Topics About 'Burnout'.

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Found 79 results

  1. Burnout is a work-related stress syndrome resulting from chronic exposure to job stress, and healthcare is a leader in work-related stresses. In Long Term Care (LTC), long before the pandemic, nurses were burned out; the pandemic just magnified the a...
  2. Carol Ebert

    Is It Possible to Burnout in Retirement?

    And as I check in with others my age, I find several different paths that people take with their newly found free time. Take care of grandkidsTravelStart hobbiesStart a new businessGo back to school for a new careerRelax and hang out with friendsYour...
  3. How to Avoid Pre-Req Burnout

    When I dealt with Pre-req stress and burnout: My first experience with pre-req stress and burnout came in the Summer of 2020 when I was studying AP2 and College Algebra (yes, I took these in the same semester). All the material was jampacked into...
  4. Burnout in BSN & ADN Nurses

    Hello, I am in my last semester of my undergraduate degree nursing program and a part of a research course! My topic of study is trying to see if a difference in levels of burnout exists between a nurse with their BSN vs. an associate degree pre...
  5. Have you ever seen a double-pan balance scale? It's a scale that has two pans that are balanced against one another. As you put weights on one side, you must counter it with weight on the other to maintain balance. If you read about these scales, you...
  6. Sorry for all of my posts recently, I'm just struggling at the moment. I recently made a post about how much I disliked my current med/surg hospital job and wanted to quit. I have been in that job for a year and a half so feel I gave it a good chance...
  7. Going to work should not be dreadful. However, for many nurses, the stress, burnout, and culture can sometimes make it downright painful to get dressed and head to work. After days, weeks, months, or even years of these types of feelings, you might l...
  8. You are not getting enough sleep if ________ (fill in the blank) fall asleep on the floor on your way to bed. Please share this with friends and post your comments below!
  9. Today I remembered a 4 yr old... lifeless, so pale, except for the bruises which covered his body. I remember so vividly the parent who angrily confessed that "the boy just refused to walk right" he beat him to death. I thought about the terror ...
  10. The burnout study of nursing is extensive and ongoing. Evidently, nurses are either burning out or burned out. However, when does the burning out begin, nursing school? Graduate nursing? Beginning practice? Or possibly later, after many years of pr...
  11. I am ready to leave the nursing profession after 6 years. I have a bachelor's degree in biology and got my associate's in nursing. In high school, I decided that I wanted a career in nursing. By the time I entered college, I decided I wanted to becom...
  12. Burnout...what to do about it?

    Anyone here ever experience burnout? If so, what did you do about it? I have been a nurse for almost 5 years...which is really not long at all. But, I am heading closer and closer to burnout, if I’m not there already. I used to look forward to going ...
  13. Why I am Grateful for Burning Out as a Nurse

    Gratitude is medicine. It has the power to heal. Numerous studies have been done to reflect the significant changes in mood, attitude and even trips to the physician as a result of a regular practice of gratitude. A $6 million dollar research pr...
  14. How Nurses Cope with Death

    Working with death may be an inevitable part of a nursing career, depending on what area your focus is. Learning how to cope and manage death seems to vary from department to department. Please feel free to add to this and help your fellow nurses und...
  15. Burnout

    Burnout starts with an oath, taken at the pinnacle of pride and passion when entering a new profession. Burnout starts with caring, which is a quality we hope all health-care workers possess. Burnout starts with hope; hoping that we can make a differ...
  16. I am a later in life RN (46 yo.) Nurse for 2 years. 1 yr hospice, 1 yr skilled/rehab unit in LTC. Hospice: too many HOURS so i switched to 3-12hrs on a rehab unit. I dont like what its doing to my PERSONALITY. Since its an ltc, a LOT of our pts are m...
  17. Nurses wonder, in the middle of a moral crisis, should I continue in bedside nursing; amid the nursing shortage, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the broken healthcare system? Nurses are trained to apply skills and interventions that are evidence-based whi...
  18. COVID guilt/burnout

    hello - this is probably a popular topic - I finished my masters/FNP may 2020. I have been a nurse for 5 years - the last 3 years have been in the ED my one true love - I knew I wouldn't want to do bedside full-time for the next 40 years of my career...
  19. School Nursing: Burnout and Renewal

    I work for a large urban school district. The district as a whole, and my school in particular, is host to a large number of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds and various minority groups. One of the first things my principal told me was tha...
  20. 4 Strategies to Avoid Nursing Burnout During COVID-19

    Covid-19 has significantly impacted healthcare in multiple ways. There are supply chain shortages and there are staffing shortages. Some facilities are over capacity and some areas are working under crisis standards of care. People are dying in recor...
  21. Almost two years later, COVID-19 continues to take its toll on every aspect of life. Healthcare workers continue to report feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritable1. Burnout, according to the World Health Organization, can be characterized as "f...
  22. I recently finished watching the Apple TV show "The Me You Don't See" about mental health issues throughout the world. It really moved me and inspired me to think about what we can do for the nursing community. We are now over a year into a pandemi...
  23. gonzo1

    Exhausted from Covid

    20 year nurse, working full time ICU during Covid. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. Wanted to do FMLA for a break but got a lot of pushback. Now I just want to quit and never go back. So lost as to how to proceed. I have almost perfect a...
  24. Dear Nurse Beth, I have been in Med/Surg for my entire nursing career, for the past five years. I recently sustained a lower back strain and have been on workman's comp. I am wrapping up my recovery. The thought of having to return to work with the ...
  25. J.Adderton

    I'm Out... (Cue Mic Drop)

    In my home state of Alabama, only 33% of residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The state's healthcare workers are feeling a punch to the gut as new coronavirus cases have climbed 574% over a short period of time. Fueled by the delta vari...