Published Sep 7, 2005
12 Posts
Does anyone know the rule for putting acronyms behind your name? I have a BSN. I got that first, then the RN. So am I BSN, RN? Or RN,BSN? It's confusing, since there are so many RNs who have returned to school to get their BSN (RN,BSN?). And what about specialty designations such as CCRN? Any help from some of the seasoned nurses out there, would be appreciated.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Does anyone know the rule for putting acronyms behind your name? I have a BSN. I got that first, then the RN. So am I BSN, RN? Or RN,BSN? It's confusing, since there are so many RNs who have returned to school to get their BSN (RN,BSN?). And what about specialty designations such as CCRN? Any help from some of the seasoned nurses out there, would be appreciated.Thanks!
If you got your bachelor's degree before in nursing....did you do a bridge and earned a BSN? Or is the Bachelors degree in another field?
As far as I know it would be RN first then BSN (if your bachelor's is in nursing). THen your specialties I guess. :)
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Usually start with your title...RN....then add BSN, MSN, PhD, CCRN....etc.
6,011 Posts
I start and end with the RN. The rest of the alphabet usually stays in my file cabinet and picture frames.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
You know, I've seen it both ways...RN, BSN/ BSN, RN. I think it is of personal preference.
475 Posts
It's all BS to me.
118 Posts
Actually, you should put your highest degree first, followed by your license, then certifications in the order your received them. Your degree is first because it is yours and cannot be taken away from you, your license and your certifications can be revoked and therefore are usually listed after your degree. You will always have your BSN but your RN and other certifications can be taken from you...
So it would be BSN, RN, CCRN, so on...
Hope this helps...
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Just to confuse you further. I heard you start with your license and then go from lowest degree/certification to highest.
1,046 Posts
Actually, you should put your highest degree first, followed by your license, then certifications in the order your received them. Your degree is first because it is yours and cannot be taken away from you, your license and your certifications can be revoked and therefore are usually listed after your degree. You will always have your BSN but your RN and other certifications can be taken from you...So it would be BSN, RN, CCRN, so on...Hope this helps...
This is what I have heard as well and how I sign my name.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
This is what we were taught in school, and I believe it follows the APA format for publishing.
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
I thought the rule was lowest to highest - although I also heard that PhD actually stands for "Piled Higher and Deeper":chuckle
10 Articles; 19,012 Posts
playing the credentials game
mary c. smolenski, fnp, np-c, edd
through informal research, i have found the general rule of thumb to be, "follow your name with the credential that can least be taken away from you, in descending order, with awards or fellowships last."