Should male nurses put the toilet seat down?

Nurses Relations


  1. Should male nurses put toilet seat down after use?

    • 80
      Yes (I am a woman)
    • 9
      No (I am a woman)
    • 21
      Yes (I am a man)
    • 18
      No (I am a man)

128 members have participated

I will post this as a poll. I will be voting yes, they should. Not only do I think it's common courtesy and a gentlemanly thing to do, but I think I have solid infection control rationale.

Think of it it. If a woman has to put down the seat before doing her business, she will be contaminating her hands, and then she has to wipe herself 'down there'. Maybe she is menstruating and has to perform an invasive procedure with a tampon.

On the other hand, men only have to aim and fire, maybe briefly touching the external part of their organ of urination. There is no chance of the men folk performing an invasive procedure.

I bring this up because it has become an issue in our workplace. Someone keeps leaving the seat up!

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.
When you hover, and spray the seat worse than any guy, though, could ya WIPE THE DANG THING OFF?! I've been in women's bathrooms that look like a sprinkler went off, and wonder how it's men who got a reputation for being disgusting. :barf02:

If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!

Yea, putting my hands on a seat that people pee and lay their rear end on is much more hygenic.. Those women would hover anyway. They hover because they don't want to touch the urinated seat, not because a shoe touched it.

Use some toilet paper if you're afraid of getting your hands dirty.

Specializes in corrections and LTC.

Oh how I wish I had time at work to even think of such a thing as staff toilet seats!

Specializes in Cardiac.

I just don't understand why seemingly EVERY female thinks it is their right to never touch a toilet seat? Why is it so deplorable for a male to leave it up? We need it up, you need it down. Why is this such a common power struggle? Who cares?!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I was raised that a gentleman puts the seat down. My dad always did, as did his dad before him. It may not make "sense" or be "logical" but if you do this, the women you work with will consider you a real gentleman who has good manners. Good manners are never bad..... So maybe, just do it.

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

At the risk of going against the grain, why should any contamination from the toilet matter if one is washing their hands properly on the way out?

Specializes in OB.

What a man should NOT do is laugh loudly when he hears the cursing from behind the bathroom door when a female coworker doesn't see the raised seat. Remark such as "Not used to having a man around, are you?" Are also not conducive to good coworker relations!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I know when a certain dude I work with who never puts the seat down uses the restroom, I will be lowering the seat. I always wad up toilet paper and handle the seat with that. And yes, of course, I wash my hands.

Actually, if you are concerned about infection control, wouldn't you rather it be left up?

Would you rather a man touch the seat with his hand right after he touched his member and probably got urine on his hand and therefore is getting urine on the seat? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of putting the seat up anyway?

Actually, if you are concerned about infection control, wouldn't you rather it be left up?

Would you rather a man touch the seat with his hand right after he touched his member and probably got urine on his hand and therefore is getting urine on the seat? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of putting the seat up anyway?

Just grab some toilet paper and lower it - no big deal...

I agree, and, in order to prevent such "contamination" in addition to using my foot... I also make it a habit to wash my hands before and after. Can't be too safe!

I always wash first if I am at work.

However I do not think it is ever and I mean ever ok to use your feet. Use a glove if need be.

I also remember having a "discussion " with someone about men not wiping pee when it gets on the seat; I pointed out that the discharge on the inside front of the seat often comes from women.

Not a complaint, just an observation.

I think it is extremely rude when the toilet seat is left up. One male nurse I worked with would also pee all over the seat and not even wipe up his mess...

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