Topics About 'Nursing Career'.

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  1. newtress

    Soul to Soul

    Growing up in the 60's was a wonderful magical time for me. Everyone my age seemed to be just as happy as I was choosing whose front porch we would set up to play Barbie's. American Band Stand was on flowing out of the open front door so we could hea...
  2. Come to think of it, I guess this could have been called "Bashed by Bronchitis", or "Flattened by the Flu", because elements of both illnesses have reared their ugly little heads during the past few days. It started out as a head cold and quickly evo...
  3. Growing UpThe story of my life summed up in one word would be "change." I changed schools often when I was young but all were close to my home in Louisa, Virginia. In high school, I changed jobs frequently to include: 2 farms, 4 shoe stores, 4 pools,...
  4. Nursing From Your Heart

    My sister has been a dialysis nurse for seven years now, she always knew she wanted to be a nurse since childhood. I, on the other hand, couldn't quite make up my mind as to what I wanted to do with my life. That is, until last year when I suddenly k...
  5. I could say I pursued nursing because I wanted to follow the footsteps of my mother who is RN, but that is the usual every other day story you normally hear. This was one of the reasons why I decided to become a nurse, however, one of my other reason...
  6. VivaLasViejas

    Too Little, Too Late.....Too Bad which case, please share your insight with me so that I can stop feeling like I'm the only person on earth who's madder than a wet cat and has absolutely no place to direct the anger, because it's not really anybody's fault. I've always bee...
  7. madwife2002

    Got No Job? Come be an RN !

    I am fed up with hearing about people seeing nursing as a quick route to money it is so much more and it offends me that nursing is used as a short cut to being employed. We should have stricter entry rules and by this I mean more screening to make s...
  8. I Will Talk, You Just Listen

    Nursing school was the goal, discovering who I am and the qualities I possess is what I received on the journey. When I got out of high school, I went into college bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the world, most importantly the medical...
  9. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are - rejection after a job interview hurts. And, it is okay to withdraw a bit and take your time to recover. But, as the old adage goes - you must get yourself back in the saddle again - sooner rather than l...
  10. madwife2002

    RN and a Mother!

    I became a single parent in 1989 I finally left an abusive marriage, I was now going to move on with my life and follow my dreams. I always wanted to be a nurse as we often referred to ourselves in 1989, we were also called RGN's in the UK which mean...
  11. "Oh, that hurts so much!" My grandma's eyes are screwed shut and her breath is coming short and quick. I am trying to peel back the tape holding the bloody gauze to her leg. The nurse that comes to her house twice a day to check on her and change the...
  12. I Am Meant To Be A Nurse.

    I had been in the dental field for years and had slowly moved my way up by learning each job until I was proficient and then seeking more of a challenge. I did this for 9 years until I found myself with a Bachelor's in Healthcare Management and the O...
  13. My Mother Was Right

    When I was a young girl growing up in America's Mid West, my mother loved nursing and thought that her daughter should follow in her footsteps. It was her dream that helping people was a great profession and she wanted me to become a nurse when I gre...
  14. "Become a nurse just for the money? How can you possibly be a good nurse if you're doing it just for the money?" The implication seems to be that in order to be a good nurse, one has to have a "calling". This is the idea put forth mostly be brand new...
  15. It's amazing what I've learned in just this short time in travel nursing. I made this video to help out new travel nurses with some of the things I wish I need before getting started in this specialty. When you are the new person, there is both a lot...
  16. The Nursing Niche

    "To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through, is to be a nurse". - Rawsi Williams There are some people who knew nursing was for them from the get-go. Then there are those who realized it a bit later i...
  17. The best job in the world.

    Lets be honest here. Nurses love to whinge. And to be fair, we do have a lot to whinge about. Pay, for example. It took me four years of university to gain a nursing degree. In that same time I could have qualified in law, architecture or pharmacy, a...
  18. VivaLasViejas

    Used Nurse: Part Deux

    Three fulltime nurses and a medication aide who once held secure jobs, now stand figuratively on the trapdoor of the gallows, shaking our heads in astonishment at finding ourselves here and wondering how the hell we're going to get out of this predic...
  19. VivaLasViejas

    Just Another Manic Monday

    .....and all day I was wishing it were Sunday again. You know it's going to be a tough week when you walk through the door at your workplace on a Monday morning and your senior medication aide comes barrelling out of a resident room, looking like the...
  20. I was excited to start my first day in the OR. Full of optimism and nervous energy, I found my way to the staff locker room, looked through the lockers to find my name and started to change from street clothes into fresh new scrubs. "Um, can you plea...
  21. My mother, an extraordinarily healthy and physically fit little lady of 83, had never had any encounters with the medical system as a patient except for the delivery of her four daughters. She was gaining fluid in her abdomen and that lead us to look...
  22. When I was notified about being hand-picked as a scrub nurse on our high-risk cardiothoracic surgery team, I was very excited, but also nervous. As most would, I sought counsel from many - some that worked in the O.R., and others that had very demand...
  23. How do I grow a thicker skin? How do I toughen up at work? How do I keep from crying when someone says mean things to me? These are questions that new--and sometimes not-so-new--nurses ask when they feel overwhelmed and vulnerable. What are the commo...
  24. jadelpn

    Nursing: Art vs Science

    If I were to explain the difference between the art and science of nursing, I would say that it is having a patient trust that you are going to take all of the aspects of their process seriously. That you are compassionate, fulfill their emotional ne...
  25. VivaLasViejas

    The Best Advice I Never Got

    One of the privileges of having one's own blog, I have discovered, is being able to hold forth on almost any subject I choose. Whether anyone wants to read my mental meanderings is beyond my control......but I sure do enjoy writing 'em. As another bi...