So...What Kind of Nursing Task Do You LIKE?

Nurses General Nursing


We've got a really good thread going on the kinds of nursing tasks we hate, so I thought I'd throw this one out there to get people talking about the kinds they actually enjoy doing.

For me it was IVs. I stunk at them for the first couple of years after I got out of school because I didn't have much of a chance to start them in the LTCs I worked in. But when I got into acute care, I didn't have a choice but to learn, and within a year I was getting calls from the ICU to come down and start an IV in someone they couldn't get a line in. Frequent flyers would actually request me by name to start their IVs because I could do it quickly and on the first try. I don't know why I had so much luck with the hard sticks, when sometimes I'd miss a big plump one in the hand; there was also the occasional shift where I wasn't "in the zone" and couldn't hit a barn door with a two-by-four. We all have those days. But I sure miss holding a 20-gauge angiocath in my hand and sliding that baby in smoothly and effortlessly. :yes:

I like doing goofy (everything I do is goofy-style) ROM exercises with happy, old people. It's like a dance class to them and they really seem to enjoy the activity and interaction.

That me lol :lol2:

And that image also makes me really happy. Even though I exclusively do babies now, I loved outpatient geri: they were so happy to see you, you were so happy to see them, and you could end up having a blast!

Me too! It's like...whhhoooooooooooooop! Ta Dah!


That reminds me of a story my dad told me from his first week of residency decades ago. He was in an ICU with an open-heart post-op patient who was basically being kept alive by the balloon pump in his femoral artery. The patient pulled his pump; they look up, and he's sitting there holding the pump (which is supposed to be in his aorta) in his hand. *Ta Dah! Suprise!*

The stool definitely hit the fan on that one.

In addition the the awesome skills described above, I love me some neonatal ADLs. Especially bath time.

There is nothing more satisfying than deep-shampooing a baby with a full head of hair, then rinsing their heads off under the sink. They LOVE IT. It's like going to the spa.

By the end they look kinda like this....


Afterwards they smell amazing, and their hair poofs up into a little afro. Or, if the hair is super-straight, it sticks out like they stuck their finger in an electric socket. Satisfied baby, satisfied parents, satisfied nurse.

PS: Thank you for starting this thread!! It is so uplifting (even though the complaints threads can be pretty amusing, too...)

In addition the the awesome skills described above, I love me some neonatal ADLs. Especially bath time.

There is nothing more satisfying than deep-shampooing a baby with a full head of hair, then rinsing their heads off under the sink. They LOVE IT. It's like going to the spa.

Afterwards they smell amazing, and their hair poofs up into a little afro. Or, if the hair is super-straight, it sticks out like they stuck their finger in an electric socket. Satisfied baby, satisfied parents, satisfied nurse.

PS: Thank you for starting this thread!! It is so uplifting (even though the complaints threads can be pretty amusing, too...)

This is adorable. My older son had that fuzzy monkey newborn hair (which later fell out and became platinum blonde) and he was always so fluffy when the nurses brought him to me. Now I know why.

Specializes in Registered Nurse.

I like IV insertion too. It's least on the days I *can* hit the broadside of the barn! hahaha I also like to try my hand at foley insertion, when I can...I like the challenge. Had one that was really perlexing a couple days ago but got that baby in! Hooray! hmm....I guess that's it. I don't like drawing blood as much, especially from CL's.

Specializes in Registered Nurse.
Anything with pus. :blink:

Really....Nah!!! ??? LOL

On those days I can do a shampoo and shave, I just love how they look. Families really focus on the patients face, and when you can shave or shampoo, it really makes people happy. I carry my own shampoo that means business. None of those shower caps here-they don't clean like real shampoo.

Maybe I like these things because it means that the day has gone so well that beyond the basics of survival (assessments, meds and charting) there is time for those satisfying things that are further down the priority list.

EKGs, phlebotomy, bathing babies, latching babies....

If time is of no concern, wound care tops my list. I love putting the puzzle pieces together on a wound vac and really miss it. I do not get enough of a wound fix at my current job, but it's got other perks I like, such as IV starts, titrating drips, vents...

I also like to assist with bedside procedures like central line insertion and I and D.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

I like cathing that 'difficult' lady-patient ( squealy, moving around, contracted, fat, etc) who has what looks like multiple meatus' (meatii?) and getting urine returns on the very first try.

I love doing wound care and dsg. changes, especially on areas that are complicated....not only can I make the dsg comfortable and tidy, but I can make it stay in place until next dsg change is due. Have rec'd many compliments from pt. family, and other nurses, and requests that *I* be the one to change the dsg.

Also am noted for giving excellent injections. Not sure why or how, but my theory is: It's all in the wrist; some nurses kind of shove the needle in, but I pop it in so fast that it's done and over before they know it.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.
Also am noted for giving excellent injections. Not sure why or how, but my theory is: It's all in the wrist; some nurses kind of shove the needle in, but I pop it in so fast that it's done and over before they know it.

For those nurses who don't do it well I recommend becoming a T1DM. At some point, around 22 years and ~38,000 insulin injections, they'll get really good at it. Trust me. ;)

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
We talked about sex all day long!)

I know! I always say that I love that I can google sex-related issues at work all day long and not get in trouble. All in the name of patient education!

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