So...What Kind of Nursing Task Do You LIKE?

Nurses General Nursing


We've got a really good thread going on the kinds of nursing tasks we hate, so I thought I'd throw this one out there to get people talking about the kinds they actually enjoy doing.

For me it was IVs. I stunk at them for the first couple of years after I got out of school because I didn't have much of a chance to start them in the LTCs I worked in. But when I got into acute care, I didn't have a choice but to learn, and within a year I was getting calls from the ICU to come down and start an IV in someone they couldn't get a line in. Frequent flyers would actually request me by name to start their IVs because I could do it quickly and on the first try. I don't know why I had so much luck with the hard sticks, when sometimes I'd miss a big plump one in the hand; there was also the occasional shift where I wasn't "in the zone" and couldn't hit a barn door with a two-by-four. We all have those days. But I sure miss holding a 20-gauge angiocath in my hand and sliding that baby in smoothly and effortlessly. :yes:

Discharging your pt that came in bad, really bad.

Patient education.. especially to those I know are listening.

As many others have posted - bathing. Nothing can make you feel brand new like getting clean. It may only last for a short time, but for that time, sick or not, my patient feels better.

Specializes in Emergency.

And, I love the team effort of getting a STEMI off to the cath lab in 20 minutes. What a rush!

Yeah, this. I can do stemis all day long. Dog pile on the rabbit. "Going to the cath lab" sung to the tune of "going to a go-go". Dontcha wanna go?

Getting them from near death to leaving the unit alive 😊!

Teaching...patients, families, new grads, nursing students, residents, doctors 😳!

Specializes in ORTHO, PCU, ED.

My most favorite is the adrenaline-rush situations where you have to think and act fast. Doc is saying, "I need 2mg of Versed IV NOW"

I like IVs too and I like accessing port's. It seems the more you do those kinds of things, the better you get, and the more fun it gets.

I LOVE re-taping ETTs. I know that sounds weird, but nothing is more satisfying than when your baby is constantly de-satting, then you re-tape their ETT and you can magically wean their FiO2 considerably.


-IV starts and drawing cultures

-Giving baths, especially a first bath. In the NICU sometimes the baby is 3-4 weeks old and has never had one.

-Re-doing a PICC line dressing so it's all nice and occlusive

-Helping a parent take their baby out for skin-to-skin care for the first time

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

IM injections are my forte but ear lavages really take the cake. It is so rewarding and instantly satisfying when a huge chunk of wax build-up comes out of someone's ear and all of a sudden they can hear again.

IM injections are my forte but ear lavages really take the cake. It is so rewarding and instantly satisfying when a huge chunk of wax build-up comes out of someone's ear and all of a sudden they can hear again.

Yes, please!

Specializes in Med Surg.

I love starting IVs too.

This will sound weird and very few people will get it, but I like post mortem care. I love supporting the families and then respectfully preparing my patient for his or her next stop in the funeral home. There is something so special about caring for a person at the end of their life.

I like inserting lines and tubes in general (even rectal tubes), especially when I get it after others' multiple failed attempts.

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

I love therapeutic hypo- and normothermia. I love seeing those temps come down, knowing that their brain likes it. Extra love if I was the one to suggest putting a pt on the protocol.

I love explaining all our gadgets to family members. The ICU is a scary setting, and I like explaining what all of our equipment does to help the pt.

I love being able to give family pieces of good news.

I love bed baths--getting a pt nice and clean, on fresh, cool sheets. LOVE it.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I lke anything where I get to use my brains rather than my body! I like doing physical assessments, and admissions, understanding pathophys, pharmacology and when to call the Dr for new orders etc. I like spending time with my patients, meeting new people and learning from them.

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