Published Apr 8, 2010
309 Posts
Just wondering what everyone is planning on doing this summer..... this is my first year of school nursing, so I am kinda at a loss about what to do. HELP!
Supernrse01, BSN
734 Posts
this is my first year as a school nurse as well and i had to laugh at your "at a loss" comment! up unti lthis year, my husband and i have always had to scale back our plans in order to get me back to work in time! this year, with no time constraints, we are having a horrible time figuring out what to do!
we are planning a couple of different family vacations, plus a lot of work around the house. i am also using those months to update my cpr and i'm pursuing my school nurse licensure. with all of that, plus my kids summer birthdays, i',m hoping to squeeze in some swimming pool and relaxation too!
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
Let's see, I too am going to be studying for/taking the School Nurse Certification exam, and also studying for/taking my GRE and getting my grad school application ready. My DH is having surgery in July, so I will still be nursing for part of the summer! Other than that, I plan on getting lots of work around the house done (painting, refinishing hardwoods, etc.) as well as spending some quality time laying on my deck with a good book in my hands!
Summer is definitely one of the big perks of school nursing. Working with kids can suck the life right out of you, and having the time to recharge those batteries is SO nice, and necessary!
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
believe me, you will always find things to do during that summer break !
i will be doing my spring cleaning, yardwork, and relaxing. will squeeze in a week at the beach too ! i go back late in the summer to review the new student physicals and immun. i am always ready to come back by the end of august.
i love my job, but really love the summer break ! have a good one !
praiser :redbeathe
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
In summers past i have picked up PD work for home care. Last year I was fire chief for my town, so i spwnt most of the summer working on my projects there like grants and what not. This summer i'm trying to pick up another per diem job - it's not going well in this economy.
381 Posts
I have great plans. Doing as little as possible and catching up on sleep. I just had my 3rd baby in January and I am exhausted!!!
42 Posts
My 2 yr old has just been diagnosed with autism, so I'm going to spend lots of time for his intensive training etc....
190 Posts
Where I live, Spanish is very useful and my Spanish is horrible. I'm working summer school then spending a month in Guatemala at a language school in Quetzeltenango. They start as cheap as 160/week for 5 hr/day, 5 days a week private instruction and I can work in a clinic when I'm not at lessons.
994 Posts
i threw my hat in the ring for summer school, but that's only the first part of the summer and it's not a for sure thing yet. also, my twins (12y/o boys) will be visiting for the first 6 weeks. the back part of the summer will be spent doing a little traveling - my bestie just moved to ca, so i'll be going out for a vis with her. my dh will be deploying this summer, so i'm trying to fill my days so i don't have to think about it.
luvschoolnursing, LPN
651 Posts
Two weeks volunteering as the nurse at my church camp, one week working at Vacation Bible School, hopefully the rest of the summer floating on a raft in the pool!
325 Posts
How about a littlew sympathy for the school nursing supervisor who has to schedule coverage for all those summer schools and their many cool trips that I want to go on!!!! Just kidding I luv what I do but i am feeling a little jealous and a little needy right now!!!!
how about a littlew sympathy for the school nursing supervisor who has to schedule coverage for all those summer schools and their many cool trips that i want to go on!!!! just kidding i luv what i do but i am feeling a little jealous and a little needy right now!!!!
noreenl, hang in there sweetie ! hope you have a day that "rocks" ! :)