Pornography in schools. Is this "grooming" our children as some angry parents believe?



The use of such rhetoric, opponents of the new laws argue, underscores a nationwide push by conservatives to make education a political wedge issue by equating certain teaching materials and educators with Mediaography and even pedophilia. This latest trend is another volley in the country’s ongoing culture wars, during which conservative lawmakers also have opposed the teaching of “critical race theory” and proposed bills requiring schools to post all course materials online so parents can review them.

I think this is just another example of conservative Americans getting agitated by right wing rhetoric and propaganda. 

Here's a video compilation and represention of how emotional and aggressive these agitated people are. 

Here is a list of books under fire from conservatives. Does anyone know of any other compilation of those titles?

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
5 hours ago, HiddenAngels said:

I also think parents should be informed of what their children are being introduced to especially at such a young age.

 Around the time when they start teaching Sex ED, diseases. reproduction.  and topics such as these because we live in an ever advancing  technological age, parents should have hopefully talked to their growing children about the birds and the bees.  These are usually around middle school years when bodies start to change and kids become more curious. 
I do see the concern with small children since Media and other sexually explicit material is just a fingertap away. Shoot you accidentally click the wrong button or type the wrong thingy and all hell breaks loose on your phone or compute .  But I digress…

The video was sad and just uncomfortable.  I saw so much chaos. We always see news headlines and say “huh” “why?” “OMG!” Etc.. but with the behaviors and the anger in some of these people faces just from someone speaking their truth, I can see the answers to the reasons why and how? 

School board meetings shouldn't be fraught with danger while angry, uninformed parents scream at people who volunteer to be on school boards.  I'm still waiting to hear what kind of sexual material is being introduced to young children.  I've yet to see any evidence of ANY.  Tucker Carlson has influenced their belief systems to accept anything he says without offering evidence.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
13 hours ago, Weetywill said:

I do not want to pay taxes to a school that doesn't include parents in what content material they provide our children. Inappropriate or not. 

I'd rather leave that in the hands of the professionals. People have PhDs in such matters.  Parents will dumb down  their children to the real world and to history.  And they want to force thier own beliefs on others.  "Mediaography and grooming" are false narratives and scare tactics.  

We've already agreed Mediaograpgy should be banned.  Duh

10 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:


Shrugs... just going by your words.  

I don't recall saying that there haven't been inappropriate books in schools.  There have long been pathways for parents to question the presence of some content in school libraries and classrooms. The Catcher in the Rye was part of that buzz around innapropriate books when I was younger. Which books were challenged or removed when you were in school...To Kill a Mockingbird, The Scarlet Letter? 

Why are parents agitated and shouting at meetings rather than just following the procedures for challenging books? What has them so animated and aggressive? Is it their preferred media?


I think that it is partially media and mostly because they are parents. Parents have a natural instinct to protect their baby's.  

Allot of parents discovered how subjects are taught and how during covid and remote learning on-line.  Somethings parents may want to teach their children themselves certain subjects. 

I do see that there is a program in place in which parents can restrict what their children check out from the school library. That seems reasonable to me. 

It doesn't address the issue of why would and should there be books with graphic sexual and or violent content in schools. 

I do not recall any controversial books during my school years. I'm sure there were a few but nothing that sticks out. 

40 minutes ago, Tweety said:

I'd rather leave that in the hands of the professionals. People have PhDs in such matters.  Parents will dumb down  their children to the real world and to history.  And they want to force thier own beliefs on others.  "Mediaography and grooming" are false narratives and scare tactics.  

We've already agreed Mediaograpgy should be banned.  Duh

I agree partially with what you say. Except people with PhD are not free of personal bias. It's really easy to get several like minded highly educated professionals who may have simular ideologies or political leanings. This is where the parents and community come in. It has to be a collaborative approach. 

Yes we agree that Mediaographly should not be in schools, but not everyone agrees to what Mediaography is. And there is a dual standard between "straight" Mediaography and LGBTQ Mediaography. 

Another consideration that I have encountered is when a LGBTQ book with graphic sexual acts is is question, the conversation always ends up about homophobia/transphobia etc. Instead of the content of the book. School officials feel obligated to immediately defend such books (for fear of not being inclusive) and parents are  immediately accused of being discrimatory. "Groomer' vs "homophobe".

Then comes is on the hysterics of "homophobia" and "grooming". 

Schools need to be a politically neutral place where children can learn and not have to deal with political issues at school from their parents or school officials. 

4 hours ago, subee said:

School board meetings shouldn't be fraught with danger while angry, uninformed parents scream at people who volunteer to be on school boards.  I'm still waiting to hear what kind of sexual material is being introduced to young children.  I've yet to see any evidence of ANY.  Tucker Carlson has influenced their belief systems to accept anything he says without offering evidence.

Agree. I actually haven’t seen any draft content or even a sense of direction of what they purport to be sexual and grooming and FORCED on children.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
45 minutes ago, Weetywill said:

I agree partially with what you say. Except people with PhD are not free of personal bias. It's really easy to get several like minded highly educated professionals who may have simular ideologies or political leanings. This is where the parents and community come in. It has to be a collaborative approach. 

Yes we agree that Mediaographly should not be in schools, but not everyone agrees to what Mediaography is. And there is a dual standard between "straight" Mediaography and LGBTQ Mediaography. 

Another consideration that I have encountered is when a LGBTQ book with graphic sexual acts is is question, the conversation always ends up about homophobia/transphobia etc. Instead of the content of the book. School officials feel obligated to immediately defend such books (for fear of not being inclusive) and parents are  immediately accused of being discrimatory. "Groomer' vs "homophobe".

Then comes is on the hysterics of "homophobia" and "grooming". 

Schools need to be a politically neutral place where children can learn and not have to deal with political issues at school from their parents or school officials. 

Parents and the community have had input into school literature for decades, do you agree? Parents and the community elect the school board members and can participate in those board meetings, expressing their views.  They've had that freedom and power for many decades. 

Why are these social conservatives so inflamed and angry?

5 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Parents and the community have had input into school literature for decades, do you agree? Parents and the community elect the school board members and can participate in those board meetings, expressing their views.  They've had that freedom and power for many decades. 

Why are these social conservatives so inflamed and angry?

Exactly and I don’t remember seeing half as many parents attending these school board meetings with such outrage and downright insufferable behavior.

38 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Parents and the community have had input into school literature for decades, do you agree? Parents and the community elect the school board members and can participate in those board meetings, expressing their views.  They've had that freedom and power for many decades. 

Why are these social conservatives so inflamed and angry?

I do agree they have been 8nv9lved and participating in meeting for years . However I do not believe  specifically that parents knew or understood what gets placed in school libraries or used lesson material. Or how it's selected. They may have been involved for years but these types of books are relatively new. They do have the freedom and power and now they are using it. 

I think parents got a different view into classrooms during covid and did not understand fully what was available to their children. 

Where as I do not tend to assign political affiliation to groups of people, I agree these parents are most likely conservatives. However in Deerborn specifically, I do not think this is the case. 

Would it be wrong in assuming that by most part that Muslium Americans are usually democrats? Dearborn is a highly Muslium area and they were a large part of those parent/school committee meetings. I wonder if some media has under reported that? 

23 minutes ago, HiddenAngels said:

Exactly and I don’t remember seeing half as many parents attending these school board meetings with such outrage and downright insufferable behavior.

There is allot of mention of media influencing the parents behavior. 

Do you think that it would be entertaining for media to show videos in which parents with the same concerns who behave appropriately? How many meeting happen where there is no insufferable behavior? In comparison to inappropriate behavior? I think some believe these parents have been frenzied up due to their media choices. Is it not feasible to consider that other media is doing the same in regards to parents behavior? 

I think we all need to be aware of what media presents to us and what is not presented to us. 

It's easy to cherry pick a video and show only that part if the situation. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Parents are influenced by more than media:


Experts say trend is accelerating as groups push for bans of works that often address race, LGBTQ issues and marginalized people

Adam Gabbatt


Mon 24 Jan 2022 05.00 EST

Conservative groups across the US, often linked to deep-pocketed rightwing donors, are carrying out a campaign to ban books from school libraries, often focused on works that address race, LGBTQ issues or marginalized communities.


Groups purporting to be “grassroots” efforts have frequently led the charge, petitioning school boards or elected officials to remove certain books. Though some of these organizations present themselves as a local effort that sprang up around groups of parents united behind a cause, many of the groups involved in banning books are in fact linked, and backed by influential conservative donors.

Most of the books relate to race or gender equality, at a time when some Republicans are mounting an effort to prevent teaching on race in schools by launching a loud campaign against critical race theory, an academic discipline that examines the ways in which racism operates in US laws and society.


16 minutes ago, nursej22 said:

Perhaps parents and some Repinlicans do not agree with teaching race etc in a way that has several similarities of CRT, a class in university law school and is a theory. It is in university because it requires a developmental mind set to see it for what it is and process it correctly. Children's minds are not developed enough for that. Children usually do not associate with eachother in the confines of race or gender. Presenting CRT type ideas to children can cause issues of inferiority, shame and animosity if not delivered correctly. 

This is in no way saying that we do not teach children the history of racism etc. I think the primary issue is how it is being taught. Also I know that the actual CRT course is not being delivered in schools, as it is in law schools. However as in another post I  was informed, in so many words,you don't have to check all the boxes of fascism to have fascist like ideas and values. (Paraphrased).  

Also, if parents object to the way in which the schools are delivering race education, then they can vote on the school committee and for the side in which their values align or in our regular elections. If the people do not agree with the conservatives running this topic  in their campaigns, then they can vote them out. However if the majority of the people do agree, they can vote them in. The people decide through their votes. Democracy! 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I thought this thread was about Mediaography in schools?

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