Topics About 'Job Interview'.

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Found 57 results

  1. I have been involved in hiring decisions with my employer for about the last year and half. In just that very short time, a lot has changed. When I first took on this role, Turnover was incredibly high Over 50% of the unit staff were ag...
  2. New Grad RN Interview

    I just graduated with my BSN, obtained my license a week ago, and am actively searching for jobs. I had an interview for an ED position that I spent hours preparing for. I gave very thorough answers to all the questions being asked. My interview...
  3. I was in an interview the other day and was asked about a mistake I have made. I was kinda at a loss for words and sat there for a moment thinking of what I could say without taking too much time/silence to answer...and I thought about a time when I ...
  4. Job Interview Question

    The hospital I interviewed at had joint commission that day. The manager seemed very pre-occupied. I was nervous, she left pretty quickly after meeting me, and I failed to ask when I should follow up. It has been a week. I am not certain the manager ...
  5. I had an interview for a hospital RN job today and I'm just so confounded and anxious about it that I can't sleep, so here I am on AllNurses to get it out of my system. I tend to be longwinded when I write; apologies in advance. ((TLDR: Team intervie...
  6. Bombed New Grad Interview

    How do you pick yourself up after a really terrible interview? The manager took several phone calls during it, she made faces at a few of my answers and after every behavioral/clinical question she told me what I answered wrong and the answers s...
  7. Preparing For An RN Job Interview

    You've just heard back from a job you applied for and scheduled an interview. You have no idea how many candidates there are for the position or how many they are interviewing, but you want to make sure you stand out as the best candidate. There are...
  8. Dear Nervous, Thank you for the kind words about my book Your Last Nursing Class...How to Land Your First Nursing Job and your next! It's fine to buy time and give a thoughtful response, but one minute is a long time in that situation. Ther...
  9. Look at your resume!!! Please don't send a resume if you have none of the job qualifications, unless your cover letter has explanation. eg. enrolled in education program etc. I was taught in LPN and BSN program how to prepare a resume. Is this a lost...
  10. Dani_Mila

    LTC to PCU? Freaking out!

    A little about me, I have almost 4 years experience in sub-acute rehab/ LTC/ hospice/ palliative/ and a little psych. I am currently working in a COVID unit initiated by my facility. My goal is to increase my critical thinking skills and be able to h...
  11. Interviews are different for everyone - some are long, short, funny, and/or unforgettable. Do you remember your first job interview? How long was it? What do you remember the most about your interview? Please share...
  12. Plan ahead You should be memorable, but your clothes should be nicely forgettable. Your clothes should not be distracting in any way. Distracting clothes include those that do not fit well. A poorly fitting item of clothing leaves the wrong ...
  13. Discussing your strengths and weaknesses can be nerve wracking. How do you go about it? What's your biggest weakness? How do you answer this question? What are some examples of strengths in nursing and weaknesses that have a positive spin?
  14. CRNA School Prep Academy

    ICU Interview Practice Questions and Tips!

    Whether you're a new nurse looking to land your first job out of nursing school, a seasoned nurse making the transition to the ICU, or moving to a new ICU environment, the following list of questions can help you prepare! From knowing what to expect ...
  15. Resume, Cover Letter, Interview Help

    I keep getting rejected from hospital jobs, even new grad jobs! I'm getting very discouraged. The only RN job I've held is at a SNF in the short term unit but I'm really eager to leave. Sadly, SNF experience isn't acute care experience so it doesn't ...
  16. Recently went on a job interview for a position I would really like. I had previously interviewed (& declined due to extremely low salary) a different position with this company 2-3 years ago.. When I went to the most recent interview, the same D...
  17. RN Case Manager At UnitedHealth

    I have a interview at UnitedHealth for a case manager position. I need help from anyone that has information on the interview process. Please be detailed, what questions do they ask and what is the phone scenario like. Thanks in advance
  18. It's Spring and it's New Nurse Graduation Time! Last week I attended one of two New Grad Banquets hosted by my hospital for the graduating classes of our local colleges. This one was for our community college ADN program (my alma mater). Th...
  19. I've just completed my first year of nursing (whew!) and have accepted a new job. They are giving me two weeks of orientation, so eight shifts. To me that doesn't seem like much, but is this typical for an experienced nurse?
  20. Hello everyone! I am looking for 100% real advice and insight into my situation. To start I have been a nurse for 3 years but I have worked at a psychiatric facility for most of that time with one company. I recently accepted a job at a re...
  21. Three days ago I had an interview for a part-time clinic position at a nearby hospital. The interview was actually quite intense and fast-paced, it was a panel zoom interview with 5 upper staff members. I was booked for a 30-minute slot and when I tr...
  22. Midlife and Mid-career can be an exciting time for nurses. You know your skills, values, and worth. You have experience that goes beyond the bedside and you are ready to use it for a new employer. But, do they value the skills you have? Can thei...
  23. ICU interview

    Hey, guys! I have an interview coming up next week for an ICU. I’ve got over 10 years experience in critical care, but I’ve been away from it for 7 years now due to I went to drug rehab and I live in a big city where the job market is very competitiv...
  24. Job decision dilemma

    Hi there! I'm getting ready to graduate in May with my BSN and am currently interviewing for jobs. My dream is to work in peds and go become an FNP. I was unable to land a job in peds at the local hospital where I live now but have an offer for adult...
  25. It is undeniable that the world of interviewing has evolved exponentially through the use of technology and social media. According to the Harvard Business Review “up to 86% of employers use job interviews mediated by technology, a growing portion of...