student name on bottle A...
  8. Philadelphia Inquirer article highlights how school nurses role has changed...and is needed more today than ever. In many school districts, they monitor covid screening questions and perform contact tracing. Allnurses School Nursing forum has many ...
  9. Just read yet ANOTHER post from a new grad crashing and burning in their first job getting a variation of this advice: "Why don't you try something easier/less stressful like being a school nurse?" I don't know about y'all, but I am OVER other nurses...
  10. SandIsMyGlitterRN

    Who can cath???

    If you cannot get a sub and you MUST be out. Who do you get to cover your procedures such as a cath????
  11. Kittery

    What School Nurses REALLY Do?

    In response to this comment from a previous thread: Give out Bandaids and ice packs, that's it. Just kidding! Although that's what the majority of the general public thinks we do. What school nurses do varies from school to school, depen...
  12. Has anyone else ever had a period in time where they've just kinda had it. I had a student come in, no pass. Nope, go get a pass. She rolled her eyes as she left. She came back with a pass saying she needs an ice pack for her finger because she bent ...
  13. Avill

    I'm tired!

    Are you guys feeling as burnt out as I am? I wasn't planning on leaving school nursing, but now I am second guessing myself. It's been such a tough week. We've had a few cases at my school and had to quarantine over 200 students in total. I'm t...
  14. I would love to hear from you all who work in states/districts where students have been back FT in person for several weeks. What have your numbers been like? Have you had to shut down and reopen? Has there been significant spikes in cases and hos...
  15. As a school nurse in a private school, I'm sort of neither fish-nor-fowl. I have a nominal supervisor, but have not had formal supervision yet this school year. My development as an employee seems like it's all up to me. (Not necessarily a bad thing....
  16. School Nurse Pay

    Hi there! I’m new to the AllNurses community! I just interviewed for a school nurse position at a local elementary school. I love everything, except it would be a HUGE pay cut for me (they start at $24,000). ? I know this topic has been brought u...
  17. Dear Nurse Beth, So, I recently had an interview and job shadow for a school nurse position. I received a call from the recruiter and she stated she had good & bad news. Bad news was that I did not get the job. Good news was that they really like...
  18. Have you ever been faced with a situation where you had to make a life or death decision knowing that it could jam up your license or even cause you to lose them? Jennifer Jacobs, a Registered Nurse, working in a public school made a challenging deci...
  19. School Nurse Mentoring Program?

    Does your state/district have a mentoring program for new school nurses? Have you been either a mentor or mentee? Our district is looking into starting one, with me as the person in charge of spearheading this ?. I actually LOVE teaching and mento...
  20. Asthma, no inhaler, WWYD?

    It happens pretty often that students forget their inhalers (MS). Every time it's happened there was no distress, O2 sats were mid to high 90s, mild wheezing and every other time someone was able to bring the inhaler within a reasonable time. But yes...
  21. Not So Sure

    I have been a school nurse since August 2014. I have worked with ALL age groups High School, K-8, PK-6. I have been in 5 different schools. My current school PK-6th has been the most stable because of the Admins which truly truly makes a differe...
  22. I have been a school nurse for almost 30 years. During this time I have worked in several different school buildings, some very nice and some not so nice. In one of the schools where I was once assigned, in the small nurses' office, there was a lone ...
  23. Providing Care to Staff

    This is my first year as a School Nurse. I am at a high school, so it can be pretty slow in the clinic. I have on several occasions, had a teacher or staff member stop by for a temp check, BP check, etc... I have never thought twice about this, as...
  24. Nurse Beth

    What to do after school nursing?

    Dear Nurse Beth, I have been a School Nurse for 7 Years. I want to make a change. Which nursing is close to school nursing. I dread starting off at hospital from floor nurse. I have started FNP program not sure if I should continue with that... Dear ...
  25. School Nurse Interview Questions?

    I am an RN w/a BSN with 2 yrs ICU experience and 4 yrs of pediatric case management who is interviewing for a school nurse position. I've been looking online at what interview questions I might be asked, and it was overwhelming. Can anyone please gi...