Topics About 'Hesi'.

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Found 20 results

  1. TEAS V Score 93.3% - Study Advice

    I took the TEAS V for the first time two days ago and found so much help through this site, I wanted to try and do the same. I was completely freaked out about it. I want to get a second bachelor's and I kept reading about how impacted schools are, s...
  2. HESI Score vs HESI Conversion Score

    Hey all, I'm new here but have been lurking since I started school a few months ago. I just took my first HESI exam for fundamentals and was wondering how the HESI score relates to the HESI conversion score. My conversion score was an 84.15...
  3. So a little bit of background as to why I studied two weeks before which I DO NOT recommend! But if you are in the same situation as me, there is hope! My nursing program switched from a traditional program to a concept based approach and the course ...
  4. HESI Fundamentals

    Hey everyone. I am taking my hesi for fundamentals Monday. I am really nervous and not feeling so confident. For those of you who have taken yours, the practice exams on evolve, were the practice exams similar to the actual hesi exam you had to take?...

    Passed TEAS (Finally)!!!

    Kenoi (name changed), is a young, bubbly 22 y/o who has set upon the path of becoming a nurse. She performed fairly well in her prerequisite classes; strong in math and science, and fair in reading and comprehension. She has reached out to me, her fu...
  6. ItsThatJenGirl

    HESI vs. TEAS

    I've been studying for the TEAS for a few months now. I take it at the end of May. Another school popped up on my radar and I decided to apply. They want the HESI (with NO science at all). They want it ASAP of course, so I'm taking it next Saturday. ...
  7. Hey everyone, I just wanted to share the good (and late) news that I passed my Hesi Exit V1 exam on the first try back in June (score of 936)!! I was very worried about it because I'm not one of those students that does awesomely on NCLEX-style quest...
  8. HESI A2 entrance exam!!

    I do not have my HESI grade report with me because I accidentally closed down the tab after I was done taking the exam (I have to wait 24-48 hours for results to be posted online now SO DON'T CLOSE YOUR TAB ONCE YOU'RE DONE) but I do remember my over...
  9. How To Prepare For Fundamentals HESI Exam

    I am a first semester nursing student at HCC in Florida and on Monday we are taking a HESI exam from the entire semester. Does anyone have any suggestions how to prepare for the test?
  10. This may seem long, but I wanted to share with my fellow nursing students the way I prepared for the HESI exit exam and how I passed with a score of 907 on my SECOND attempt. Like many other students, I searched dozens of articles on on...
  11. Firstly, if you're looking for a brief "here's everything you've been looking for in 500 words or less" move along my friends, because I talk a lot. So, when I was studying for the HESI I was directed to this website for "tips and tricks" and I...
  12. HESI A2 Tips: Ratios and Proportions

    I did math first because I am someone that writes everything down, even with a calculator. I also double check that I typed into the calculator the right equation. MOST of my questions were PROPORTIONS! They were the easy ones too, 5:9 and x:20, solv...
  13. How I Passed the TEAS Exam

    My Exam Results Adjusted Individual Score: 94.3% ATI Academic Preparedness Level: Exemplary Mean - National: 64.3% Mean - Program: 65.7% Percentile Rank - National: 99 Percentile Rank - Program: 99 Individual ...
  14. Passed HESI A2 Exam! Sharing Tips

    Hi everyone, I wanted to share my results because everyone here is and was extremely helpful. Gotta pay it forward ya know. SCORES: 88 - Grammar 88 - Vocab 88 - Reading 88 - Biology 76 - Anatomy and Physiology 92 - Math No id...
  15. I took the following sections: Math, Reading comprehension, Vocabulary & general knowledge, Grammar, Anatomy & Physiology, Learning styles, and Personality test. Best test prep for the MATH section:The Elsevier HESI Admission Assessment Exam ...
  16. Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of resources that are out there? Tired of stressing over your upcoming exam? Does the idea of trying to achieve a 900 on HESI seem impossible? Is your anxiety getting the best of you? Well I just want to say you'...
  17. Is my HESI score good enough?

    Hey everyone! I applied to my local community college's ADN program. I'm SO worried that I'm not going to get in. To my knowledge, they accept roughly 80 students into the entire program. It's really the only program in my area, so it is highly compe...
  18. Last week, July 31st to be exact, I took my HESI A2 exam and scored a 90.4% overall! I have used this website multiple times in order to gain more knowledge on what to expect for the HESI and tips on how to study for such a daunting exam. Seeing how ...
  19. Nurse Beth

    Student Not Eligible for NCLEX

    Dear Nurse Beth, My daughter graduated with a BSN. Transcript shows degree awarded. However, she didn’t make the school's required minimum on the HESI. Now the school has decided to administer ANOTHER test in a month, which will interfere with her jo...
  20. KBurns775


    I just completed my HESI A2 exam for TMCC yesterday, and considering I used this board as a resource, I figured I would leave a review of sorts. Thank you to all of the previous users that helped me by posting advice! All of my pre-requisite cou...