Topics About 'Nurse Patient Relationship'.

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Found 18 results

  1. Kim Coopman PHN

    What Does Patient Care Mean to You?

    Mock Jury Trial Case Facts Jurors were chosen based on their answers to various questions about their lives. A local teenager suffered a high school sport foot injury and had routine surgery to repair it. The teenager was permanently...
  2. What is a Relationship? Relationship with others means connection. Just as in life, individuals cannot work together or do anything together unless they agree. A nurse can only provide meaningful care to a patient if they connect. There are many ...
  3. Sara R

    One Patient at a Time

    “Can I ask you something?” At this point in the pandemic, I already know this question is coming. In my role as a telephone triage nurse I’ve had this conversation with so many patients today, I’ve lost count. I’ve already rattled off the CDC ...
  4. Till We Meet Again

    It seemed like it was going to be just another usual Sunday night on our med/surg floor where I work as a tech prior to starting nursing school in the fall. A 3-11 shift doesn't include baths, but if the patient is incontinent of the bowel, there's a...
  5. Susan Sears

    Managing the Holidays

    What are some of your ideas to make the Holidays brighter for you, your family and your patients? No one wants to be in the hospital on Christmas; staff or patients. Only the staff that are required to work and the very sick who cannot go home ...
  6. Story #1“Oh, I work a couple of shifts per week. Just enough that I can get out of the house and feel like I’m contributing, but not so much that I’m letting someone else raise my children.” These words spoken to me in passing cut like a dagger to my...
  7. In choosing a career as noble and honorable as nursing, having the responsibility of being trusted to care for those who are stricken with illness should always be considered the core of our profession. However, we sometimes overlook the feelings of ...
  8. Let's talk dress code. I am certain that everyone has an opinion on this topic. We can discuss nursing whites versus colors or clogs versus gym shoes, but that is just too mundane! Let's dig deeper. Let's talk tattoos! Or, how about unnatural ha...
  9. Holiday Epiphany

    In my transition from teacher to nurse, holidays were at the center of the change in my life. In the 23 years that I taught, I had never worked holidays. I had a big extended family, and I was the baker and cook, especially at Thanksgiving and Christ...
  10. The Best Thing a Nurse Can Do

    As a nursing student about to graduate, I've seen a little bit of clinical experience. Take a minute to think about it. When we start our first clinical, we don't have an idea of how to talk or care for these people we call our patients. "Do you want...
  11. Jan busied herself at the bedside of her patient, a woman she had seen before during a similar admission for COPD. As the woman struggled to breathe, Jan could easily read the panic in her patient's eyes. She changed a sweaty pillowcase, put the head...
  12. I'll never forget a little girl I helped take care of for over four years in the Pediatric ICU. J was one of a kind... literally. She had an autoimmune disease no other child in the world has ever been diagnosed with. At two weeks old, she was admitt...
  13. It's been said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. That's no excuse. We all can learn something new everyday and when we stifle ourselves, we wither away. The days are gone with party lines, manual typewriters, and rotary dials. It's the age of te...
  14. SarahKixRN

    The Art of Empathy

    We all learn in nursing school the concept of having empathy for our patients. It is one of the most widely taught codes of conduct in the nursing profession. It is also one of the most forgotten skills when a nurse is burned out or overworked. Sh...
  15. As nurses, we often want to "fix" patient's problems. But, the reality is that when we spoon feed our patient's solutions to their health problems, the likelihood of failure is high. Patients who are committed to change, succeed. It is as simple as t...
  16. After 23 years of nursing, very few things drain my energy like a manipulative patient. This has been a constant regardless of the position or setting I was working. I expect to be hoodwinked when caring for someone with a substance use, personality ...
  17. allnurses

    I Should Be in Jail

    This article was written by a member of allnurses. Due to the delicate and emotionally charged nature of the article as well as details, the member wanted the topic posted anonymously. If other readers have articles they would like published anonymou...
  18. LanaWRN

    The Impact of Christmas

    15 years ago, I was working every weekend in a large hospital as a Certified Nurse Aide while going to nursing school through the week. In December, my first year working there I met Mr. C. Mr. C was young, energetic, and seemingly healthy when he w...