Published Aug 4, 2015
8 Posts
So I've done the Kaplan Sample Test 4 which is mostly Select All that Apply questions and did terribly -- 24%. In all the other question trainers and qbank, I've improved my scores from 40-50% and am now consistently getting 50-65s%. I've heard that people have gotten a lot of select all that apply questions on the exam and was wondering if this was true and how difficult you found them. Any info/advice would help and ease my nerves! Thanks
Nienna Celebrindal
613 Posts
I got a lot on mine. I got a lippincott SATA practice book. When I started I was doing terribly, in the low 30s as far as percent. But by half way through the boot I was in the 80s and 90s. I honestly think for me I needed to learn how to read the questions and know what they were looking for. I really think practice and getting comfortable is key.
421 Posts
No disrespect, OP, but if you aren't an RN yet, you really shouldn't put it on your username. You aren't a registered nurse yet, so you really shouldn't use the title of one.
Good luck, anyhow.
11 Posts
Don't worry too much about your score. The first time I did the Kaplan Qbank SATA I had 22%. Today in my Nclex rn, I had 12 SATA and they were simple. I also had only 2 math questions, and about 11 questions on maternity and peds combined. ohh did I say that I PASSED! so worry on practice and more practice and rationals. Kaplan is awesome!
How do you know you passed if you just took it today?
34 Posts
Hi! I just passed the Nclex-RN last week and had around 16 SATA. I've read that the number of SATA questions do not mean anything because they may be above or below passing level. However, I found the nclex and the SATA style questions much more straightforward than Kaplan. I really did not find Kaplan the least bit helpful, but everyone is different. My Kaplan instructor said the last two Kaplan trainers are the most like that actual nclex. I took the last two trainers a few days before I tested and scored 65% on 6 and 69% on 7 and passed the nclex in 75 questions. Best of luck to you.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
What State are you in that posts license information on the very same day that the NCLEX is taken? While it's certainly possible that the Quality Assurance (second scoring) of your exam could happen in less than 24 hours, having that info available on a BoN website the SAME DAY is unheard of. Where is this?
1,303 Posts
Actually that happened to me. I was in DC. I took my NCLEX RN back in 06' early in the AM, later that afternoon it was posted on the DC BON. I was floored and didn't believe it, so I waited the 48 hours and did the quick results, of course it stated passed. But I was shocked. A good friend of mine called me later that afternoon and said "Hello RN 111111111 (license number) how is it going. I told him, I just took the test, not passed yet. He said , oh but you did, look in the BON. I did, but was in disbelief
Remarkable! I imagine the California candidates are anything but happy to hear how fast other States manage to pull this off.....
Every now and then someone will insist that there is no such thing as a Quality Assurance review (done at some point during the 24 hours following EVERY NCLEX) because they found their license number on the BoN website the next day (18 hours or whatever).
Pearson Vue releases the results to the State whenever that QA check is complete (it really does happen, LOL).....and it seems that for some States that are way on top of their game, it translates into a FAST online update. How nice for those candidates! :)
Mavrick, BSN, RN
1,578 Posts
WOW for Washington!!
Oh, you meant the other Washington.
Well, let's give a shout out to one efficient BoN. (Sorry California)
Jaykalkyn, BSN, RN
144 Posts
I hear the next test plan will contain significantly more SATA questions. For what its worth, I hear that the questions are more straight forward than what we've seen on Kaplan.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Where did you hear that from as the information regarding the next test plan is still being developed. I personally know someone who is on the team of nurse educators that write/develop NCLEX questions for RN & PN. She laughs a lot at the rumors regarding what is a passing question and other statements.