Published May 20, 2012
11 Posts
I graduated in December and had a hard time finding a job. I tried working at a nursing home for 4 days and couldn't hack it. Finally got a job in the hospital and and I think I have made a mistake wanting to become a nurse. I have been having anxiety attacks and been crying for about a week now. I miss my daughter sooo much when I am away and the thought of all the responsibility of a nurse is grating on me. I got hired in L&D which is something I thought I wanted to do for a long time as I knew Med Surg was a no go for me. I have a history of anxiety and have spent the last 4 years in school not working and making my husband support us as we struggled. I think I just tried to push away my feelings of not wanting to be a nurse because I thought I would just be able to do it. My husband is very very very upset with me and is basically saying he cant deal with me wasting the last 4 years of our life and he isn't going to stick around if I quit or want to go back to school. I am still orientating and haven't been on my own yet so I do feel like everyone thinks I am prematurely being a quiter. I had to go to the ER this morning because my anxiety will not wane and I was having a meltdown. I just want to stay home for a while till I feel better. If I could work from home or become a school nurse so I can have my holidays and weekends with my daughter that would be ok but new nurses dont have a lot of options.......someone please respond.
38,333 Posts
No matter what you do about your nursing career, you need to get ahold of yourself as far as the anxiety is concerned, or your health, happiness, family life, and marriage will suffer. See your doctor and help yourself. Good luck.
BlueDevil,DNP, DNP, RN
1,158 Posts
I agree. This has nothing to do with nursing and everything to do with requiring some behavioral health treatment/support. Seek it.
2,723 Posts
I'm going to 3rd this.
Get help for the anxiety. The natural impulse for humans is to avoid the things that bring on anxiety - and that's great, when it's a real danger.
Nursing is not a real danger. The stress of your new position could cause it, but it could also be temporary.
You don't want anxiety to make your choices for you. Go talk to your GP and maybe get a referral. Good luck :)
Anna Flaxis, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,816 Posts
I'm going to 4th this. Nursing is a stressful, anxiety provoking profession, particularly in the first year, but if you already struggle with panic attacks/anxiety/PTSD, you're going to have an even tougher time of it. You need to address the anxiety as a separate entity from your work.
I would imagine that you've struggled with it for a long time, and that you are aware of its source. You don't have to disclose personal information here, but I can only imagine what kinds of life experiences might be at the root of it all.
Get help. If you need medication temporarily to help you while you start cognitive/behavioral therapy, then do what you have to do. My advice is to not rely on medication alone; facing this kind of thing requires a LOT of work. A lot of painful work that you might not really *want* to do, but it sounds like you need to.
Best of luck to you!
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
You will not magically feel better by staying home. Only medical treatment will do that. Sounds like your marriage is on the line. Get help. This is not a career problem and will only increase every time you let it rob you of your life.
newtress, LPN
431 Posts
I'm not going to 5th this. I have anxiety, she has anxiety, we all have anxiety. I'm pretty sure the OP knows she needs to evaluate this. I just happen to think that LTC and L&D are overwhelming to a new nurse with 2 yrs schooling or 4 yrs. Perhaps CynthiaG after reducing your anxiety levels you could consider working a part time position, until you feel emotionally stronger to take on the serious responsibility that has your emotions doing the mambo to the point of crying. I thought it would be an awesome opportunity to do psych nursing and did end up crying in the med room very early on, but have not cried again since. I realize now that part of it was being so new to the responsibility of the meds and the patients. After a while the anxiety reduced. Give yourself a chance, a chance to see how strong you really are, you'll see.
tcvnurse, BSN, RN
249 Posts
I have to agree--Please seek counseling. While some anxiety and tears are not uncommon as a new grad (I myself cried all the way home from work for about the first couple of months), having to go to the ER is NOT AN EXPECTED OUTCOME. For your own well being, try to get some help.
**You might even have access to the Employee Assistance Program EAP with your job. :)
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
Are you currently on any rx for anxiety?
If you haven't tried any thing yet, you will be surprised how effective an anti-depressant (or whatever your doctor decides you need) can be!
Just don't let your GP prescribe for you, this treatment needs to be done by a specialist.
In the meantime.. try breathing /relaxation techniques.. EXERCISE and good old chamomile tea.
Good luck keep us posted.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
:hug:...i am concerned for you. i think maybe the depression is making it difficult for you to do well at work. it is also affecting your home environment. you need to seek help can get help and an eval at any emergency department. please seek assistance if you are feeling unsafe for any reason. there are other positions that can open to you with that one year experience. day surgery, pre-op, office nursing.......what about your dream of l&d nursing? i think your depression is causing you to not be able to do well in any aspect of your life......especially with your daughter.
the first year after nursing sucks big time. every new nurse feels they are not able to do the job and think they made a's normal.maybe you need some brain sheets to help you organize and feel more are a few.
ntp medsurg.doc 1 patient float.doc
5 pt. shift.doc
report sheet.doc
day sheet 2 doc.doc
critical thinking flow sheet for nursing students
i made some for nursing students and some other an members have made these for others.....adapt them way you want. i hope they help.
but if it is not for's not for you. but i think you need to address the mental health issues first before you throw in the towel on nursing.
please be safe......:hug:
NP Sam
476 Posts
I 57th this. There is a certain level of anxiety with being a new grad but type you experience goes beyond being comfortable with working as a nurse. Best of luck to you.
70 Posts
Message me!!! I have been in your shoes. I promise it gets better but you need to control your anxiety. I would love to chat with you!!